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Herald of Oblivion Box Thoughts

Hateful Darkblack

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I got it in the mail yesterday and was super excited. Last night I put it all together.

Here are my thoughts so far:

1. It feels like a lot of the gotchyas have gone away -- no necks that look like they might be sprue. All the pieces have their parts close together, and labelled on the sprue, which is perfect. Big improvement over last year's batch of unlabeled or number-and-letter labelled parts!

2. The instructions are super-handy! I'm glad they're doing this.

3. The closest thing I have to a complaint: I don't like Tara's mutant left arm. The style doesn't seem right. It reminds me of times when I was drawing as a teenager and would add a monster arm because I wasn't good at drawing real arms yet. The rest looks amazing, but that monster arm doesn't look as good as the rest of the monster parts in the set.

4. Karina looks amazing! I love her wary yet sassy pose, and the boots coming out the bottom of the skirt are perfect.

5. The Nothing Beast is awesome. And totally ftaghn.

6. My favorites, though, are the Void Wretches. They're ADORABLE! Who's a misbegotten little three-legged Qlippothic entity? Who's a good little misbegotten Qlippothic entity? YOU ARE, VOID WRETCH. Such a good little blasphemy against reality. Yes you are!

7. I based everything on the Graveyard metal insert bases, which worked well. The Void Wretches look especially awesome crawling up and around the tombstones and whatnot. I love the way their feet twist in every which direction -- somehow though I found a surface for each of them to crawl on. Void Wretches definitely look better when they're scuttling across something.

8. The Nightmare Nothing Beast didn't need a metal insert base, and in fact couldn't possibly use a metal insert base. The Nothing Beast is pretty much its own base insert.

9. I still like the heft of metal pieces. So I used metal inserts for most of them. Then I filled the Nothing Beast's hollow center with pennies. What lurks within the heart of the Nothing Beast, you ask? Copper and Abraham Lincoln. The weight feels perfect on it that way.

10. Really glad I purchased them. I'm very much looking forward to playing them! (And thanks to last year's Gen Con reward, I already have some Miss Terious Death Marshalls to use with them!)

Thanks, Wyrd! Super big kudos! (And especially for such fast delivery!)

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Ooh, I never would have thought to fill the models with metal! I like the satisfying weight of pewter minis too. Your idea: I am stealing it. Just in case that wasn't clear.

Please do. It was actually my friend Chris's suggestion. At first I thought it was throwing money away, and then I realized that it was a lot cheaper than other options for models.

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Please do. It was actually my friend Chris's suggestion. At first I thought it was throwing money away, and then I realized that it was a lot cheaper than other options for models.

I orginally used fishing weights to weigh bases down. Then I realised it was cheaper and a lot easier just to use pennies. Turns out it works better too. Also tried using plaster, but messy and didn't weigh enough.

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6. My favorites, though, are the Void Wretches. They're ADORABLE! Who's a misbegotten little three-legged Qlippothic entity? Who's a good little misbegotten Qlippothic entity? YOU ARE, VOID WRETCH. Such a good little blasphemy against reality. Yes you are!

Couldn't help it. The image you described wouldn't go away so i had to draw it :D


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I like running her with a pair of Death Marshall's and a pair of Void Wretches. I feel the Pine Box gives me some more Burying options and I feel more options are always good.

Do you think if I used the Multipart model it would be a problem? I have a Miss T coming but I would like to have my Death Marshals match.

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