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When can we expect our Gencon orders to show up?


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Just a quick update for folks ... though I hear the groaning already.

Con Crud .. or someone brought in the stomach flu, whatever it is, it's not pretty, has finally hit the warehouse and knocked my crew from seven to two. They are still making their way through the process but now slowed for a day or so before the others make it back in (and I'll likely loose these other two as it hits them). Oh yay!

Ladies are processing labels as quickly as possible, so a fair few are going out today.

Books, folks have been asking after that. Ran out of those yesterday, but we'll be back in stock Friday morning. Was supposed to be Monday, but customs decided to hold onto it a couple extra days before letting our shipping guys get it.

Plugging along, assuming the books get here in time, and the whole warehouse isn't down and out, I'm trying to rah-rah them into finishing up this week.

Thanks again for your support.

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You're order was in on the 15th, the webstore went live on the 14th and there was a full days worth of orders that got in before you - which was quite a number.

Checking your order online, you're right, you're should have already been processed and there are only two reasons why it might not have left as of yet. First would be if you had an e-check payment, which basically puts you back of the line by the time payment gets processed. That said, doesn't look like that was the case with you.

Other reason is it's likely already packaged and ready to go, just didn't go out due to the issue with domestic shipping we had (Fedex domestic shipping software went down for the day, yay). It was back up today but it takes time to get through. Hopefully we'll see it out tomorrow.

Thanks for the update Nathan.

My bad on the date, I thought Gencon started on a Thursday, It is good to hear that the order will be shipping soon.

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Hmmmm...I did orders 16881 and 16888 and haven't heard a thing...CUTTER!

Yeah, I'm like 16835 and still just processed. It's what you need to expect for a GenCon weekend order. I've done it enough times now to know the routine. They get slammed, they all get sick, blah, blah....par for the course. They'll get well and get back to work when they can and I'll get my stuff when I get it. Would I be happy if I had it now? Sure, but I'll be just as happy if I get it next week.

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You're order was in on the 15th, the webstore went live on the 14th and there was a full days worth of orders that got in before you - which was quite a number.

Checking your order online, you're right, you're should have already been processed and there are only two reasons why it might not have left as of yet. First would be if you had an e-check payment, which basically puts you back of the line by the time payment gets processed. That said, doesn't look like that was the case with you.

Other reason is it's likely already packaged and ready to go, just didn't go out due to the issue with domestic shipping we had (Fedex domestic shipping software went down for the day, yay). It was back up today but it takes time to get through. Hopefully we'll see it out tomorrow.

This quote was in reference to order #16426. Mine is #16344 (placed Thursday at around 2:45p) and is still at processed only. Any clue when my order might be ready? As an aside, I live in Norcross which is only around 30 minutes from Kenessaw, so if that is where it would be shipping from, I'm totally willing to drive over there and pick it up. :)

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Well hopefully they got the books that Nathan said where going to be out of customs & at the warehouse, plus i hope everybody feels better. Knowing all of this still doesn't stop me from looking multiple times a day at my order desperately wanting it to say anything but processed.

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I do not mean to be rude or impatient given the vast number of other customers waiting on orders, but may I just ask how long an order would normally go without a status change?

As I'm a little concerned there may be something wrong with mine.

My order has not had a status change either - I assume that some of them might not have yet - I wonder if it due to some of the issues with the Viks box set.

I have heard on the grapevine that the first lot of UK orders showed up today - so we might not have too much longer to wait.

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I think a vast majority of folks forget that we didn't start shipping these the day you placed the order. As a matter of fact we posted it on the website, forums and store that nothing would start shipping until August 22nd.

Now take into account that there are weekends in there where shipping doesn't go out, as well as a holiday (Labor Day), seven work/shipping days have passed. Today, day eight, everything will be finished and completed.

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AAAHHHH!!! So got my order today. Freaked out cause the main thing and most expensive item I ordered wasn't there. No Herald of Obliteration even though it was initialed on the sheet. Instead I got a rule book I didn't order. Already placed in a form telling them whats up, but WTH. Viks came and Miss Step was there. somewhat happy :Paralyzed_Puppet:

yeah my Herald of Obliteration just came today. Almost 2 weeks since my inquiry but I am happy. Thank you Nathan!


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