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Rules 2.0 concern


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I'm a newbie that just got into the game. Can anyone please definitively answer the following question for me?

1) In an email I just received today, wyrd now has a new "Children of December" (Rasptina) crew, and a "Guild of judgement" (Lady Justice) crew. I have recently purchased the Lady Justice AND Rasputina crew. Are my two existing crews now outdated? As I have recently discovered Malifaux and put a lot of money in what I have already...hopefully everything so far is playable in 2.0.

2) For playing in rules 2.0, do I need new cards for compatibility (for any or all my characters)?

3) Perhaps as a tie-in to my second question, for playing rules 2.0 are there any confirmed characters that will no longer be usable? I heard Misaki is one...which is a favorite of mine from the 10 thunders set.

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All models you already own, with the exception of potentially two, are perfectly valid. These are new sculpts, but in no way do they invalidate the old ones. You will need to get the Arsenal Packs, which have the rules for the 2.0 versions of the characters, and those run $8 a faction for the Wave 1 models.

The models that are not going to be valid are Misaki the Mercenary and Hamelin the Ratcatcher, as both are now fully replaced by their Master renditions.

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I'm a newbie that just got into the game. Can anyone please definitively answer the following question for me?

1) In an email I just received today, wyrd now has a new "Children of December" (Rasptina) crew, and a "Guild of judgement" (Lady Justice) crew. I have recently purchased the Lady Justice AND Rasputina crew. Are my two existing crews now outdated? As I have recently discovered Malifaux and put a lot of money in what I have already...hopefully everything so far is playable in 2.0.

2) For playing in rules 2.0, do I need new cards for compatibility (for any or all my characters)?

3) Perhaps as a tie-in to my second question, for playing rules 2.0 are there any confirmed characters that will no longer be usable? I heard Misaki is one...which is a favorite of mine from the 10 thunders set.

1/2)The models are still fine to use, but you'll need the new cards. Really the only difference in most of the new boxes is that you get the master specific totem in them.

3)Minion versions of Misaki and Hamelin will no longer have rules. They are both still playable masters (well one of them is still waiting for his rules), just they can't be taken as minions any more.

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1) all your crews are still usable. I have extensive collections of models for the Ressers and Neverborn, and the only one I'm thinking of picking up that I already have is Seamus, mainly because in the new paradigm I need more belles, and I like the new sculpt of Sybelle better, but will still continue to use the original Seamus Sculpt.

2) You will need new cards. The cards for 1.0 are not really compatible for 2.0. However the entire faction of cards can be had from the Arsenal Packs available for $8.00 each.

3) the only models which have no analogue in 2.0 are the minion models of Misaki and Hamelin, as both are now Masters, and there would be little point in recreating minion versions of those models. However those models are still usable as the master version of the model.

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And just to point out the obvious, picking up the new rulebook might not be a bad idea, either. It has the stats for all of the Wave 1 models in it - including Lady J and Rasputina - so in theory you could just play your crews out of that without needing to purchase the Arsenal Packs.

But having cards for your models is really handy, so the Arsenal Packs are still a good idea.

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Thanks for the responses! I haven't heard of the arsenal packs...but I'll assume they will be coming out at at the on-line store the same time as the v2 rule book?

Last q...do the fate decks I have still work, or because of new factions and stuff will those need an upgrade as well?

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Sorry, VERY last 2 questions...

1) I have the small rules manual, rising powers, twisting fates and storm of shadows books...does the rules book v2 replace ALL those? Or just the base rules manual more or less?

2) I saw a link to a beta 5_31 edition of v2 rules. I plan to obviously buy the rulebook when it comes out (not being cheap), but does anyone know if the rules in v2 will be what is included there, or could it be a confusing (or) waste of time at this point to study those (I should just wait another week til the book is available for purchase)? I also saw in the zip file "full stat cards"...are these the "arsenal packs" being referred to, and is what is there valid? Again, I plan to buy them, I just am curious/wanting to know. Thanks!

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Also, it may be of importance to note that the Ice Golem from Rasputina's box *might* be on a 50mm base, which is a difference from the original box. This is not too major but does have weight on official tournaments and such, as once m2e is officially released in full, a 40mm base will not do anymore (besides, a bigger base means more threat range! lol).

Just bear in mind that we don't know this for 100% certain as all things are unconfirmed until someone gets their hands on the rules or stat cards of models like those.

~Lil Kalki

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There are several files out in the wild from the Beta test Wyrd did in June/July.

Whilst reading these will give you a good idea on what he rules will be, and the model stats will be, they were changed on a weekly basis, and sometimes with major changes so the final release version may not look the same as the beta version you download.

If you are the sort of person who will get confused by reading two different versions of the rules in quick sucession and not remember which is which then I would suggest waitign until the official rules are out (if you buy them at gencon/online durign Gencon). If you're not going to get them then, it will be a month or so before you can get them in the shop and it migth be worth reading them.

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