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How will you kill the time....


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I'm going to sit here and watch what all of you do/post periodically!

That depends entirely on how long Wyrd takes to get the rules up.

I might go play MERCS ;)

How is that game by the way? I've been intrigued by it off and on but it's so dang expensive. Almost $100 for 6 figs? No thanks.

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Meh there's only what 70 people here....it'll be fine, now give me the beta rules please

70 people in this subforum perhaps. The main forum page says there are 280 people online currently (including guests), and I'm sure that's only going to shoot up as more people get home from work/school.

Personally, I'm wrapping up work, heading home in 20 minutes, and likely relaxing with a little dinner and unwinding from a long week. Maybe paint up a figure or three. Was nice to knock 5 out earlier this week, maybe try to keep the momentum up and aim to finish my remaining 29 on the backlog in the next couple of months. Gotta clear out space for when the Robotech miniatures game dumps like 150 figures in my lap at once.

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Mercs... How is that game by the way? I've been intrigued by it off and on but it's so dang expensive. Almost $100 for 6 figs? No thanks.

You're looking at it all wrong. It's $65 for an entire faction right now. That means, even if you don't like it, you're only losing $65.

That being said, you won't dislike it. It's good stuff. It's quick, the movement is cool, and it has nice firefight action. Oh, and the minis don't disappoint, gorgeous.

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I'm sat in a hotel reception awaiting the arrival of 44 tourists from Singapore, who are going to be disappointed to find that one of their rooms has been double booked and so there's not enough beds for all of them. Watching that play out is gonna be *at least* as entertaining as reading the M2E rules.

Don't ask.

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