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M2E Podcast Roundup Info Masters

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It'll be interesting to see how dual-faction'ing expands Lucius' Guild crew building choices (if at all). I've got pretty much the entire lineup at this point (barring some Avatars and a couple of models I feel are utterly useless for my playstyle), so if it only really changes if he's leading Neverborn as the declared faction, that's not a big change.

Similarly, if I can run McMourning as Guild and use mostly (or all) Guild figures well, that's not a big deal, but at this point I have so many masters and figures I doubt I'll be into buying another dozen+ to round out his crew options.

So I'm intrigued, and excited, but I'm tempering that with a fairly firm stance of being okay with picking up a few things here and there, but not really looking to expand to several entire lineups. Basically, my entire Guild collection fits in my Battlefoam bag, hoping to keep it that way. :-P

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I'm surprised Nicodem isnt dual faction Guild as well, it fits storyline. And I think Levi should definitely be dual Outcast/Resser. If he is I will definitely get him (providing Im happy with the new ruleset).

Got just about all the guild models, was going to sell them...now I may hold off on that.

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Fluff wise, McM makes perfect sense as does Lucius... I hope Colette gets dual faction Outcast so she can take her Oiran for 4 pts! ;D

Colette doesn't need to be Outcast. She just needs errata that she can take any showgirl at no extra cost.

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We want all teh robots! :)

The correct quote should be "All your robots are belong to us"

Hoff with rail golem, yes please!

And finally McM gets to use some of those guild resources. The past few years must have just been his Guild part time trial period now he's a full time employee.

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Why? Colette doesn't have a monopoly on showgirls.

(Don't get me wrong - she's my fave master and the reason I got into the game in the first place.)

No, but showgirls would probably normally be working at her club. Lynch doesn't have a monopoly on woes. Molly doesn't have a monopoly on horrors. There are several leaders that can hire a specific type of model out of faction without paying +1. It would make sense for Colette. I would not like to see her as dual faction outcast because I really don't think she belongs there. Letting her buy any showgirl would prevent that. Although, it would give her Beckoners, too. That would be dirty.

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Please, please don't get Molly wrong again. I fear that she might remain underpowered in an attempt not to over react to her current underpoweredness as a leader. Like Ogre Kingdoms did in their second book for WHFB, forgetting the minging looking tiger riders.

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Omg my dreams have come true I can now play MCM with ranged backup and maybe a few other sweet guild goodies that don't go quish by second round hell ya it's time tear up some unfriendlies. And could see Raspi being dual faction as outcast since her and the December cult at some odds .... Loving it!!!

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