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How to transport plastic Malifaux miniatures? :)


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Hiya folks!

Just wondering, how do you guys go about transporting your beautiful plastic Malifaux miniatures, without them snapping? They are awesomely detailed and as such, have very small, thin pieces that I'd hate to snap! :)

I have been thinking magnetizing a 'really-useful-box', but I am a sucker for foam cases. Just wondered if anyone had any other solutions/pics/horror stories!



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Resort to egg cartons, like I use for storing my Reaper minis?

For my metal Malifaux, I have two of the Battlefoam bags (which my collection has long since outgrown), but I find that swords still get bent, etc.

For plastic, I'm considering going the magnet route. Maybe look for a good tool box or parts tray, or find a decent tackle box.

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Very carefully.

I've the Battlefoam bag for my metal models but the new plastic ones I use a nice foam briefcase from a UK company - with opposing dimples on each side to keep the models secure but not damaged.


Several players at one of the Game Stores I used to frequent in San Diego (shout out Pair A Dice games) swore by the Cheap Walmart Rifle cases for transporting their Games Workshop plastic models.

Aside from drawing the occasional strange look from people outside the store on game night they carried a ton.

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Several players at one of the Game Stores I used to frequent in San Diego (shout out Pair A Dice games) swore by the Cheap Walmart Rifle cases for transporting their Games Workshop plastic models.

Aside from drawing the occasional strange look from people outside the store on game night they carried a ton.

I'd think that'd be an even more common approach around here, or down in your neck of the bayou.

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Several players at one of the Game Stores I used to frequent in San Diego (shout out Pair A Dice games) swore by the Cheap Walmart Rifle cases for transporting their Games Workshop plastic models.

Aside from drawing the occasional strange look from people outside the store on game night they carried a ton.

Yeah, strange looks ... then the at 4am on a Sunday morning your house be stormed by the cops lol

Bt the 'dimple' foam I may look into for plastic models. I believe Games Workshop early cases were like these. But would not know where to go to get any now, any one know? As worried my Wong's arms may snap off.

Also heard that the box set sword Vikki's arms are well known for snapping off in transit. So any one got any ideas how to transport these? Especially as once I get around to painting it I am posting her down to a friend who said wants one a miniature I have painted, and he picked out that model.

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Yep the old style briefcase GW cases had dimple foam but this one I can't remember where I got it. Been looking at my old emails to find it, if I do I will update you on it. Very good but terrible customer service.

Edit: Here it is - Figures In Comfort

There were some extenuating circumstances as I recall (hospital treatment was mentioned) but the case is sound.


Edited by daemonkin
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Cheers mate :-) would be useful

How dare Wyrd Games do these finely detailed, thin, amazing looking models ... and not think of the hardship us hobby'ists have to go through to not only glue them together but transport them. Darn their great models!!


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I'm firmly in the magnets and tool box camp.

The 50mm and old 30mm (no logo) bases take a 2.5mm deep magnet (I used 2.5 x 2.5 x 10mm)

The 40mm bases and the new 30mm (have the Wyrd logo on the underside) take a 1/16" magnet ( I used 3/16 x 3/16 x 1/16)


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First off I have found that the plastic models are actually more resilient and harder to accidentally damage than metal models mainly because they are way lighter and much springier. That said I have not had plastic models for that long.

Since I got into miniature games a few years ago I have been carrying my models on modified platters of foam in a shoe box. I use 1" open cell foam platters that are about 6" by 10" as the start. I then cut vertical slices into the foam that are about half a models base deep and about a base wide. I then slot the model into the slice which "grabs" it and holds it in place. This technique works really well for most of my models since they can generally be positioned so that they are laying flat on the foam. For some larger more complex models I have had to carve out some of the foam so that parts of the models are recessed into the foam and therefore evenly supported. I then stack the foam platters on top of each other and then cap it with another piece of foam.

I can post photos this evening if people want.

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Have you tried this with Malifaux's plastics? I find that they are much more brittle than the plastics of other companies. I would not want to pack mine in foam.

I have mainly tried it with the few Malifaux plastic models I have but I have also tried it with warmachine models and it worked well with them.

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