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1000 Soulstones


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I just added this all up too:

1034 stones

(325ss neverborn, 152ss guild, 163ss Resser, 149ss arcarnist, 216ss outcast, 29ss Ten Thunders - after placing dual-faction models in parent factions)

6 factions

232 models, 70% painted

biggest shock was the Ressers!! I don't see myself as a resser player at all, but I seem to have them mid-table rather than the bottom of the list. I blame Leveticus.

Edited by Joel
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Thanks to Mako's spreadsheet I can report mine:

248 Models/998 Stones

27% painted

Guild: 35%; Outcasts: 26%; Ressers: 15%; Arcanists: 14%; Neverborn: 10%; 10-Thunders: 0%

Kinda surprised I don't have more painted. Sure seems like I've painted more than 27%!

Edited by Cadilon
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well its seemd I'm not as out of control as I thought. I have models across 4 factions and actually have more Guild than I do Ressers which is funny considering I see myself as a Resser player first followed by Guild. My total is 572 SS. I'm at 42% painted which is a very happy stat for me considering how little time I get to sit down and paint

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Well, i totalled mine up the other day and it looks a little lame compared to most people's collections. But size isn't everything right? right?

Total Models : 65

Total Soulstone Cost: 302

43 of those models are Neverborn, 10 are Ten Thunders, 9 are Outcasts and then 1 in each of Ressurs/Arcanists/Guild. Also any Dual Faction models are counted as their Non-Ten Thunder Factions.

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Well, this was a bit confusing to me because my husband and I own some "neutral" models... where I'm not really sure who I would count as owning them. (Though it is lovely to have a hubby to share models with, because we pretty much get all our bases covered!) So this report is just for models that are definitely mine and not his!!

194 models, for 812 soulstones. 56% are painted. (28% are painted but awaiting a base)

12% still in the box makes me sad. :(

But ever since I started playing 1 crew a month, and painting them in that month exclusively, I've been getting things done a bit more.

My biggest SS group is outcasts at 170, followed by rezzers with a difference of 1 SS!

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I did this in my head and got to 850ss worth, then went and actually looked at cards/models (Can't remember every models soulstone cost it seems)


3 masters 1 Henchman 2 avatars. 34 models totalling 155 soulstone


1 henchman 21 models totaling 101 ss. (I own the dead justice box, is 16 models and 80 ss if I don't count them twice)


5 master (+ 2 alternate sculpts) 3 avatars and 1 henchman. 83 models and 354 ss (Arachnids and swarms complicate things)


1 Master 1 Avatar. 23 models and 122 ss


2 masters 1 avatar 1 henchman 39 models and 180 ss

Which gets me to 195 models and 912 ss (not counting any for avatars and masters, but including ss (not model) for both sets of models in dead justice.

What this tells me is resseructionists is under represented in leaders but not models, I can only go up to a 24 ss scrap in faction. There are 2 Arcanist blisters I don't own. And my memory isn't too bad

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it took me all evening, but

211 models

886 ss

just need the next book to come out so i can get the elusive 1k.


forgot to fill in the second part of the spread sheet, but only 20% are done, 10% are not even out of the box, 50% are are the i can put them on the table stage, and the final 20% have some sort of paint on them

Edited by Tarantio
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I have...

143 Models

592 Soul Stones

75% Painted

... but I doubt I will reach 1000 anytime soon. It would have been 200 SS more, but I just traded my Arcanists and Outcasts as I cannot keep up with the pace of the new releases, as I have the "gotta catch 'em all" disease... only Guild and Neverborne for me in the near future, perhaps even only one faction if I cannot find enough time to play and paint.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Off the top of my head because I am at work.


4 masters, 0 henchmen, 101 stones of Nephilim, 51 stones of swampy stuff, 29 stones for dreamer specific stuff, total 181ish of Neverborn. 29 models I think.


3 masters, 1 henchman, 31 stones of orderly constructs, 53ish of Lucius' friends, 21 stones of family friendly fun, total 105 ish. I think there may be more but I can't think of them. About 20 models. (Copellius counted in Neverborn)


2 masters, 0 henchmen, 35 stones of frozen minions, 8 stones of animal lovers. (Other beasts counted in Neverborn. )


0 masters, 0 henchmen, 0 stones.


0 masters, 0 henchmen, 8/9 stones of tanky hammer goddess (if I remember her cost right) 1 model.

10 Thunders

0 masters, 0 henchman, 0 stones, 0 models.



Approximate total

9 masters, 1 henchman, 337 stones, approximately 70 models. This seems light though because I remember making a comment about being able to field over 200 stones of Neverborn. I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff.

All at least partially painted poorly, some painted quite well, most in between.

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I just finally got around to updating my inventory, and I have way more than I thought, and a lot of painting to do, lol

I have every master in the game, except Marcus, and models across all factions.

372 models

1539 soulstones

28% fully painted and based

bear in mind this does not include what my wife has as well.....

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wow that spreadsheet is an eye opener. . .

turns out I've got 674ss worth of models, spread over all factions.

all but 1 henchman, 3 NB master, 1 arcanist master, 1 arc/10T master, 3 outcast master and 1 resser master. (no guild, but have some guild models).

best part about it all though is that 74% of it is all painted.

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Even if I have to tabulate if all manually instead of using the spreadsheet, I need to get this tallied.

I added Seamus & Molly crews & totems, along with Guild Autopsies and Yan Lo's crew to my Ressers. Just leaves Resser Avatars, Kirai, her spirits, and the Dead Rider for that faction...Toshiro & yin are a given when they get released.

At least with procrastinating on this, I've been painting and assembling other models instead.

Out of curiosity, has anyone tried to plug in all the models, with their typical #s to see what the grand total is?

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Ok in total i have 1691 SS of models. Masters are 0 Avatars are 2. I have every Master.

Guild: 267 SS - 64 Models

Ressurectionists: 331 SS - 91 Models

Arcanist: 276 SS - 61 models (or 67 if i count my arachnid swarms as individual spiders)

Neverborn: 367 SS - 82 Models

Outcast: 397 SS - 96 models

Ten Thunders - 53 SS - 17 (most ten thunders stuff was counter within other factions)

Total model count: 411

---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------

Vicks, Dreamer/LCB & Mcabe counted as two models & not counted any duplicates like Nightmare LCB that can not be used at once.

As for painted models, no idea on anything accurate, but over 50% easily is painted.

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