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Best Minion for its cost?

Twisted Metal

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I think this has been done before but its hasn’t been recent or after the release of the new book. So anyway what do you think is the best non master / henchman model in each SS point level. For instance what is the best 1ss, 2ss, 3ss and so on. Heres my list off the top of my head.

1ss: Grave Spirit

2ss: Desperate Merc

3ss: Terror Tot

4ss: Rotten Belle

5ss: Stitched Together

6ss: Torakage

7ss: Lilitu

8ss: Kang

9ss: Rail Golem

10ss: Dead Rider (just edges out Izzy)

11ss: Snow Storm

12ss: Desolation Engine

13ss: Ashes

14ss: Duet.

Edited by Twisted Metal
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1: Im surprised the Jackalope supporters haven't chimed in.

2: I picked Lilitu over Lelu for the utility and easier time of summoning a Lelu

3: I picked the tot because it can run 10 inches and punch you in the face for min 3 dmg.

4: while making this list I found certain point levels incredibly difficult to pick one and yet some levels there was no close contender.

Edited by Twisted Metal
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As a marcus player Jack is a great 1SS

But if they made gravespirt a beast...yeh sorry it's the best 1 SS

2SS Merc still

3SS Watcher is good but Night terrors in trios make it

4SS Stalker - probably, Wastrals I think will see some use, or Orions

5SS LSPA - or Ronin in faction - warden is awesome

6SS Waldergiest

7SS Tuco close 2nd Nino

8SS Taelor in faction, Mechanical rider

9SS Pale Rider

10SS Dead Rider

Then the options really break down...

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1ss: (Totems aren't minions, but if they were, Grave Spirit.)

2ss: Marionette

3ss: Watcher

4ss: Union Miner

5ss: Stitched Together

6ss: Performer & Mannequin

7ss: Nix

8ss: Kang

9ss: Jack Daw

10ss: STILL JACK DAW. And if you try to take him off the list, he'll just discard a card and ignore you.

11ss: Killjoy

12ss: Three Union Miners, I guess?

13ss: Ashes and Dust

14ss: Coryphee Duet

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Guessing I must be the only one who sees the Wicked Dolls as right up there with any other of the best 3 ss minions.

I know they only have 2 wounds but get them into combat with a non-master and their high defence will cause a real problem. I had one take teddy down to 2 wounds while keeping him out of the game for 2 or 3 turns for instance.

I won't list all of their benefits but they crop up in my lists time and time again.

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Hmm mine is a bit close to most

2ss: Desperate Merc

3ss: Night Terror

4ss: Pigapult

5ss: Stitched Together

6ss: Torakage

7ss: Nix the Bull Terrier

8ss: Kang

9ss: Jack Daw

10ss: Dead Rider

11ss: Killjoy (He is a Tactic)

12ss: Desolation Engine (by default)

13ss: Nekima

14ss: Twins (Since everyone is calling out Duet)

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These are two very unusual choices, especially given the competition in those slots.

Would you mind giving a bit of an explanation?

4ss: Rotten Belle is also awesome, I will admit, and I almost picked them, but I have gotta say, I really love the Union Miner. You get a bunch of them in the right Crew, and they give incredible mobility. They can appear, charge, and disappear, with a lot of bonuses. File False Claim pretty much means they can teleport to where I want 'em every turn. Besides the Belle and the Miner, I don't see many big choices.

6ss: Papa Loco seems to backfire a lot. Young Nephilim is too easy to kill. So's Mr. Tannen, though I still need to learn more. Yamaziko would probably be on this if she were out yet. Torakage I have but haven't played yet. Exorcist is way too slow. Madame Sybelle is quite nice too, I'll admit, but I have seen so many great combinations that use the Mannequin, and the Performer is flexible (though often hard to get to use). For 6ss, Performer and Mannequin seems like a great value.

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