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The Rifle men!

Wicked Lance

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9 Shots on one target is serious pain.

If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't even have to be against one target. They each make 3 ranged attacks, but at a cursory glance there's no limitation as to who you can heave them at.

A combat of 5 is very respectable for a 4ss minion, and across 6-9 attacks (assuming 2-3 of them companion'ing together) it seems pretty likely you'll get (or cheat) some of their triggers off.

That could get out of hand quickly.

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I'll definitely be looking at adding these guys to my Lucius crew....

...but I wouldn't say they're auto-include. ;) They are, after all, a serious investment for what amounts to a team of shooting specialists. Right now they seem to compare well with the Guild Guard (who has much better melee/resiliance) and make a decent alternative to the ubiquitous Austringer.

I love how they've got the three shooting options each activation though, being able to choose between long range shooting, a fulisade of alpha-strike fire or the Malifaux equivalent of Overwatch. :D

And Hunter! Freaking Soft Cover was half the reason I'd take a Drill Sarge, now I've got Riflemen who can just flat out ignore it!

I'm actually looking at taking just one in a crew? You effectively lose Combined Arms and Companion, but keeping one up the back to snipe at targets in cover and shoot charging models could be very nice for 4SS?

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To me, I think I would take at least 2 as I would not want to lose the option of using all their abilities. I wonder if they will be similar to Dogs, who need to be taken in at least 3's so you can afford to lose 1 without completely losing effectiveness.

Here's hoping they come in a 3pack box.

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It is the their Trigger to ignore HTW that has me excited......... and Ressers shaking.

Yeah... not looking forward to facing three of these. If they were rare 2 or did not have that (all) action, I'd be fine. They'd still be great models and a good shooty line, but WITH those factors, they are murder. Ggrrrrr.....:Paralyzed_Puppet:

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I'd say you always want at least two of these guys, if you're going to run them at all. Combined Arms is too good to miss out on. Yes, they are more than a bit squishy, but there are ways around that. I think there are some neat synergies between the Riflemen and the run-of-the-mill Guild Guard. For instance, using Raise The Alarm to move your Riflemen 3" closer so that they can use Combined Arms instead of needing Take Aim to get range. Drill Sergeant's Shooting Range will be sick with these guys, too. Once again, Guild always gets the best 4SS generics. As an Arcanist, I declare police-state shenanigans. ;)

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I'll definitely be looking at adding these guys to my Lucius crew....

...but I wouldn't say they're auto-include. ;) They are, after all, a serious investment for what amounts to a team of shooting specialists. Right now they seem to compare well with the Guild Guard (who has much better melee/resiliance) and make a decent alternative to the ubiquitous Austringer.

They will be very good in a Lucius crew. The Guild guard are great with them because they can establish cordons which will protect them from melee forces (until they are dealt with).

To me, I think I would take at least 2 as I would not want to lose the option of using all their abilities. I wonder if they will be similar to Dogs, who need to be taken in at least 3's so you can afford to lose 1 without completely losing effectiveness.

Here's hoping they come in a 3pack box.

I would definately recommend taking them in 3's to preserve their nastiness.

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I imagine we're looking at a 3 sculpt box, similar to the Escorts or Metal gamin.

Rare 3 - so that's as many as you need.

Another solid 4ss minion. Nice.

Obviously best usage will be with Lucius due to the Guardsman designation and mentioned Synergies.

With anyone else I'm less sure. Useful, an option, but not autoincludes. Combined arms means that they become a significant investment (which is obviously mitigated somewhat in a Henchman led crew). They'll be come a bit more situational in other crews. These guys in a Turf War with Hold out though...wow...

Very happy with them. Nice addition.

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They are a very solid minion that goes with a lot of other very solid 4ss model choices that the guild have. They are an investment though as you will want to take 2-3 to maximise their capabilities. They wont be suited to all strategies but do give other options beyond austringers.

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I am with Nilus on this. Adding these guys to the aJustice Mook crew (all cheap models with Justice and aJustice) sets-up a nice little shooting range. I think Turf war, as mentioned, will be a nice strategy for them, but I also like shared claim jump with them. Anything where they can move and set-up on the first and possibly second turn, then unload on a specific area of the board will be deadly.

I also love the idea of cordon with them. Add in the drill sergeant and another guild guard and you have a nice cordon line in front of the riflemen, with one or two of the riflemen being able to use Stand and Fire to give the end models a little protection. Nice.

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