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Viruk's paintlog


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I love how that turned out. The face and eyes really stand out as expressing that 'frankenstein' tormented look.


My flesh construct is currently in transit. Can't wait to get started on it.  May I ask what your zombie flesh formula is?  I found one that works quite well if you're looking for a Cyanotic Zombie.


Base - Shadow Grey (GW)

Light Coats leaving deep recesses blue with Stone Grey (VMC)

Stone Grey + Pale Grey/Blue (VMC) 1:1

Wash - Reikland Flesh (GW) which gives it some fleshy tones.

Final highlight with Stone Grey + Pale Grey/Blue 1:1

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@spectrehorseman - I described my method in detail, with pictures in Wyrd Chronicles #8. You can check out the article on painting the Depleted. The only difference here is that I relied more on brown/greenish glazes.

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Really nice indeed. I especially like the feet of the flesh construct and that they're in a different state of decay (maybe from a different donator, slightly more "aged" ;))

My only negative/constructive feedback, if you're okay with it, would be on the pants of the victim: I feel the shadow in the folds is a bit off colourwise and gives the pants a more stained/dirty look then probably intended. The shadows are somehow harsher than on the rest of the model.

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I'm starting work on the Children of December. Had this insert lying around and it became a mini diorama ;)




It's just placed temporarily like that though ;) I just plan to paint Wendigo's victim separately as gluing it together beforehand would make it too hard.

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Yeah, it does look kind of "baggy", more like a sack of potatoes than a human body. I think the body is a bit too long and the loose clothes don't help...


In the meanwhile I've started working on Raspy's Crew. Here's a quick pic of where I am with progress at this point:




I've also tried a cool method for basing I found on the forum here. It was posted by a used called AnythingBut here first. Basically you just paint the inside of the base using blue and follow that with a thick layer of GW's technical paint called Agrellan Earth. After that you should leave it to dry for a longer while, preferably overnight or for the whole day. The paint crack as it dries creating an effect that the creators intended to look like desert. However, if applied in thick layer and over blue surface, it looks like shattered ice on water if you paint the cracked paint using bright shades of blue and adding white.




In the pic you can see my first attempt. It was a quick one but I'm quite pleased with the effect. I already have some ideas on how to improve the technique and plan to use it for this crew. More updates later this week!

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I'd be tempted to do a water effect over it too to get that ice-slick look.

I found that Agrellan Earth could peel off or flake away from the base when I layered it on thick. I agree that the effect looks perfect for ice though (seen it done for lava too!), I'd just be wary of it peeling.

How long did it take to dry for you?

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Can't really tell as I applied Agrellan Earth and left for the weekend ;) I should know more tomorrow/the day after tomorrow. I think about applying super glue on top of it for the glossy look of water and to make sure the cracked paint doesn't peel off.

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Wow I've been following your thread on the forum since I first joined and was a little taken a back to see my basing method put to good use!

Can't wait to see your take on the raspy crew! One question, were you planning on using the cracked ice base on just the golem and gamin or on the living models too? I wasn't sure if it would be a but over the top to put it on all the crews bases and if just using snow covered rocky bases would be enough to tie the crew in all together or were you planning on doing the whole crew like that? I'm not 100% sure about my crew myself!

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Can't really tell as I applied Agrellan Earth and left for the weekend ;) I should know more tomorrow/the day after tomorrow. I think about applying super glue on top of it for the glossy look of water and to make sure the cracked paint doesn't peel off.

Elmer's Glue makes a clear variety.....I wonder if that would work.....I think it shrinks a bit though.

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One question, were you planning on using the cracked ice base on just the golem and gamin or on the living models too? I wasn't sure if it would be a but over the top to put it on all the crews bases and if just using snow covered rocky bases would be enough to tie the crew in all together or were you planning on doing the whole crew like that? I'm not 100% sure about my crew myself!


I've made rocks from wine corks and placed Rasputina and Wendigo's victim's foot on them. So the humans will be standing on solid ground. Also, two of the Ice Gamins and the Golem also have some rocky parts on their bases. I plan to paint them using a few shades of grey and then cover them with snow.

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