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Oiran - 10T/Outcast that Colette loves!!!


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Also, don't get confused, they need a 6 of Crows or Masks to make this work. It's a 17 card pool instead of a 9.

Also, one more incredible thing: Cassandra has access to Trainquil Dance.

Very true, but also remember that with a 9 or better of any suit, the Mannequin can give them the :masks so that they can cast on a 6 or better of any suit. this opens things up nicely, but requires that 9 before hand.

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Very true, but also remember that with a 9 or better of any suit, the Mannequin can give them the :masks so that they can cast on a 6 or better of any suit. this opens things up nicely, but requires that 9 before hand.

Yup. There really is no shortage of ways to make casting Lure a sure thing.

---------- Post added at 05:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:59 PM ----------

Escorts is a misprint: It should say Oiran.

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I'm sure they will work great in Colette's crew because of other abilities, but I'm not sure if the Lure isn't a bit redundant.

Mobile as showgirls are, Lure is mostly for messing up opponent's plans rather than moving faster/getting the target closer the way other crews tend to do it. But that duplicates Siren's Call which essentially is good enough, especially when cast by Casandra. I guess no such thing as too many instances of Lure in a crew. :D

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These are fantastic models, let along how beautiful the sculpt is. Will be very interesting to work these into my Colette crews. I think Tranquil Dance is actually the biggest boost they offer. Lure is just a bonus. The ability to completely shut down your opponent's Cb and Df triggers is absolutely devastating against Melee centric crews, which, in my experience, has always been Colette's weak point. She has much less to fear from Chompy or Lillith if they can't get any triggers off.

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