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Gamers Lounge Episode 54


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Well, they've also always been models with a Rare cap. If we assume those factors to remain consistent, which they may not, I'd perhaps bet on an alternate Sam Hopkins maybe. *wink*

Yeah but they have never done a named model either. Maybe an Austringer or an female Executioner.

Female Exectioner is my bet. Maybe Eric miss spoke. He didn't mean the model was very cheesecake, he meant the model has been eating A LOT of cheesecake :)

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Okay so Nightmare Nathan and Eric. I am thinking we need to think in lines of model pairs. So

Nathan LCB and Ericj Dreamer?

Nathan the Sword Mister and Ericj the Bounty Hunter?(if this is the case, please please please don't make the nightmare part be them both being half naked :) )

Any others we can think of, or maybe just going off the wrong track here.

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Also worth noting, cause it gets asked a lot: the podcast also mentioned that the original Core Book is being reprinted ("Malifaux Core Book 1.5") with all of the Rules Manuals updates applied and cards with updates since its release. No ETA, if I recall correctly, but people will finally be able to buy that book again for its fluff if nothing else.

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Holy... shi......................t

My mind is officially blown.

I have also made the definitive decision to take the $125 I was going to give to Sedition Wars and redirect it straight to my Wyrd Gencon budget. I am making no more purchases now (I might even ask for a refund on my graduation ticket and gown).

Oh and while everyone is excited/cautious about Malifaux, I am extremely excited for Puppet Wars and as I have seen some of the new plastics I can confirm that they will look fine next your metals and simultaneously blow them (and the comptetion) out of the water. Puppet Wars might be getting the makeover of the century (reminds me of She's All That), but expect great things for it in the future.


Oh and Puppet Wars is a Living Board Game, those little buggers always seem to move when your backs turned, so keep an eye on them =D

Looks like it's all money for my 21st in July ;)

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EricJ and Nathan in tutus as the Nightmare Coryphee

....... Yeah sure, I'd pick up a set.

A bit disappointed to hear book 4 isn't really about Special Forces anymore, since I haven't really given much thought toward the Ten Thunders, but very intrigued by the prospect of story encounters and whatnot. And if the Ten Thunders are infiltrating other factions, there ought to be some neat Arcanists regardless. So yay!

And Puppet Wars with more minis at a lower price? That's just what I need to finally pick it up! Always really wanted to try it, but financial issues are frustrating.

GenCon can't get here fast enough. It just can't.

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Okay so Nightmare Nathan and Eric. I am thinking we need to think in lines of model pairs. So

Nathan LCB and Ericj Dreamer?

Nathan the Sword Mister and Ericj the Bounty Hunter?(if this is the case, please please please don't make the nightmare part be them both being half naked :) )

Any others we can think of, or maybe just going off the wrong track here.

I think you guys are missing the big picture, Nathan (NE Lelu) and EricJ (Lililitu) :D

~I may very well regret this post

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Nathan the Sword Mister and Ericj the Bounty Hunter?(if this is the case, please please please don't make the nightmare part be them both being half naked :) )

Gah! My eyes! :P

Very excited about this. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about 70% of the new book being available at GenCon. That's crazy. With NE models on top of that too, guess I need to be sure to set aside plenty of money!

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I'm not super wild about the huge amount of models being released. It hurts the local gaming stores and leave a negative impression on potential new players looking to get into the game. Last year we had a situation where one of our players was using the pre-release aZoraida and a potential player was head over heels for the model. They were quite disappointed when we had to tell him that he had to wait a few months for it to come out. Our local store has also decided to stock only one of each model/book that was previously released at Gencon. Last year our store owner got stuck with close to ten copies of the twisting fate books because everyone pre ordered them. I understand having some special edition models avalible as well as a few pre-releases but I think 70% is a bit OTT.Go ahead and flame away.

Edited by Twisted Metal
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First I hear Eric mention Nate in costume. And I get the mental image of Nate dressed as Colette. Ugh.

Eric and Nate Nightmare models? Vikkies surely. Nightmares have done masters twice now.

Hoping for Exorcist for the Miss model.

I imagine the Ten Thunders will in a way be like the Effigies - a model for each faction and all may be taken in a "Ten Thunders" crew, with Misaki, Brothers and some specific models. My main thought is - Will any of Kirai's spirits be usable by Ten Thunders? or even Kirai herself?

Eric said the P word. I am a sad panda. I like my models in Metal. Can see it working for Puppet Wars...but keep it out of Malifaux please.

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I'm not super wild about the huge amount of models being released. It hurts the local gaming stores and leave a negative impression on potential new players looking to get into the game. Last year we had a situation where one of our players was using the pre-release aZoraida and a potential player was head over heels for the model. They were quite disappointed when we had to tell him that he had to wait a few months for it to come out. Our local store has also decided to stock only one of each model/book that was previously released at Gencon. Last year our store owner got stuck with close to ten copies of the twisting fate books because everyone pre ordered them. I understand having some special edition models avalible as well as a few pre-releases but I think 70% is a bit OTT.Go ahead and flame away.

This is IMO a good point. Also, the excitement over the releases are lessened when they have already been thoroughly dissected when us Europeans finally have a good way of getting our hands on them. 70% doesn't really leave a lot of room for excitement each month.

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I'm assuming that with 70% - 80% of the models already completed, there will not be a huge amount of models contained within the book. Remember that other models will be released during the year that won't necessarily appear in the book but rather with the story encounters.

Edited by Vargas79
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Eric said that 70-80% of the models will be availiable at gen con, but that most of them would only be availiable there - if you miss them you'll have to wait or their actual release date

And there in lies the problem. Alot of people will buy their the years supply during Gencon which will hurt the local stores. If everyone buys the models ahead of time then what's the point of stocking a healthy supply. I think this year all I will be ordering is the book and what book and the nightmare edition models.

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I'm looking at it as a chance to see the whole model range, so I know how the sculpts will turn out, then I can ponder the faction and pick stuff up as it gets released. That way I can make a crew entirely out of stuff I like the look of, and plan it out, rather than having an idea that then gets derailed if I don like one of the sculpts.

So really, its a good thing to me. And with any luck, the local stores will be able to sell them because people will have seen ones bought at gencon in hte flesh, and will be keen to get their own

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