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Cheated Fates Radio Second Episode is out for consumption


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Cheated Fates Radio is proud to annouce episode 2 is out for consumption. Episode 2 Outcast Need love 2 but they gotta Pay. On itunes or your favorite podcatcher Direct download at www.cheatedfatesradio.podbean.com. We give love to all the people who gave us love on the first episode. We talk a ton of outcasts and we even tell you how to make a wet pallete this time gremlins didn't eat the segment. Now enjoy Cheated Fates Radio episode 2. If you have feedback for the show or have questions please email us at cheatedfatesjoe@gmail.com or cheatedfatesspencer@gmail.com, follow us on twitter @Cheatedfates, or post a comment below or on the site. You can also catch the feed at www.cheatedfatesradio.blogspot.com Hope you enjoy.

This Episode weights in at over 3hrs long, so grab a tasty snack, a beverage and enjoy cheated fates radio.

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Listening right now, you guys are doing a great job with these.

One correction. I think this is the 2nd time you have credited Ratty with Pullmyfinger. That is actually not one of his babies. Karn, Lalochezia and Lobostele who actually got that started. So praise them next podcast :)

Also if you interview me I will totally bring up the Year of the Ram :)

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I have yet to listen....but did download it. I have one comment straight away: Dear GOD that is a big file. Can you try and get them a bit smaller in future? I download straight into my phone and it takes AGES and drains the battery downloading files of that size. Even the D6G filea aren't that big, and they go for up to four hours each.

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Part way through listening - very glad to have another Malifaux Podcast to listen to. :D

Just one correction though...

While he's done alot of very awesome things, the Pullmyfinger Wiki was actually conceived by Lalochezia, not Ratty.

IIRC Lalo initially emailed Karn987, Ratty and myself, and the four of us put the site together, sorted out the format/templates and added some initial pages before releasing it to the public. I can't remember if we got anyone else involved with that initial work, but I'm sure someone will pipe up if so. ;)

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3 hours later and I'm done. Great episode guys! I especially liked how you gave fair, full descriptions of the advanced masters. A lot of overall guides of factions written out or on casts, since they are directed at new players , always gloss over say Hamelin and Levi because "you don't want to start them first". It's a fair point, but just because they're advanced doesn't mean that they're not a great part of the game's content to explore. If you give the warning disclaimer and explain why it's there, then some players who are up to the challenge can feel more confident about going for one of them first anyway, which adds to the diversity of their local play group.

Great call on doing henchmen next by the way. What with Schill at least, it's not like newbies need to avoid that category entirely either. Make sure you talk about how Molly is the best and how everyone should play her.



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Thanks TV,

I firmly believe and I know that spencer will agree that you can start and play this game with any master. We do however want players to be aware of what there getting into with some masters such as Levi and Hamlin.

Henchman are up next and everyone will be getting a lot of face time and spotlight. Henchman are very exciting to be covering as I am fond of using Molly and Vonschill with my ressers and even vonschill with my arcanists. But TV you absolutely right Molly is the best henchman ever Imbue Vigor, making necrotic machine even better, the ability to copy spells, and pitiful with a defensive trigger that causes wounds, yeah Molly girl is awesome.

@Twisted Metal Thanks totally forgot about brawls changing levi's restrictions, Thanks for that.

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Excellent episode, hurrah for my main faction getting its due. The Viks/Von Schill combo is what I'm using for our local campaign, and it's awesome.

Minor correction: you mention that the Convict Gunslinger's Faster'n You trigger can generate additional attacks via Trigger Happy - it can't. Faster'n You is the trigger for the duel, and the duel's result is used to determine damage. There's no new duel generated, so no other triggers can be declared.

Looking forward to the Henchmen episode. :)

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Loved the episode. I have never felt any special pull to Grimlins but you have made me want to go pick them up and throw them on the table. Keep up the amazing job guys. Maybe you can motivate ukrocky back into putting out some more podcast and nix into sticking with strongly Malifaux centered Gamers Lounges, cause Malifaux is the reason I started listening to podcast in the first place.

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I was right. Take that main guy!!! :)

---------- Post added at 09:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 AM ----------

Loved the episode. I have never felt any special pull to Grimlins but you have made me want to go pick them up and throw them on the table. Keep up the amazing job guys. Maybe you can motivate ukrocky back into putting out some more podcast and nix into sticking with strongly Malifaux centered Gamers Lounges, cause Malifaux is the reason I started listening to podcast in the first place.

Thanks Joe. I'm glad you enjoyed the episode and it's awesome that you're going to give gremlins a go. Be sure to let us know how it goes. We will be covering Ophelia in the next episode! We will try to take it easy on Nix at adepticon to ensure we don't ruin his hobby so he keeps that great malifaux focus! :)

---------- Post added at 09:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 AM ----------

Great Episode, guys! Very in depth on the various masters and I really appreciated the time spent answering my question between Raspy and Nico.

Keep up the good work!


Not a problem. Thanks for writing in!

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Just wanted to say thanks for answering my question! I ended up going Lilith, than getting a fantastic deal on a Dora and three Sorrows, but overall I definitely enjoy Lilith more! She is just a beast and will see a lot of table time from me, I was so excited about her I based and painted her box and two youngs in a week.I'm one of the guys excited to about more Levi being played! He is just a master that isn't played enough and is just awesome. He is one of the three masters I'm going to be running in my league!

EDIT:You could talk about Stratagies and Schemes, or minion selection, or avatars!

Edited by FancyZergling
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