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Things I Hate About Malifaux

Kael Hate

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The student's rules are available on the v2 pdfs over there <---

Actually one of my major gripes: No, it isn't. Look through those PDFs and you'll notice a ton of Book 1 minions missing: Enslaved Nephilim, Scales of Justice, Guild Austringer, Guild Guard, Brass Arachnid, Jackalope, Electrical Creation, Poltergeist, Primordial Magic, and Student of Conflict.

There is no legitimate way to get the rules for those models without buying them (or their cards) or eBaying a copy of Book 1. That is seriously annoying.

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If you read the fluff you'll see that it isn't their names, but their breed/type. Just because it sounds like a name doesn't mean it is a name.

This was confirmed by a rules marshal over a question of bond activating multiple Lelu/Lilitus. Lelu and Lilitu are singular and plural forms.

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Actually one of my major gripes: No, it isn't. Look through those PDFs and you'll notice a ton of Book 1 minions missing: Enslaved Nephilim, Scales of Justice, Guild Austringer, Guild Guard, Brass Arachnid, Jackalope, Electrical Creation, Poltergeist, Primordial Magic, and Student of Conflict.

There is no legitimate way to get the rules for those models without buying them (or their cards) or eBaying a copy of Book 1. That is seriously annoying.

This is something that annoys me as well.

I am also rather annoyed and mystified that Lilu/Lilitu are:

Woes and Nightmares.

Isn't it weird that they are the only (iirc) non-living Nephilim? (thanks to Nightmare)

I half expect them to get Spirit at some point and be total stupid.

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I hate having to buy all the books for some of the info. When I got interested someone said get the book and play, I did but its out of date so I bought book 2, now it seems to grow I need book 3.

If I only want to play 25/35ss of one crew should I really need 3 books at £25 or so each.

1 rulebook and then 1 book for my crew surely. Whilst I do enjoy the fluff I seem to have too much paper.

Thinking back to warhammer days(sorry for swearing) you would buy rulebook and army book, unless of course you had multiple armies.

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I hate having to buy all the books for some of the info. When I got interested someone said get the book and play, I did but its out of date so I bought book 2, now it seems to grow I need book 3.

If I only want to play 25/35ss of one crew should I really need 3 books at £25 or so each.

1 rulebook and then 1 book for my crew surely. Whilst I do enjoy the fluff I seem to have too much paper.

Thinking back to warhammer days(sorry for swearing) you would buy rulebook and army book, unless of course you had multiple armies.

If you don't care about playing any of the models in the new book, why do you have to buy it? You can still play crew of models from Books 1/2 perfectly well.

And just to forestall the obvious and save us a bit of back-and-forth: Of course you wouldn't know what your opponents are going to put on the table, but since you helpfully brought up the Warhammer example how would you deal with that there without buying every new codex that came out?

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I have no hate for Malifaux. My disappointment is Wyrd seems to have trouble managing their success.

  • A writer says that he is doing fiction to cover models being changed a week before the deadline.
  • Books are being rushed to print and then have balance issue or errors.
  • Rules questions on the forums are not resolved in a timely fashion.
  • It takes over a week to construct the gallery for the latest Rotten Harvest even though it was known weeks in advance when it needed to be done.
  • Instead of focusing their limited time on Malifaux, they introduce Puppet Wars as well.
  • Regular excuses that the store is down, shipping is backed up, we're getting to 'it', etc

All these point to too few people trying to do too much work. Relax, take a deep breath, and manage your success. Decide what your core business is. Forcus your talents and energies on what you do well.

Good luck and God bless.

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On the original topic - the only thing I really dislike at the moment is the Bury mechanic taking models out of the flow of time. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and I think is going to get more and more problematic over time.

Even though it's not a disaster, I do wish they'd fully write off and move on from Book 1 - get the rest of the minions into the PDFs, and maybe even release the fluff stories. When I explain the game to new players it is problematic to have to point out the few models that aren't in the PDF, and that they have to spend $35 for. Honestly, if most people are playing a single faction it's cheaper to buy the models to get the stats rather than the book.

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Actually one of my major gripes: No, it isn't. Look through those PDFs and you'll notice a ton of Book 1 minions missing: Enslaved Nephilim, Scales of Justice, Guild Austringer, Guild Guard, Brass Arachnid, Jackalope, Electrical Creation, Poltergeist, Primordial Magic, and Student of Conflict.

There is no legitimate way to get the rules for those models without buying them (or their cards) or eBaying a copy of Book 1. That is seriously annoying.

This is something that annoys me as well.

They aren't "missing". The V2 cards were made prior to those models release.

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I have no hate for Malifaux. My disappointment is Wyrd seems to have trouble managing their success.

  • A writer says that he is doing fiction to cover models being changed a week before the deadline.
  • Books are being rushed to print and then have balance issue or errors.
  • Rules questions on the forums are not resolved in a timely fashion.
  • It takes over a week to construct the gallery for the latest Rotten Harvest even though it was known weeks in advance when it needed to be done.
  • Instead of focusing their limited time on Malifaux, they introduce Puppet Wars as well.
  • Regular excuses that the store is down, shipping is backed up, we're getting to 'it', etc

All these point to too few people trying to do too much work. Relax, take a deep breath, and manage your success. Decide what your core business is. Forcus your talents and energies on what you do well.

Good luck and God bless.


This is something I've noticed as well. While it's hard to truely appreciate just what goes on behind Wyrd's doors from the confines of my laptop, it certainly seems as though they need to pause a moment and take the time to better manage what they have.

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I hate Lilith! There's nothing worse than spending hours putting your best paintjob on a mini just for her to kill it within the first 2 turns of it's first outing. I also hate the mini for Samael Hopkins, seriously, how many cowboys wore high heels?!

I also hate how mean everyone is to Marcus, give the man/bear/pig a chance, you might even like it.

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I would love to see more scenarios that fall between "non-interactive" and Kill'em ALL! If you flip through the book most of the scenarios award points at the end of the game and it's darn easy to just turn all those scenarios into Slaughter.

I also pile onto the "tweak the Bury mechanic".

Other than that- pretty happy with the mechanics and fluff and power level of the game!

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This is something I've noticed as well. While it's hard to truely appreciate just what goes on behind Wyrd's doors from the confines of my laptop, it certainly seems as though they need to pause a moment and take the time to better manage what they have.

You're right, maybe we should spend less time answering questions and being as accessible as we currently are in favor of the other Wyrd work on our desks...

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Malifaux badly needs a Mk2. There are serious balance issues, the absolute number one with a bullet of which is the bury mechanic. Buried models shouldn't be in stasis, they should have all effects on them resolve and end as normal during the end step. That by itself would fix several problems.

Furthermore, I think that summon-Slow and Slow should be cumulative, so that summoning a slow model disallows any activation that round. Other sources of Slow should not be cumulative.

Finally, more magical attacks. Much more.

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I'd add my voice to not hating the game at all. It actually replaced all the other games I play and monopolized my hobby - the testament to how great I think the game is. I'm looking at Infinity models from time to time, and then I think how many more Malifaux models I could get for the money and I order Malifaux instead.

But there are things I hate:

- Neverborn hate on the forums. Seriously? Go to Ranking HQ, see top players and see Neverborn do not dominate these rankings. Then go to faction rankings, and see they are first in UK, second in Australia (or vice versa, with representation of 20~28%, so not over-represented either). What could that mean? That people need to learn to play and you can't do that on the forums.

If you think Rankings HQ are not representative, because they don't rank your tournaments, which are obviously bounds and leaps above everyone in terms of skill, just go and add your scores to Rankings HQ.

- All the propositions to cuddle X or Y in Neverborn list look at the Dreamer and perhaps Pandora, and completely forget these models are also supposed to be useable for Lilith and Zoraida. You want to cuddle Lelu and Lilitu for the Dreamer? Fine, remove Nightmare from them. If you make them Unique or Rare 1, you'll ruin them for Lilith and Zoraida.

Have you ever tried to catch anyone competent with Lelu? Seen how slow he is? Without Lilitu to Lure targets for him the guy goes hungry for the whole day. If Lilitu has to help Lilith or, God forbid, Nekima, Lelu can't catch a thing. I'm preparing to field two Lelus now, not because they are so OP, but because I hope with 2 they'll be harder to avoid/disable.

Since I had Nekima cuddled because of Pandora, being able to summon second Lelu out of my Tots is about the last Book 2 synergy left for me (there's also the Shaman, which I still have to learn to play - he is seriously tricky in terms of having impact on the game).

And as far as fluff goes, who says Lelu or Lilitu is a unique name?!? They are nightmares, who says there are not swarms of them ready to invade human dreams.

And by the way: Levi hate, Hamelin hate, Colette hate - they are just as silly.

Guild hate is allowed. Not because they are OTT, but because the Guild is the evil guys of the game. :P

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What you've not shown is the chance that you'll lose good cards. And whilst you'll know what is in your deck better, you are less likely to be able to make your flips.

You lose as many bad cards as you lose good cards. The result being a deck with less variables. Its also profitable to shoot into melee just to flip more cards. Even better if the Target involves the indestructible Jack Daw.

This sumerises that if you're on a really hard shot then actually making it harder makes it more likely, but with a detrimental effect on the rest of your turn.

I'd like to paraphrase Terry Pratchett here

"Million to one shots crop up 9 times out of 10".

It makes the story better than those impossible odds just sometimes work. And the game is primarily a story driven game.

I guess we will have to disagree.

To men, Any effect that allows a larger detriment to be a positive averts the whole purpose. With the Red Joker, You are not trading to hit chance for less damage. You get both a better chance to hit and likely a better damage flip. In the case of a damage flip, you get severe+ over likely minimum damage that you would most likely occur.

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The student's rules are available on the v2 pdfs over there <---

With regards to Lucius/LadyJ it's Stern's tactic but basically you leave LadyJ and a Student in your deployment zone, run Lucius forward. Next turn, give LadyJ fast, call her forward using Lucius meaning she's got into combat without being shot and ready to go.

Next turn give the judge fast...

Rinse and repeat.

They Aren't there. Those V2 pdfs are missing at least a half dozen models from book 1. 3 major ones are Steampunk Abomination, Student of Warfare and Austringer. If we had all of the reprints in the PDF's it would vastly Mitigate the missing books.

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The Wiki will help you with this! Point your new players to the Wiki and they shall be learned!

Seariously though, we created and work on the wiki to provide players of all levels with information, tactics, and advice on how to play and play against every model in the game. Each article gives you more then enough information to understand what a model does, how they fit into their crews, and how to use them.

So please, consider at least finding information on models and crews a solved issue as we've been working hard on this for over half a year now. :D

LINK: http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/

I like the work you guys have done, but the fact of the Matter is that people buy based on Spoiler Lists. Reprinted Book 2 and 3 are read more often because they spoil exact rules on what you can buy for your crew. If the book is outdated its cast away or scorned. If they can't read the rules for a model in a spoiler list the only reason to buy it is by look. If the Shop owner doesn't have it on the shelf it doesn't get seen to even be asked about.

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