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Everything posted by Sygerrik

  1. Hello folks, My friends and I are starting out in Mk2 (I played a bit of Mk1) and I have a few questions. 1) Can a Slop Hauler heal itself with the "Feed Piggies" action? 2) When Misaki or Von Schill (or someone else with an ability to charge while engaged) charges out of melee with one target into melee with another, does the person (s)he is initially engaged with get a disengaging strike? 3) What is the significance of the Ht 5 on Hank's "vent steam" ability? It says that he creates the cover for LOS purposes-- does that mean it can block LOS? Does it provide a negative twist on attack flips against models in the aura?
  2. Sygerrik real name Sam Country: USA State: Massachusetts City: Beverly (for now) Store: Hobby Bunker, Toy Soldier, Pandamonium Books + Games Also, if we want to contact someone from this list to set up a game, should we just PM them or is there a separate thread for that? Some of the names don't appear to be forum usernames.
  3. A friend of mine plays Marcus and had Myranda use Animal Instincts to cast Wild Heart. I'm pretty sure you can't do that because it's a (0) spell but i would appreciate an explanation of why this is the case
  4. So I've decided to pick up my second Outcast crew, and I want it to be the meanest thing in the world. See, I really love playing Gremlins, and I think I am going to be a Gremlin player 90% of the time. But sometimes I have to deal with LGS know-it-alls. You know the type-- they swagger in with a so-called "unbeatable" list, stomp all the newbies flat, dominate any discussion with a list of "this is why you're wrongs," and generally destroy the fun atmosphere. So against these people I want to declare Outcasts, make sure they've seen me play my goofy Gremlin gunline, then pull out Hamelin and ruin their day. So, yeah. Teach me to make the meanest, nastiest, most offensive Hamelin list possible, and how to run it. Which Outcast models should I hire? Which out-of-faction ones? I've seen lots of lists with Canine Remains-- why them, and what purpose do they serve? How many Rats and Rat Catchers should I start with? What about Stolen and the Wretch? I know Nix is basically an auto-include. School me on the game's most complained about master. Teach me to ruin people's day with Hamelin.
  5. Malifaux badly needs a Mk2. There are serious balance issues, the absolute number one with a bullet of which is the bury mechanic. Buried models shouldn't be in stasis, they should have all effects on them resolve and end as normal during the end step. That by itself would fix several problems. Furthermore, I think that summon-Slow and Slow should be cumulative, so that summoning a slow model disallows any activation that round. Other sources of Slow should not be cumulative. Finally, more magical attacks. Much more.
  6. So here's some questions about Dumb Luck. 1) Rami triggers Dumb Luck and gets Severe Damage against a Peacekeeper (Armor 2). The Peacekeeper is hit for 8, which is reduced to 6 by its armor. Does Rami take 4 or 3? 2) Rami triggers Dumb Luck and gets Severe Damage against a Shikome (Spirit). The Shikome is hit for 8, which is reduced to 4 by its Spirit quality. Does Rami take 4 or 2? 3) Rami triggers Dumb Luck and gets Severe Damage against a Mechanical Dove (3 wounds). The Dove is hit for 8, but only takes 3, which is enough to kill it. Does Rami take 4 or 2? 4) Rami triggers Dumb Luck and gets Severe Damage against Seamus, who is already at 7 wounds (Hard to Kill). Seamus is hit for 8, which is reduced to 6 by Hard to Kill. Does Rami take 4 or 3? 5) Rami triggers Dumb Luck and gets Severe Damage against Colette (Use Soulstones). Colette flips for damage prevention and prevents 3. She takes 8, which is reduced to 5 by the flip. Does Rami take 4 or 3?
  7. I think I wanna stick with a gremlin gunline over a pig-based strategy, at least until I get Som'er. I'm not a big fan of the standard Bayou Gremlin models-- one of the reasons I bought Ophelia's box, since I love the Kin models-- but I recognize I need them. The sheer damage output of the gremlins is something I want to reiterate. They hit HARD. Yeah, they get hurt doing so, but I'd gladly trade 4 wounds off Rami to oneshot a Sabertooth Cerberus from 16" away, or put one on Ophelia to blast a Steamborg into scrap.
  8. So I got some games in. Things I'm noticing: Damage output! Holy god in heaven, Kin can blow things away! With Dumb and Lucky you can output lots of pain! I LOVE Raphael. He's my favorite of the Kin. That 5 damage gun is sweet, and once he's at the sweet spot his to damage rolls makes cheating in for Severe fairly straightforward. It's really easy to take Turn 1 potshots with Rami using Ooh, A Girl! Low but consistent damage output is nice. Overall I'm very happy with the Gremlins. Definitely gonna be splitting my time between Guild and Outcasts now. If I like the Alternate Som'er model, I may pick him up too.
  9. So I just expanded into my second crew: Ophelia and the Gang Green! I know that the next steps from here are Slop Haulers and Young Lacroix. I'm gonna stick with 20ss for now, so my question is: which Lacroix is the first to drop? I want to get a Hauler and at least a couple of Youngs, and I want to have a decent cache to keep Ophelia alive and pull off Right Between The Eyes kills, so right now I'm thinking of benching Francois first. That leaves: Ophelia Young Lacroix x2- 4 Slop Hauler- 4 Pere Ravage- 5 Rami- 6 Raphael- 6 This only leaves a cache of 1, but I could drop a Young Lacroix and get a cache of 3. At 25 I could get another Young and then have a respectable cache of 4. Thoughts? Should I stick with Francois after all? EDIT: I really really like Young Lacroix, even if only for a 2ss model with a decent gun. Tiny helps and the ability to cast Right Between the Eyes is icing on the cake. Is there ever a legitimate reason not to take three of them?
  10. No, this is important to think about. I think order of activations is in fact one of the most crucial skills for a Hoffman player because he's so reliant on his constructs for movement, and because Override Edict is much much more powerful if used on a construct that's already activated. At the same time, remember that Wardens get a to attack and damage rolls against models that have already activated, so activating them late in the turn is a good idea. I'd rather use the Guardian as a ride since it can just use its 0 to buff armor around itself and walk twice to keep up. So first activation Drill Sergeant, second Guardian, third Hoffman-- which incidentally gives the opponent plenty of chances to activate their own models and make them priority targets for Wardens. The also reduces your need to cheat for rams, and I'd rather save cards and try to go for a volume of shots, since you don't really need to paralyze everyone-- just key heavy hitters and disrupting models.
  11. Hm. Does Dampening "turn off" auras already in play or simply prevent them from being started up? If it's the latter, with careful order of activation (and using the Guardian as Hoffman's "ride") you could start it up and then move Hoffman in to Machine Puppet. If not, no great loss; Hoffman needs to be 4" away from one Warden, and that Warden should be 4" from the Sergeant, so you can easily have Hoff more than 3" from the Sarge.
  12. So I really really want to like Hoffman's avatar, and I've put together a 35ss list that I think can use it well. Hoffman -Avatar 2ss Lucius 10ss -Drill Sergeant 3ss Warden 5ss Warden 5ss Watcher 3ss Guardian 7ss Total: 35ss Cache: 4ss Basically, this list is all about bricking up and shooting off at least 6x Cb 6:rams Paralyze trigger shots to lock down the enemy and whittle them away. I intentionally didn't take Ryle or a Peacekeeper because their liabilities will become a problem when Hoffman Avatars and loses Maintain Machines, and since this last lacks a melee beater the goal is to get him to Avatar as quickly as possible. The Guardian can armor up the brick and take wounds for Avatar Hoffman, so he can safely sit in Do Not Go Gently range without worrying about getting killed by stray shots. A Watcher is never not useful, either to plink off Harmless/Pitiful/Terrifying, cancel cover bonuses, or just sift cards and grab objectives. Lucius can also provide some nice mobility to this list with Reinforcements, which when combined with a Watcher's high Wk and Flight means it's almost impossible to keep it from an objective if it really wants to go there. Thoughts?
  13. Remember, Ramos and Guild people aren't KILL ON SIGHT to each other. In fact, Ramo is a respected community leader in Malifaux, given that the M&SU is a beloved institution and a bastion of civilization and cooperation in a dangerous place. Leveticus is a businessman who runs Captivating Salvage and Logistics, a respected and useful business. What they do in the private lives may vex the guild, but unlike, say, the Dreamer or Seamus they're not so hostile to each other that there's no common ground. The ties between Hoffman and Ramos specifically are fairly tight because Ramos is the entire reason the Hoffmans were traveling to Malifaux in the first place, and he saved Ryle's life. Remember, as far as most people in Malifaux are concerned, Colette is just a beautiful, famous showgirl. I'm sure if she asked Hoffman to help her take care of, say, an attack by Resurrectionists he'd hop right to it, and her use of magic wouldn't shock him since lots of people had arcane abilities unlocked by coming to Malifaux and they're not all criminals.
  14. Aha. So if he assimilates it, buries himself, then next turn he'll still have it and he can unbury, assimilate something else, fire off a shot and rebury? And then next turn he'll still have tunneling (since it won't have worn off in the end closing step since he still wasn't on the board) and the new one? That's silly. Awesome, but silly.
  15. So sorry, hold on, but can someone explain to me the burying/perma-assimilate thing? I get that he can discard scrap counters to make stuff permanent, is this something else? Sorry, I am really new to this game and kind of slow, but I don't get this. Also, I wish I could use Lazarus with Hoffman so badly I can taste it. Ugh.
  16. i honestly think those things as evil or cruel or monstrous is kind of cliched and overdone. i find them genuinely funny and amusing.
  17. I really like the design philosophy and how cohesive it all is. He's all about amalgamation and assimilation; he can use Resistance is Futile then gun you down and steal what makes you tick. When you compare him to some of the other beatsticky Avatars he falls a bit short, but once he starts to get new abilities he becomes great. My one problem with this is that you can only steal Actions, and I don't think you're allowed to take Fast (sadface). You can take Melee Expert and Casting Expert and so on, though. A lot of the things that would really help are Abilities and/or Spells. We'll see how it works out. I like the fact that he becomes killy, and I love the concept. Too bad Avatars lose their Totems, because this guy would actually encourage me to take the Mechanical Attendant over the Mobile Toolkit (to keep Maintain Machines on the table after I manifest).
  18. This combo is looking pretty rude. At 35ss you can run Hoff, Lucius, Ryle, two Wardens, the Sergeant, and a Watcher. Your cache is a bit light, but this list throws out an absolutely stupid number of Cb 6:rams Paralyze-trigger shots. And once everyone's locked down you can drill them to death with Ryle.
  19. So I just picked up Malifaux and I want a second crew (my first being Hoffman). I really really like the union miners, and it seems like Kaeris is the go-to lady for them, so I worked this up for a 25ss list: Kaeris Miner Miner Miner Gunsmith Fire Gamin Fire Gamin that leaves me with a cache of 4. The list has some ranged attacks and some melee, deals well with WP-based enemies (all the Smoldering Heart), and I can use the Miners' File False Claim to hit and run, grab objectives, and do other such business. The Miners can also heal themselves to fuel Resource Management. Also, let's face it: running a union is totally awesome. At 30ss (the standard game size at my LGS) I am seriously considering just getting two more miners and leaving my cache at 6.
  20. Thanks for the advice! I don't hate the Hunter, I just really wanted the Peacekeeper and Toolkit and SOMETHING had to go. The Peacekeeper has Flurry and the chain gun that the Hunter has, so it seems like it's kind of a big version. So dropping the Hunter for the Peacekeeper made sense.
  21. So, I just picked up Hoffman as my first ever Malifaux purchase. I'm thinking of this at 25ss: Hoffman Guardian Watcher Peacekeeper Mobile Toolkit which gives me a 6ss cache. Obviously it is a low model count army. Few questions, then: 1) Does this list look good? I think the Guardian and Peacekeeper are almost auto-includes, the Watcher is great for grabbing objectives and the Toolkit seems much more useful than the Attendant, even for the extra point. 2) What living models does Hoffman want? I was thinking of getting a couple of 4ss dudes when I expand to 30ss (the average game size where I play), and there really isn't a good 4ss construct. I wish there was a Clockwork Guardsman or something. But anyways, low model count can be rough for lots of scenarios. I need more guys to grab objectives and what not. 3) What second Master should I get? I'm leaning towards Perdita, or possibly Von Schill or Ophelia, but I want someone who is pretty good and who can handle the strategies Hoffman can't. 4) Is it ever worth it to Avatar Hoffman? His Avatar seems kind of underwhelming, since he loses Maintain Machines, Machine Puppet, Assimilate, and Override Edict-- his four best abilities. Assimilate Edict seems like it could be awesome except that it can only steal actions; if you could steal abilities, spells, or triggers, he would be really good because you could just build a laundry list of abilities by turning enemies into Constructs and hosing them off the table.
  22. Hey guys, I just bought C. Hoffman as my very firstest ever Malifaux purchase. I wanted to expand the crew to 25 soulstones, which seems a solid round number. That leaves me with nine. I notice that's exactly the Peacekeeper's cost, and that's a big honkin' robot of the kind Hoffman loves, but I was also considering his brother Ryle. He'd leave me 1 point under, though, and his damage looks kinda low. And in either case I'd have no Totem... is that ok? Thanks!
  23. Thanks guys! Just a couple things that still confuse me: -Some triggers look untriggerable. For instance, Hans has a Ram/Crow Headshot trigger, but no ram or crow on his Cb; how can he ever trigger that, since he can't use soulstones to get a second card? -Are Avatars optional? Like, do you have to declare before the game if Avatars are going to be a possibility?
  24. Hi everyone! I'm a vet of Warhammer and Warmachine-- hoping to expand my palate. I'm not quitting those games but I've been looking at Malifaux for a while and today I bought C. Hoffman's box set. I'm excited to learn to play; I've read the rulebooks but that's not the same thing as getting some experience. I'm not sure where to go from here. I was thinking of purchasing Ryle or a Peacekeeper, but I don't know which one. I also have some newbie questions: 1) How do you trigger a trigger that has two different suits in it if you don't have Use Soulstone? You flip one card normally, right, and you can flip another if you have a twist, but don't you then have to discard one of the ones you flipped? 2) I know if you don't spend all of your army points you get the extra added to your soulstone cache, but can you spend some of your cache to go over on your army points? Thanks a lot! Advice is welcome too .
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