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Are you able to use the terrain rules?

Jonas Albrecht

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I don't have all that much terrain but back when I started Malifaux, I went and made all the special terrain and some of location specific terrain. It often is no more than 1~2 pieces (rocks, water, hills, forests etc.), but that means whichever encounter I get, I can set up the table to contain most of its characteristic terrain.

I'd say no before Terraclips as I had no good way to make city and interior encounters, but now even that side of the game is covered.

I also don't think you have to build whole themed tables to play the Encounter rules by the book. A lot of terrain is inter-changeable, after all and generic green mat is all I need to set it up.

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The LGS has a ton of terrain and space so we are able to play there and do just about any of the RM terrain options. Now when playing at home its a lot harder but I found a nice cheap way to do terrain.

Head over to your local fabric/craft store. Buy bundles of felt remnants fore a very low price. Grey squares are instant buildings and walls. Green can be cut into forests and hedgerows. Blue can be cut into rivers, lakes and ponds. There are a lot of options with different colors.

Now it may not make the best looking terrain but its cheap and super portable.

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I'd really like to see terraclips be released in such a way as to make all the terrain possibilities in the various sets. I know there is some resistance by some people to terrain such as forest or the like in terraclip like form but the rules really make it simple to have a 3x3 piece of flat terrain that is marked as a forest and be able to use it. I've been using DnD terrain but i'd much rather have Malifaux specific.

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At home I have some buildings, rocks and hedges and the like, and at our gaming club we have loads of Mordheim houses and swamps, forests, large rocky formations and the like. So at the club we can do a lot of the exterior locations, but none of the interior locations.

We usually just set up some terrain we feel like and play.

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The issue for me is having different terrain pieces for different areas of Malifaux.

At the moment, we use the same design buildings for all our outdoor locations, so what we need are different looking buildings so games feel like we are actually playing in different parts of Malifaux

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Pretty much the same thing. We use them some of the time, but we don't have the variety of the terrain needed for about half of them. It would be great if Terraclips could eventually release sets and pieces for all of the terrain pieces the RM has in it. Otherwise it's a matter of space to store the terrain, time to take it out and set up, and as always, money to buy it with.

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Locally, we don't typically use the extra terrain rules for 2 reasons. One is that the terrain we use is shared with Warmachine players and comes in nice little themed boxes. We use what we can but it's not like we can go "Hey, we just flipped swamp for our game, can we trade terrain sets with you?" to the guys sitting next to use who've just finished setting up terrain. Well...we could...but I don't think that's polite.

The second part of it is that there are few dedicated Malifaux players in Hawaii. Most people here play 2 or 3 games and Malifaux is the newest one, so the players find it easier to get a Pick-up game of Warmahordes or 40k. That usually means that when a league is run, the first week is getting folks to remember rules. From there, most just find the extra terrain rules to be too much to remember on top of everything else...

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A easy way to deal with it is print out my terrain cards and remove the ones you can't do then just shuffle them and pull out 1 at random. It's like having a random terrain table with just the ones you can use on it.

Lest this be glossed over by people I think it needs to be highlighted how great these cards (and the mission cards) can be for making your games easier.

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A easy way to deal with it is print out my terrain cards and remove the ones you can't do then just shuffle them and pull out 1 at random. It's like having a random terrain table with just the ones you can use on it.

I gotta admit I'm love with all your cards. Just one question are going to get them updated for the changes in the RM? Such as which schemes can't be taken with certain strategies?

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I gotta admit I'm love with all your cards. Just one question are going to get them updated for the changes in the RM? Such as which schemes can't be taken with certain strategies?

They all got updated when the RM was released, they should already say this. Remember that cards are physical objects and don't automatically get updated when the website changes.

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