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popg0estheworld's Kirai Crew Spirit Journey

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Absolutely brilliant!

Can we see a picture of Ikiryo against a brighter background? I'm losing a lot of the detail in the darkness of the photograph, I think.

I'll do you one better- I will post an UPDATE!!!

I have the crew attached to their bases- now to finish the woodwork and the bases, then attach the mural and clear coat.


Here is a close up on the corpses on the base- note the Kanji on the foreheads.


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Have you thought at all about fitting Kirai's avatar into the group somehow? Or else how to tie it in with the rest of the crew?

I have considered it... I guess I could work something in to replace the Ikryo and Kirai models- not sure with the base sizes, though. I might just do a similar basing. Not sure if I could do the screens- I'll have to see the model.

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The crew magnetizes together. It doesn't really make them easier to move, but it helps line up the bases so they are flush when they are in the display case.

The scroll on the mural reads "vengeance" (I hope).

Overall, I am happy with the results. There are a few things I would change, if I had it to do over again (making the bricks wrap around the sides of the wall, adding some source lighting around the Seishin, which I didn'tdo due to the construction of the bases not allowing it, a few other little issues).

Anyway, thanks for following my progress on this crew. I'll post the other models as I get them finished. I think Datsue-Ba and the Onryo will be next.

Also, thanks to Ratty for the idea for switching the claws on Ikryo with GW Ghouls.

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Oh my god. This looks absolutely incredible. I love how you made each part to be their bases and how nicely it comes together, this was a fantastic idea.

For the tiny little half circles on the kimonos, did you use a micro pen or did you paint those on with a brush? The free handing is just gorgeous.

Amazing job on the whole thing, this is a serious inspiration for dioramas with mali figures. Hoping to be able to do something half as awesome.

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Will the rest of the crew fit into the diorama too eventually?

No, the rest have a distinct vibe in various basing-themes that are relevant to the individual model. I figured that if I kept going

a.) I would take forever

b.) It might start to be "too much."

My initial plan was just for this small crew, and I am happy with it. I'll post more pics as the others are finished.

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