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The "How Many?" Thread

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Not sure if this has been done before but it if hasn't been, I think it could be a valuable resource.

Basically, a lot of people ask "How many x critters do I need with y Master?". So, why not consolidate those into one thread?

Granted, I'm no pro at this and I've only collected a few from general consensus around the forums but hopefully all you good people can help me add to it and I can just edit it as needed!

EDIT: So, someone suggested I explain by what I mean on this and to clarify what is "Needed" so I will do that and edit the list accordingly.

By need, I mean the models you can't really play without (or shouldn't). Hamelin needs The Stolen and Malifaux Rats. Nicodem needs some Mindless Zombies. McMourning needs Canine Remains. Kirai needs Seishin. Personally, I think any Master than can summon something needs some of that thing.

However, Marcus does not need Silurid or Molemen. That is personal taste.

EDIT 2: Assume all numbers are for a 35 soulstone game.

EDIT 3: Definition of Need: "Models that a player will use consistently all the time as a basic part of the force. (2-3 Belles for Seamus, 2 Waifs for Leveticus, etc)" (Thanks to CRC for the concise definition)


Lady Justice

Death Marshalls - 3 to 5


Sonia Criid

Witchling Stalkers - 3

C. Hoffman


Guild Guard - 3


Dr. McMourning

Canine Remains - 3 to 6

Flesh Constructs - 2


Mindless Zombies - 3 to 8


Rotten Bells - 3 to 6


Seishin - 5

Gaki - 2 to 4

Shikome - 1

Lost Love - 1



Steampunk Arachnid - SPA= 1 spider, Swarm = 3 Spiders; Magnetized: 6 spiders are Min, 9 is recommended. Total of 27 SS; Unmagnetized: 6 SPA + 2 Swarm. Total of 36 SS

Electrical Creation - 1

Brass Arachnid - 1 (replace with Mobile Toolkit when it comes out)



Ice Gamin - 3 to 6 (3 will be enough for most players)

Essence of Power or Wendigo - 1

Ice Pillars (built) - 8


Doves - 3

Coryphée - 2 (1 if you are good with magnets and conversions)



Young Nephilim - 2


Sorrows - 3 (or 1 Doppelganger)


Voodoo Doll - 1

The Dreamer

Alps - ???

Daydreams - 3



Steampunk Abominations - 4 to 8

Desolation Engine - 1

Hollow Waifs - 2


Ronin - 3

Som'er Teeth Jones

Bayou Gremlins - 8

Mosquitoes - 2 to 4

Piglets - 6


Malifaux Rats - 12 to 15

The Stolen - 5 to 6

Ratcatcher - 1

Thanks To:

Edonil, Acefisher1, Q'ig'el, Rush3r, karn987, lamwyrd, CRC, Nick, cerealkiller195, Mike3838, Bucket Monkey, Ratty (I know, I know, I'm as surprised as you are that Ratty responded on a thread ;) ), osoi, Eisenhorn, CannonFodder, Vaff, CRC, Storm's Eye, Aka Hazard, Durek

Edited by RotatingPanda
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Lilith - 1x Young Nephilim (box of 2)

Colette - 1x Doves (box of 3); 2x Coryphée (boxes of 2) [1x if you are good with magnets or conversions].

I understand Totems are not counted among "must have" minis, but for Colette they are actually necessary to perform some of the actions.

Edited by Q'iq'el
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Mcmorning and nicodem. I would say 4-6 canine remains. More so for mcmorning.

I would up the mindless zombie count to 6-8 IMO, cause also depends if you play against crews that drop corpse counters. So maybe 5-8. Its an odd number but you do need them.

Edited by Iamwyrd
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Ramos - Spiders

If Magnetized

9 bases - 18 individual spiders (up to 3 per base for a swarm)

Not Magnetized

3-4 Swarm bases (3 spiders on the base)

6-8 Individual spiders on bases

9 bases is 27 individual spiders. It's also 81 points, which is crazy high.

6 bases is 18 spiders, which is a "mere" 54 points, still really high.

I'd say 3-4 bases. That gives you 27-36 points, and space for other stuff in your force.

The numbers for "Not Magnetized" look pretty good.

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I think if this is going to be useful you have to define "need".

Seamus definitely doesn't "need" 5-6 Belles. Not many people run with more than 3. In fact you can make an effective Seamus crew with 0 Belles...

Likewise Marcus doesn't "need" Silurids or Molemen at all. Also all Guild minions work well with pretty much any Guild Master and there's no "need" minimum amount. Pretty much all Neverborn masters have free choice across the whole faction range too.


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tbh I don't think there are any needs in the Guild at all, they can easily swap around minions between Masters.. You can easilty run Lady J with Guild Guard, Witchliing Stalkers or Death Marshalls, I know quite a few people run her with Lucius.

I would say Lucius needs 3 guard models though.

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9 bases is 27 individual spiders. It's also 81 points, which is crazy high.

6 bases is 18 spiders, which is a "mere" 54 points, still really high.

I'd say 3-4 bases. That gives you 27-36 points, and space for other stuff in your force.

The numbers for "Not Magnetized" look pretty good.

I took "bases" in the magnatized to mean "a combination of small and large bases equalling nine" so for example 2 large (swarm) and 7 small (individual).

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tbh I don't think there are any needs in the Guild at all, they can easily swap around minions between Masters.. You can easilty run Lady J with Guild Guard, Witchliing Stalkers or Death Marshalls, I know quite a few people run her with Lucius.

I would say Lucius needs 3 guard models though.

I do ownboth guard and stalkers, and while they have been good with Lj, especially the guard with cordon can create sopme nice barriers for LJ.to be protected behind, the stalkers have never really done much for me, will have to use them some more, it could be just personal preferance that I have the DMs as standard unless I'm running an elite list..

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McMourning I would say works best with 3+ Canine Remains adn having 2 Flesh Constructs available is nice too.

Seamus only needs his 3 belle models I usually only start with 1-2 in any crew nowdays

Leveticus I am thinking 6 Steam Punk Aboms, its what I have got and it works

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My own view of "need".

Certain lists may want to field more, but they are not needs.

I'm probably looking in the 25-30 point region.

Some crews may need more of the essentials at more points. Ophelia and Hamelin are the two which leap to mind, where as most of the other leaders can easily branch out in alsorts of directions.


Lady Justice


Sonia Criid

Witchling Stalkers - 3 (well maybe fewer but they come in a pack of 3)

C. Hoffman


Guild Guard - 2


Dr. McMourning

Canine Remains - 2

Flesh Constructs - 1


Mindless Zombies - 3 to 6


Rotten Bells - 3


Seishin - 5

Gaki - 3


Rotten Belles -3

Necrotic machine -1



Steampunk Arachnid -the ability to have 4 singles and 2 swarms is plenty unless you are planning on fielding just spiders.





Doves - 3



Young Nephilim - 2 (if you field Terror tots)




Marrianetes - 4

The Dreamer

Daydreams - 3



Steampunk Abominations - 4 to 6

Desolation engine - 1


Von Schill

Som'er Teeth Jones

Bayou Gremlins - 6

Mosquitoes - 2 to 4

Piglets - 3


Bayou gremlin/young Lacrox - 2 (something cheap required as a minimum. either would work).


Malifaux Rats - 12 (to some extent opponent dependent, more needed vs swarm crews)

The Stolen - 5

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Lilith - 1x Young Nephilim (box of 2)

Colette - 1x Doves (box of 3); 2x Coryphée (boxes of 2) [1x if you are good with magnets or conversions].

I understand Totems are not counted among "must have" minis, but for Colette they are actually necessary to perform some of the actions.

Young Nephilim are personal taste, i use none

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Serigala: Would you consider the Ronin to be -must- haves?

Sliver Chocobo: Are Nephilim kind of Lilith's thing...? Do you use Terror Tots and go from there, do you just buy her a Mature Nephilim or do you not use Nephilim with her at all? (Sorry for the Spanish Inquisition*, but just trying to figure out for the sake of the "Master List")

* Which, naturally, no one ever suspects.

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