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Snow Storm


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So I heard Snow Storm will be coming out this month, dose anyone know the actual date?

That being said what do you think of the model sculpt? What do you think of the rules and cost for Snow Storm? Will you be taking it?

i guess, 26 july-1,2 august, but that's a guess,

well, i love the sculpt, love the rules and the cost seems much for a model with "only" 6 wounds, but don't forget that he has a lot of rules, always in soft cover, bulletproof 3, AND spirit, you have to shoot 6 times before you can kill him, and don't forget that bulletproof also works for ranged spells + you can give snow storm armor.

i could go on for ages, but i think you get the idee ;)

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The July releases should be out in the first half of the month, but with Wyrd no doubt busy getting ready for Gencon, it could be late this month.

The model looks good from what I've seen. The stats look promising, and it looks like it fills a hole Rasputina sorely needed filling. After I've put it on the table I should have a much better idea

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I'm playing in a one day tournament at the end of August, submitted my list tonight, and have included the Snow Storm. Love the sculpt, love the rules, think that he's balanced cost v rules, love to see him on the table... Just need it to dang well arrive in Australia... still, I need to paint three more models as well as him, so if it takes a week or two, that still works...

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Anyone have any ideas for basing their Snowstorm models, or pictures of how they did base it? I've been thinking of stuff but haven't settled on anything.

I really like the idea of using some natural materials to base him. Something like some tree bark sealed and painted to look like ice.

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thanks for the tip about Dragonforge. I wasn't familiar with them, but it looks like they've got some really nice bases! In addition to their ice bases for Rasputina, their Wasteland and Urban rubble bases look like they'll work really well for Leveticus, whenever I get around to adding him to my collection.

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I have the entire set of Forgotten Empire bases for my Raspy crew (click Raspy in sig to see pics). I have a 50mm just waiting at home for SS.

Speaking of which...hmm...maybe I should call my LGS to see if stuff has arrived. Maybe make a special trip down there to pick it up tonight after work. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I like these bases, where did you get them?


Sorry to bump an old post, but I just based my Wife's Raputina crew and put Snowstorm on a Dragonforge base.


Glad I read the thread though, my Snowstorm did not come with a stat card and we have been using him with only 6 wounds. I am ordering another card with my Gen Con order.

Emphasis mine..


Also @Rhellion: if another time your models are damaged or missing anything (like the stat card in this case) just go and send the guys at Wyrd an email, they're usually very willing to help sort such stuff out. :)

Edited by Wodschow
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