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popg0estheworld's Hooded Rider

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Greetings, all!

I just finished my Hooded Rider and I wanted to share. I think this is one of the nicest models in the Wyrd line, so I wanted to do it justice with some nice custom basing.








I tried to follow the color scheme from the Rising Powers artwork as closely as possible. The base is all custom built w/ some various bits from GW and old Confrontation stuff. The bricks and paving stones are cast resin, the soil is Sculptamold with dirt and sand sprinkled in it (then painted), and the roots are, well, roots. I scavenged them from a little banzai tree I picked up a while ago, killed, and dried the remains. The trunk is actually part of a stick, glued to the roots, with the bark sculpted on.

This is one of my favorite minis ever, and it was a blast to paint. A great, detailed sculpt, highly recommended to anyone (Neverborn player or not...).

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That is a very beautifully painted model. But I have to be that Guy and say there is something off:

And actually the only thing that's off is the crow on the sign, it seems like it draws away from the model as it blocks some of backside of the model. It is still a very good astetic piece don't get me wrong, but I think maybe a smaller crow or none at all would be a good choice.

But don't listen to me it looks very good as it is, I just think it may cover to much of the beautiful mini behind it.

Overall I would give it an A+++, great job and I agree you gave the model plenty of justice. :)

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That is incredible, what an awesome job! Do you a time estimate? How long it took to do? That's amazing how much difference the black and white backgrounds make! Love the black backdrop pics more, please say you are entering this in a paint comp somewhere!

I feel the same way about the black backgrounds, but the extra light reflected from the white background brings out more of the details.

The actual painting process took about three days- maybe 12 hours total. The base took an evening to build- maybe three hours.

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That is a very beautifully painted model. But I have to be that Guy and say there is something off:

And actually the only thing that's off is the crow on the sign, it seems like it draws away from the model as it blocks some of backside of the model. It is still a very good astetic piece don't get me wrong, but I think maybe a smaller crow or none at all would be a good choice.

But don't listen to me it looks very good as it is, I just think it may cover to much of the beautiful mini behind it.

Overall I would give it an A+++, great job and I agree you gave the model plenty of justice. :)

Thanks for the honest critique, and while I certainly understand your point, the addition of the crow where he was is quite intentional. The part of the model that the crow is covering is one of the only open 'fields' on the miniature that doesn't contain much detail. As opposed to having this large, light-colored horse flank diverting the eye from the most striking parts of the sculpt, I feel like the dark detail adds flavor as well as channeling your immediate attention elsewhere.

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Thanks for the honest critique, and while I certainly understand your point, the addition of the crow where he was is quite intentional. The part of the model that the crow is covering is one of the only open 'fields' on the miniature that doesn't contain much detail. As opposed to having this large, light-colored horse flank diverting the eye from the most striking parts of the sculpt, I feel like the dark detail adds flavor as well as channeling your immediate attention elsewhere.

Ahhh I see where your coming from now. Nice choice, as it would actually draw away from the model because of the open flank, didn't notice it before. :)

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