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Puppet avatars...who?

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It's been a blast going through and checking out the different puppet avatars and now it's gotten me wanting to see/get a hold of the minis and play a few games.

My wife's going to kill me and Fell's going to have more painting to do.

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Ooh, so death threats work then? Good to know. If you'll excuse me, I'm just off to cut some letters out of newspapers to glue together into something scary (old-school I know, but some things are worth putting the effort in for :) ).

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"He's Mistah Black and you're mistah pink"

"Why do I have to be pink?"

I'm Mister Black. No question.

And I notice there are even more avatars floating around now...

DARNITT Eric, how am I supposed to keep my list up to date when you keep transforming us all? Don't you know I have a life outside of this forum?

#looks around at padded cell#

Anyway, i will endeavour to update (again ;)) as soon as possible!

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