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The embarrassment amnesty thread.

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I tried this once on another forum once and it went pearshaped rather quickly but think it's worth giving it a crack here.

Just a place for people to post anything that they are potentially ashamed of in real life. I will save a few for later but ease in with a couple I don't think are too bad.

I am a huge fan of Columbo as well as Tom Selleck including loving the 3 men films.

Anyone else have anything to declare?

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I believe/fear/think, some of this "confessing" while good for the soul, may come back and bit you in the bum.

While it is obvious most of us here play with toys, which is enough for most of the free world to point and or run away screaming, the voluntary information posted here is bordering on TMI.

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Unfortunately due to this video, I like a song by Avril Lavingne

It pretty good song, but doesn't go the video much

While I may not like that song... I will also fess up to liking a Avril Lavingne song... Girlfriend:

Yeh, me too

yeah I'm guilty of that.

.... plus I love Battle Field Earth movie >.>

It's like the Judge Dread film, they're so bad you just have to love them

I like Final fantasy XII

And final fantasy XIII

I have a problem :(

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I listen to Country Music *hangs head in shame*

I also like REALLY bad vampire flicks (John Carpenter's Vampires is one of my favorites).... I DO NOT LIKE THE TWILIGHT MOVIES, THEY DO NOT COUNT AS BAD VAMPIRE FLICKS... they're just trash :)

I also like cheesey '60's and '70's "horror" movies (Village of the Damned being one of my favorites).

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Its like the the Judge Dread film, they're so bad you just have to love them

Don't get me started on the Judge Dredd movie lol!! As a 2000ad reader from the start, and still, that movie ripped apart what a Dredd movie should be and destroyed it.

Though I will admit, as a stand alone action movie, it is actually quite good! ;)

And I wasn't recriminating (?) at Karn before, I have plenty of guilty secrets! And Karn would crush me with his ball and chain!

Does anyone else like Glee? # hopes someone will agree #

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