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comments regarding new book


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1- wheres the new steamborg ?, theyre were a lot of talk of a new steamborg with a gun, what happened to him?

2- Ain't collodi army selection a bit limited. If i'm not mistake, he can only take 3 types of unit. that will make him rather uninteresting, and boring imo. Hopefully he,ll get new units , cause he's my favorite new character.

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so, zoraida can summon a wicked doll every turn without even having to cast a spell. thats pretty strong imo as ramos needs a scrap counter, and some pretty good card, to summon a 3ss spider, while she can summon a 3ss doll only spending 2 ap

I'm still staring at the Insidious Madness and wondering what the other factions did to deserve it...

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I have finally received my book (yay!) and after spending a few hours with it, I have two major comments on the content.

1. Great to see concept art for the models. Some of the sketches, drawings are fantastic and a bit Disc Worldish (which is good, of course).

2. Not so great that there is absolutely no photos of miniatures through the entire book. Mx is a miniature game, so why are there no photos of minis? Wyrd studio has some of the greatest tables and best painted minis I have ever seen. Why not show it in the book? I remember, when I used to play WH40K, one of the most inspiring and 'getting me into the game' factors were the photos of epic battles throught the rulebook, codexes and White Dwarf.

Just a thought. Maybe it would be worth to think about it for Book 3?

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I have finally received my book (yay!) and after spending a few hours with it, I have two major comments on the content.

1. Great to see concept art for the models. Some of the sketches, drawings are fantastic and a bit Disc Worldish (which is good, of course).

2. Not so great that there is absolutely no photos of miniatures through the entire book. Mx is a miniature game, so why are there no photos of minis? Wyrd studio has some of the greatest tables and best painted minis I have ever seen. Why not show it in the book? I remember, when I used to play WH40K, one of the most inspiring and 'getting me into the game' factors were the photos of epic battles throught the rulebook, codexes and White Dwarf.

Just a thought. Maybe it would be worth to think about it for Book 3?

Meh, that's what the catalog is for. I like pictures of models, but it does however make me happy that it's consistently concept art.

Book 1 bothered me going back and forth between photos and art. Not much, just slightly.

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I'm still staring at the Insidious Madness and wondering what the other factions did to deserve it...

With all of the other things that Mama Z can do summoning a voodoo doll every turn would be rough. The opportunity cost is HUGE, although might well be worth it depending on The Plan for that encounter.

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Finally got my book as well. I like the art, I like the story so far, but whyever would I want to take the December Acolyte if I can hire the Trapper for one SS more? Better armor, better range, nifty triggers and abilties. Sure, it won't make the target slow, but that's it. Oh, and it lacks Rip Throat trigger in CC.

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Trapper doesn't Slow, doesn't Drag neither drain cards, doesn't do melee as well, doesn't Devour and doesn't cast the amazing Icy Fate spell.

Trapper does some other things though, mainly being more mobile.

They have a different set of tools, while some of their abilities are similar they are by no means one and the same.


Taking the trapper means you can't take any other kind of Special Forces (no Gunsmith etc.) neither can you take other kinds of mercenaries (no convict etc.).

I think there's enough reasons. Also +1SS is still something.

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Possibly, though I still reckon acolyte to be one of the very few truly useless models in the game, five games I took him and he died without doing so much as slighlty wounding one guy. Three games I played against an enemy with acolyte, and I killed him "in the meantime" while dealing with real threats.

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Thats strange, I've found the Acolye very useful for dealing with corpse counters that my opponents Resurrectionests keep producing and using to get back everything I kill. Sure, he is in trouble if left unsupported, but I find with my marcus list, I don't need to leave him unsupported for very long at all.

I might not use him in all lists, but I struggle facing the continual hordes of undead someone like nicodem can put down if I don't have a way of getting rid of the corpse counters.

If you place him in the area you want the figth to be, and can get your crew in that area at the right time, I think he can be useful. And they need to send people to walk up to him to deal with him, they can't just throw a few shots your way whilst waiting for the rest of the crew to join. Don't use him until its worth him leavign his cover is my advice.

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The corpse-eating spell is for 0, it ain't gonna seriously dent the horde in any way. Cats cost 1SS less, and will rip through any target the Acolyte can, are even harder to target. The only downside is their lack of special deployment, but in all honesty, with the errata of "be 12" from EVERYTHING!" he usually spends a turn just getting into position from whatever windblasted hellhole he had to be deployed in. His CC abilities are also less then stellar, people CAN ignore him while killing the rest.

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Poko you are complaining all the time (as you always do btw ;))

I used Acolyte several times and I cannot call him weak model. It is just very specific and it takes a lot of time to learn to use him well. Versus Guild he is quite weak, but his eating counters can do a lot of harm to Nicodemus and other undead. Shhoting twice with respectable Dg (even if his cb is just 3 then) is also quite nice and allow to slow the enemy before he comes to the Raspi and Gamlins.

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Possibly, though I still reckon acolyte to be one of the very few truly useless models in the game, five games I took him and he died without doing so much as slighlty wounding one guy. Three games I played against an enemy with acolyte, and I killed him "in the meantime" while dealing with real threats.

I feel your pain

for such a great looking fig with what appears to be good skills

he falls flat

I find he's just a paltry way to fill in a shooter slot into the December cult list...

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