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Rquest for the Teaser gods!


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Guild: 1 Master, 2 Totems, 1 Henchman, 8 Minions

Resurrrectionists: 1 Master, 2 Totems, 1 Henchman, 10 Minions

Arcanists: 1 Master, 2 Totems, 1 Henchman, 12 Minions

Neverborn: 1 Master, 1 Totem, 1 Henchman, 10 Minions

Outcasts: 1 Master, 2 Totems, 2 Henchmen, 19 Minions (although the Gremlins have their own section).

Whilst that is a big minion count I was expecting more.

The reason being that some - I have no idea how many as I wasn't part of the Beta - will be restricted by being special forces no? If so then you have to get the Henchman to get access to the huuugggeee majority of mini's in the book? Unless not all of the special forces are in the book?

For example, guild have 8 minions. If 5 are special forces linked to Hoffman, then guild players who don't take an instant liking to Hoffman will really only have 3 minions?

Given the number of minions highlighted in the teasers have you *purposefully* neglected to list the spec forces? :squint:

Unless, and I hope I am, taking something out of context or misunderstanding.

Can anyone tell me how many special forces minions are in for the factions?

Edited by Chucklemonkey
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From an interview with the d6 generation, I am under the impression that Eric said that not all of the spec forces are in.

However, YOU DO NOT NEED THE APPROPRIATE HENCHMAN TO HIRE SPEC FORCES! You are juts limited to the number you may in your crew if the henchmen is not present.

The only specal forces i know about are the neverborn doll that require to have a "puppet master" or zoraidia

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Luscius isn't badass?

Not at all?

Death lawyers.

His combat "spell."

The fact that you just can't hurt him.

Plus, he's like the governor general's number two. He's gotta be some kind of awesome.

As far as I know, most of the time "special forces" means they're like rare one unless you have the henchman either in/leading the crew. Because I know that there's only like 1spec forces for each faction, except for the outcasts, there are a couple freicorp models.

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I don't blame them for not spoiling the couple of masters that they didn't. They weren't getting models *Pouts at not getting a hoffman box yet* so why bother telling people when you can just by the book?

For all you that wouldn't know yet. Hoffman, even though he doesn't look like it, is an in-your-face support master. He is probably faster then Lilith at moving, and it isn't even his activation when he does it. He relies on constructs and they make him stronger in every aspect. And by the way. He actually makes the Peacekeeper like it works properly! I have gotten plenty of chances to play him and he has given everyone I played with an exceptionally hard time doing anything. Then again that just might be me playing him *evil grin*

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A few requests about Molly, and some of that information is:

She grants access to the Reconstructed Dead Special Forces. She has Slow to Die and Hard to Wound and she's also Pitiful (she's a very sick girl.)

Her actions are: Impossible Knowledge, The Gorgoneion, Uncontrolled Crying, and Reveal Phillip.

Her Spells are: Whispered Secret, Terrible Secret, The Philosophy of Uncertainty, and The Shocking Truth.

She has a talent that allows her to take a particular totem with her, as if she were a Master. It is called "The Necrotic Machine" and it is an artifact of Old Malifaux that seems to identify her as an agent of The Gorgon and follows her because of that connection.

Her picture in the book shows her holding Phillip's Head against her chest. She has a few abilities that modify fate flips, cause terror, and a spell that kills the target outright.

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A few requests about Molly, and some of that information is:

She grants access to the Reconstructed Dead Special Forces. She has Slow to Die and Hard to Wound and she's also Pitiful (she's a very sick girl.)

Her actions are: Impossible Knowledge, The Gorgoneion, Uncontrolled Crying, and Reveal Phillip.

Her Spells are: Whispered Secret, Terrible Secret, The Philosophy of Uncertainty, and The Shocking Truth.

She has a talent that allows her to take a particular totem with her, as if she were a Master. It is called "The Necrotic Machine" and it is an artifact of Old Malifaux that seems to identify her as an agent of The Gorgon and follows her because of that connection.

Her picture in the book shows her holding Phillip's Head against her chest. She has a few abilities that modify fate flips, cause terror, and a spell that kills the target outright.

She spits up blood when you hit her too...

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Realize on Hoffman, that's a construct standing behind him. its not attached to him as from the Fluff he was stricken with Polio which is the reason foe the Brace.

Rats. The art with the waist strap and the leg braces made it appear like he had built an exo-skeleton for himself. Maybe his avatar form them.

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I look at that Hoffman art and see a steam-punk Dr. Octopus and I love it.

There is a guy in my area who made Ramos into Dr. Octopus and I think he looks more the part with those glasses.


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