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First Wyrd Models - Cult of December

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Oh wow, really liking what I see here! Extremely nice! Love the fact that your ice golem and gamins are similar colours but painted differently so that the Gamin look organic while the Golem looks like it's made out of ice. All in all I adore that golem - very, very good, has a sort of SENMM vibe to it.

And Rasputina then. Very nice whites and blacks. The skin, the darklining, everything is spot on from painting style to colour choice.

Any close-ups in the future?

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I'll get some close ups done when I've painted a few more models, my dad's a photographer so if I take it all to his house I can get access to all kinds of wonderful things!

I'm really happy with the Golem, especially because I completely winged it! The photo's quite complementary to Rasputina, she's a bit messy close up! Need to smooth out the white and I'm thinking about painting her stockings/waist scarf thing in a similar blue to the beasties to tie them together a bit better, although she works better all-white than I anticipated.

Thanks for the nice comments, always handy to keep the old painting-bug going!

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I'm eager to get onto Zoriada and all her swampy goodness.

Must be good. Must not take out of context.

Very nice!!! Post some closer individual pics if you get a chance...

I am surprised that AoM hasn't commented on these yet with his unhealthy love of Rasputina!!!

Geez, Steve! Let a guy get to work in the morning.

Great work there, DB. I'm waiting for individual pics. I've got plans for my Golem when I get him eventually, but I'm trying to hold off on buying the CoD starter until I know how well I'm getting paid from my Gen Con classes.

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Never one to boast there are you mate :P:

Looks not too shabby, I look forward to giving them a trouncing once the game finally comes out.

And I look forward to freezing your Guild while my Gamin run up behind and tie their shoelaces together. Yeah. BRING IT!

edit: I just noticed my "Board Rank" or whatever it's called just went from "Odd" to "Strange"! It's a proud day!

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  • 1 month later...
Just ordered the Decemberists Beans. Out of curiosity - how long did it take you to paint them? And what colours? I'm thinking GW's Ice Blue with some blue washes would probably be good - just curious.

I painted the Golem and Gamin in a night, took a bit more time on Rasputina. She needs some smoothing out (bloody white) which I keep meaning to do but I keep buying more models! Going to attempt a snow sabertooth tonight if I get the chance.

edit: also, thanks everyone!

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