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Ten years ago, I....

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It's called 'getting old' and not wanting to be. I swore that I never would, but here I am now, feeling older than I actually am, and embracing the hell out of it actually.

I went from looking at people a bit older than I going, damn, old ass people, never going to be like that. To, hrmm, 50 isn't too old, I mean, really ...

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@vike: thanks. few people encouraged me to continue making her dessert, especially since i have to go on a two hour-long drive to get to its destination hehe. but hey, what's a couple of $'s worth of ingredients and a couple of hours, right? it can easily be replaced.

and i never really posted that to launch a relentless tale of gloom :D

i posted that because i somehow felt it was a sense of accomplishment on my part, and that just turning 18 (19 this may :P), i think it was a part of my growing up. i didn't post this to rant about all the hurting in life. actually, i wanted those within the same age bracket as me (if any) to see it as a learning experience. It's not about fearing pain. it's about accepting it on the better light. me? i love getting hurt (not in a twisted, sadomasochistic way!) because i know it toughens me.i love getting hurt because i know it sharpens me. and lastly, i love getting hurt because it makes me feel alive. i don't wallow in the mud of despair, because i've learned to take the bad with the good, ya know? that's the beauty of sorrow. you only get to feel so sad because you've enjoyed just as much bliss before. i see life in a much more colorful spectrum now.

not trying to be emo or anything here, i'm just expressing a personal point hehe ^_^

so if anyone wats the recipe for that simple cake let me know :D

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Mid-year 1999, i had decided screw it i'm leaving and left alaska and moved to seattle. At that my travels around the US started. In 10 years i've lived in 5 different cities around the country, from the central states, to the east coast and at the end of these tens years i'm 150 miles from where i started.

funny you mention that in the last 10 years I've lived in Australia for 9 months with a job , Ireland (castlebar) 2 years with a girlfriend , Selby Yorkshire 8 months , Glasgow , 6 months nottingham 2 years then Stoke 18 months where I met my now partner who coincidentally came from Castlebar Ireland and I never met her until Stoke .. (anyone who knows the place will know there aren't a lot of people to know..) between each move coming backto Leeds and I now live 3 streets away approx 500 yds from the home I grew up in with the family since I was 5..... guess it must be the water that brings me back .. I still have a reassuring feeling of security and confidence when I arrive at the outskirts othe city ..no matter where I've been.

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Ten years ago, I hadn't moved out of my parents' house... I had just met the girlfriend I had before the one I'm currently together with (since almost 8 years), and I probably thought that relationship was turning out pretty promising (little did I know...). I spent way too much time on bars and clubs, way too much money on drinks and most likely drank too much as well. I didn't paint then, as I thought I had quit that for good. I studied at the university in Stockholm and probably worried about my upcoming masters project. I had hair...

I like my life quite a bit better nowadays, I must say. Despite the hair...

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Moonrise: Nah, your story's awesome Dude! I'm awed by your commitment to a promise - I don't see death as particularly gloomy, anymore than birth or anything else that comes with the life package.... Just too much of the crap stuff for too long, without enough of the brightness and joy to balance it for me over this last decade (and I didn't want to list all the details). But I've got high hopes for this coming decade of mine.

My post was about me, not a reaction to yours.:)

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Ten years ago, I had just gotten a new position at my company. I went from being an inside, answering phone calls, to an outside, install the phonelines type of guy.

The people I worked with were considered the grouchiest bunch of guys in our area, and nobody else wanted to work with them. They all had 30+ years with the company, and were a bit jaded. The one grouchiest of the crew was an old guy by the name of Fred. Don't know why, but he took a liking to me, and we became good friends. He'd even have me over his house and cook me lunch for our lunch hour.

I struggled with the job, as I didn't know much about anything, so there was lots of stress in my life because of it. There was alot of frustration for me, but I actually became good friends with most of the crew. Although I call it a crew, most all of the jobs were solo affairs. You'd get in your truck and go seperate ways.

I look back on those days now with real fondness. I feel that it changed me as a person.

Also during that time frame, my daughters were 6 and 3. I can remember thinking how much easier parenting would be when they could get themselves in and out of cars without those damn car seats....now my oldest drives herself. Egads that hits me hard.

On the hobby front, it was during this era I had pulled out my old boxes of Games Workshop minis. I had some of the paints and some of the cool citadel stuff, but had put it all away when the kids came along. I started realizing that the internet made getting these things (and the ones I WANTED) much much easier. And so the madness began....

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1999. Around this time, April, I'd just been told I needed urgent back surgery. A wait of 'a couple of weeks' turned into 4 months and has left me with a permanent condition. My youngest child turned 1 and wondered why daddy couldn't pick her up and cuddle her. Life was a routine of painkillers and very slow walks to get at least some exercise.


After 10 years on the unemployment scrapheap I'm back in work, my kids have nearly all grown up and are making me proud. We own our house outright and will celebrate 26 years of marriage, through some pretty rough times. I'm able to sit for an hour or so and paint minis, some of which people on the forums actually like. Life may not be perfect but I'm happy. I 've got what a lot of people don't have.

As for a '20 years ago' thread, how about a 30 or 40...........:D

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10 years ago my cafe had just failed and I had a falling out with my 2 best friends. Was stressed and depressed. Went on a long slow downward spiral (a few ups but mainly downs) which I have only just come out of. Started dating my wife (although how long we will remain married is anyones guess at the moment).

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  • 4 months later...

Ten years ago, my one year old adopted daughter had just arrivied to us in Sweden. I was working as a Account Payable Supervisor at a manifactury in the telecom industy.

I played most of the GW games (Warhammer Fantasy Battle, 40k, Necromunda (had Mordheim arrived yet?)). But mostly I played RPG, mostly Vampire (and the other Storytelling).

Since then, a lot has changed... ;)

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Ten year ago I was the quintessential sad gamer. I sat in my room and spent weekends in GW playing warhammer. I spent new year playing Tomb Raider/Zelda and wouldn't have known what to do with a woman even if I could get one!

Now though, I love my job, got an awsome girlfriend and still find time to be a massive geek which I seem to conceal quite well. Even though I'm no longer ashamed, as my Cryx tattoo will testify! 'MON THE GEEKS!

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Nine years, 11 years would be a boring story, 1999 was a wild year for me.

Ten years ago, I was in the middle of my Engineering degree and traveling the world with the massive bucks I made working 85+ hours a week the summer of '99 doing excavation in Steamboat Springs. Went to Thailand, Indonesia, and Europe.

Had my face busted in with a 2x4 at a college party after being jumped by a bunch of coked out high school kids. Had two black eyes, rearranged teeth and a broken nose. I looked like Killjoy after a head-butting contest with a wall.

I walked into my Engineering 201 class, smiled at everyone and for years established a pyscho reputation. My future wife was in that class and was scared to death of me. We became study partners and she chased me for two years, luring me in with cooking, until finally I gave in and we've been happily together ever since.

After my face healed up, I felt oblidged to head butt a giant front window at the local University dive during the peak after hours surge. The glass shattered and showered some bewildered patrons, I walked off laughing my head off only to be tackled by two police officers. Still laughing and feeling the need to get away, I ended up wrestling them in the street stopping traffic and coincidently stopping an Ambulance in it's tracks en route to the University hospital.

Believe it or not, after being hand-cuffed and pinned to the ground for twenty minutes (at this point utterly decimated at what I had just done to my future) the police LET ME GO.

I guess when your're a cop and some idiot is laughing in the middle of the street wrestling with you and making jokes about how you're preventing him from getting home to get some shut-eye because of a big test on Monday, you don't want to run all that paper work.

Yeah, 1999 was a wild year for me and also the year I started to settle down.

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In 1999 I was drinking way too much, doing way too little school work (never did finish that degree), started dating the first girl I had dated in 5 years who was also 12 years older then me, working as an orderly at a surgical facility so I mopped up blood all day and got to see tons of cool surgeries and pretty much screwing around with my life :)

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The records of what I was doing 10 years ago are still classified by the US government.

Either that or I was just bumping around college, working a crappy job but living rent free with lots of time on my hands. Really its all the stuff that happened in between the last ten years(graduation, career, international travel, marriage, fatherhood) that's exciting.

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Finished undergrad degree

Started on Masters degree

Lived last year of single life prior to marrying my wonderful wife

Played last game of WH40k after discovering it at its birth in 1987


Work a job I love (children's librarian)

Have twin three year-old daughters

Play lots of Warmachine and Malifaux

Boring = good


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ten years ago I would have graduated and been in the first year of my two years in the military as a MP. I was splitting time between a couple chicks and just being sauced. The only game I played was the once in a while vampire the masquerade when deployed since there was nothing else to do.

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