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Jack Daw - Share your lists


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Hello All,

I just got the Molly Nightmare Crew and Jack Daw's Crew. Since there is already a good thread for Molly lists, I was wondering,

What do people usually take with Jack-Jack?

What Strats/Schemes/Factions do you like dropping him into? 

I had an idea of taking as much terrifying as possible, Forcing a ton of checks while interfering with my opponent's ability to Cheat.

My List Idea looks like this:

Jack Daw 0

~~Grave Spirit's Touch 2

Lady Ligea 0

Yin the Panagalan 9

The Hanged 8

Montressor 9

~~The Whisper 2

Guilty 5

Guilty 5

Guilty 5

5 Soul Stones.



Ive also considered a Buddy Cop list with Seamus and Jack Daw Making Terrifying tests utter hell for my opponent. has anyone tried a variant of that?






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Not sure if i like Yin in this list.
I would rather go for a drowned or crooked man, to apply staggered at range. Also both of them can attack the opponents mv stat - wich is nice.
I also want to "force" Jakuuna in there exactly that is my problem. I run out of points.
I'm always ending up with something like this:

Jack Daw - 0
Lady Ligeia - 0
Montressor - 9
Hanged - 8
Crooked Man - 7
Drowned - 6
Dead Outlaw - 6
Guilty - 5
Guilty - 5
5 Stones

Would love to have Jakuuna in there, would love to have Grave Spirits touch on Jack (and the hanged) but i have no idea what to cut.
I haven't have a game with him at all so i think this at least let's me try out a lot of different models.

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1 hour ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

I have an opportunity to pickup the whole keyword except Crooked Men and Drowned. Is that viable, or are they really critical to how the keyword plays?

They are worth picking up at some point but not critical to playing the Tormented, Ive played many games without either.

My Tormented list looks something like this usually

Jack Daw + (either KI or GST) – 2

Lady Ligeia – 0

Montresor – 9

Jaakuna Ubume – 8

Hanged + GST – 10

Guilty – 5

Guilty – 5

Crooked man, Bone Pile or Nurse – 7/6/7

4/5 ss cache

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24 minutes ago, Sagrit said:

What's the point of Ubume except of 12" Lure?

I know her abilities, but please share what really usefull things she ever does in your games?

I've only played against her, but she can be a nightmare.

Her drowning aura creates hazardous terrain, and she is super hard to kill with her serene countenance, etc. She can just go punish a crew horrifically - if you attack her you take damage, if you move near her, if you hit her, etc.

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Yep all of the above and with a Lure of 7 she can reliably re position enemy models. Great for schemes/scheme denial. Montesor can obey her to lure twice as well so you can effectively drag something right across the board. Pulling the right models into range to get those curse upgrades out early, or pulling models into Montresor/Lady Ligeia/Jack's auras. She's just an amazing control piece with a ton of passive damage

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7 hours ago, Daysleeper said:

You should target models that aren't already staggered to get the most out of your lures 😄

Exactly. Tormented give away lot of Stagger and it cut's off Ubume's Lure. Serene Contenance means that she will be attacked with Focus, and that means + damage, so she can't be placed in the middle of the table, because she will be shot to death quickly. So it looks like a model who will spend it's activation on Lure models without Stagger 1-2 times.
Combo with Crooked looks nice, but i'm not a fan of Crooked Man to be honest and again, there are lot of ways to give Stagger without complicated combo.
Anyone had success with Crooked and/or Ubume in competetive games?

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I have found that the combination of card drawing Nurses pickup the discard and the Hanged('s)  Black Joker fun makes for a nasty combo. My opponent never had cards and I always had what I needed. However I would usually only take a Nurse if facing a lot of conditions. I was going against Kaeris last time.

Jack w/ GST
Dead Outlaw
x3 Guilty
It left only 3 stones but I tend to not need nearly as many with the card manipulation of this crew.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

although I haven't run the crew yet I am playing with the idea of:


lady L




x2 drowned  OR x2 dead outlaws

x2 guilty

3 SS

using the drowned and jaak to move together and mont and the guilty to draw out weaker models which leaves jack Lady L and the hanged to support as needed. again just a theory, but should be fun

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  • 2 weeks later...
23 minutes ago, LeperColony said:

How important are The Guilty to his upgrade engine?

Apparently there are some wicked tricks. Dead outlaws can use them to drop enemy scheme markers (drop it trigger), then eat the scheme marker to hand out fast.

Then you can send the guilty in as a wee suicide bomb to get the engine running.

I've not played them, but super keen to try that.

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Notably, the above trick with shooting Guilty for enemy Scheme Markers is useful because the Dead Outlaw can Charge and Shoot, letting them move up while also handing out Fast. If you activate Too Greedy to Die first, then a Tormented model also gets to push 3" towards the dropped marker.

Dead Outlaw with Guilty can become surprisingly efficient.

Also, my lists start with Jack Daw, Lady Ligeia, Hanged, Dead Outlaw, and Guilty. That leaves 31 Soulstones to adapt. Montressor usually winds up in there. From there other packages include another Hanged + Guilty, or Jaakuna + Crooked Man. Sloth, Nurse, Bone Piles, Carrion Emissary, Archie, Manos are OoK considerations. Upgrades on Jack Daw and Hanged are pretty valuable as well.


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  • 1 month later...

New Jack Daw Crew (Resurrectionist)
Size: 50 - Pool: 4
  Jack Daw
    Killer Instinct
  Lady Ligeia
  Guilty 2
    Grave Spirit's Touch
  Jaakuna Ubume

Ran this list in our gaming group Friday. Hanged is an incredible model and Sloth making a guilty and monty fast is always nice. 

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The last Jack Daw list I used in a local tournament:

Size: 50 - Pool: 7
  Jack Daw
  Lady Ligeia
  Guilty 2
- Grave Spirit Touch
  Dead Outlaw
  Jaakuna Ubume

Game setup :
Deployment: Standard
Strategy: Turf War
Scheme Pool:
  12: Claim Jump
  11: Deliver a Message
  2: Breakthrough
  5: Dig Their Graves
  4: Search the Ruins

I choose Claim Jump (with Montresor) and Deliver a Message, versus a Crossroad 7 list.
Game ended 6-3 in my favour (2VP for ClaimJump, 2 for Deliver a Message, 2 for Strat)
The Dead Outlaw is HUGE to deny enemy Scheme Markers (I used that twice to give Fast to Montresor), even if his Defense is too low for my tastes.
Sadly Jaakuna didn't perform brightly in this matchup, she almost got killed in turn 2 and I had to move her back to avoid give my opponent an easy kill.
Luckly, the Hanged and Jack manage to lock down Greed (she was the Leader) and score both point for Deliver a Message, while Montresor occupied the center of the table with the two Guilties and Ligeia supporting from behind. 

A solid list all in all, but I think that the Dead Outlaw is not always the best choice.


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Just now, LeperColony said:

Have you gotten good use out of Jaakuna Ubume?  I've taken her a few times, but generally feel like I'd prefer another Hanged.

Usually yes. She works fine against heavy melee crews (she's excellent, for example, against Ulix's pigs).  With her 50mm base and the 3" drowning aura she can easily control a nice portion of the table (excellent for Claim Jump or to secure a Turf Marker). 

I've tried in the past to take a 2nd Hanged in her place, but the result didn't feel great. Those Hanged requires tons of SS to be 100% effective, and I prefer using just one Hanged and giving to him all the resource needed to dominate the game. But this is just a personal way of playing the crew, I don't think one option is necessarily better than the other :)

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