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Lynch advice


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I find him effective against any crew without any easy way for +flips, making your opponent having to spend actions to concentrate to target your models (Lynch and Beckoners) is removing their ap from scoring points. 

What I find hard for him scheme-wise though is breakthrough, as they are a pretty slow moving keyword until kitty is released. 

I haven't gotten to try him against all schemes thou, so I can't answer for all. 


The list I've been using most is:




Beckoner - trained ninja (to be deployed within 12" of whatever model I feel I need to get moving forward turn one) 




Tannen (or a wandering Monk, if I need to accually be scheming at two different places at once like harness, outflank and the like) 

You could also send huggy away, and with the trigger on lynch gun, he will always threaten anyway) 



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In my mind they are more about getting your own models in place to spend their ap interacting or attacking, while also creating bubbles where your enemy can't interact for the low cost of a brilliance. 

I don't think I've ever used the beckoners lure on an enemy yet in M3E 🤔

I think of it as an action economy, if I can move a model before activating, while also hopefully creating a no interact zone for the enemy, it's great!

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My basic Lynch roster is:

Lynch with trained ninja

Huggy with Silent Protector (if enemy has too much shooting)



Tannen with Trained Ninja (if enemy has too much shooting, otherwise rather silent protector)

Sun Quiang



Cache 2-6

For first turn - Kitty pushes Beckoners where they need to go (+2" from Tannen for one Beckoner) and eat brilliance from one to push hersefl 5", then Beckoner lures the rest of the crew (Huggy is mobile enough to move by himself) using Reposition - first lures should touch the Kitty so free brilliance and extra 2" movement for one model per activation, then during activation of rest of the crew scatter according to plan. Eventualy through the activation i want to filter for two medium masks to focus spam from Sun Quiang and/or pushes from Lynch.

From second turn i' ve always spammed brilliance from Beckoners on enemy and summon at least one model (usually the illuminated).

You have a lot of mobility and ways to mess up with opponent's positioning (all models has their ways to move somehow the enemy), also you can pack a punch as you will spam brilliance a lot so Huggy will be always on positive flips, Gwen +2 dmg, Kitty's draw essence can be murderous with a lot of brilliance around. Kitty, Gwen and Sun Quiang have their ways to drop scheme markers near opponents models so it should help in some schemes. O, and there is quite healing.

This roster has one major drawback - shockwaves - for first two turns you are rather clumped together and i feel that shockwaves are quite powertful if not slighty overpowered as they cancel stealth and have pretty high TN values to defend while low TN to cast. Also as we' ve lost the armor from whole crew we are not as tough as previous.


For strategies:

Reckoning - quite fun, but high amount of high quality that are so tempting to hire Henchmens may be risky (damm Perdita and enforcers spam - don't do that!) - use minons spam.

Corrupted Idols - lure/reposition already activated enemy model to Idol than obey from Huggy aaaaand... smile! Access to lot of mobility, repostioning the enemy, healing, some summoning - what to not love?

Plant exposives - Look up for Corrupted Idols.

Turf war - I prefer some more shooty crew, but... look up for Corrupted Idols.


Schemes - all are quite duable, with some difficulties for - Hold up Their Forces (many high cost models, Beckoners don't like to be engaged with enemy), Power Ritual (maybe no, but i hate that scheme), Outflank (you are rather bubble crew).

12 hours ago, CD1248 said:

I think Lynch makes good use of the more expensive Versatiles due to Huggy's Obey. An extra shot with Fuhatsu, an out-of-activation Yasunori charge, that sort of thing.

I would rather pass on versatile models, we have a lot of good/freat henchmens, and for versatile mininons i've would point the McCabe.

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Good to remember about Shockwaves is that the illuminated have their own Shockwave with a 2" range, so If you meet stealth och grouped up opponents, go blow them up 😉


Oh , and if you bring Graves, don't forget to keep him away from the rest, as black blood is still as annoying as always 

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Thanks for the advice! Game went well against levi in reckoning, we both picked harness and search the ruins. I won 7-4.

Him shutting off my healing made me sad but tannen likes the word no alot and most of his attacks didn't make it through all the duels and after I ate his hand, I started handing out slow to his key models, and denied him quite alot of scheming 

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Tannen is a must have! I've found he is the model my opponents really hate and they really want to focus him! but with all the mobility we have (beckoners, Graves, Kitty, Huggy's obey) it's easy to protect him and keep opponent inside his auras of doom! ahah! :) 

It's really easy to mess with opponent placement and when a model his surrounded by Tannen, Lynch and a beckoner auras it's a nightmare for him!

Silent Protector on a beckoner is really strong too! take the hit is golden and the challenge bonus action can be really strong! Also hard to kill is always nice! For me it fits because I like to keep one beckoner near the deathball (Lynch, Tannen, Graves, etc) so if a scary model threatens Lynch or Tannen (habitually Tannen since he's really squishy) beckoners can intercept the hit! :) Also if an opponent lure one of my important pieces away, she can lure it back to safety!

For Lynch the teleporting huggy strat has already been said and it's really good! use a low tome on your own model and huggy is now in safety or threatening a new side of the table! :P For the first 2 turns I like to bundle up a lot of my models so that Lynch can give a lot of brilliance to my models and with this Huggy can heal for absurd amount! Also to help Lynch move a bit charge your own model with him if you only want to walk because you are not oblige to flip the cards for dmg after giving the 2 brilliance and more brilliance is always good ;)

Rig the deck is an awesome ability! The ability to cycle your hand with high cards and use those only when you need it is very strong. Also all the terrifying test and the low TN you want are pretty much auto-pass. Also you can cycle low cards with those TN. For example, in turn 1 habitually no one is close to Tannen so with rig the deck, I put a low card from my hand on top and use immediately his bonus to fail it and remove this low card from my hand :) Another use which is kind of expensive, is when you really need something to die. you can put a high card in front and a red joker after for the dmg flip! ;) before doing that remember to check if enemy has serene countenance/manipulative/terrifying because this will mess with your plan!


Honeypot is a really good and fun crew to play! You have a lot of options but we have a few weakness to remember. The crew has really good synergies between all his models but this lead to being really close to each other so blast and shockwaves can hurt a lot. We do not have long range threat. Our beaters are mostly melee or at 6'' with Lynch against someone with high brilliance.  The only good schemer we have is Kitty. A good opponent will see that and will try to kill her fast. The healing is low if you stay in keyword so I like to add a tanuki (helps a lot against conditions and gives focused) or a low river monk against really killy crew (Nephilim, Mercenary, etc)

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Well, with all that healing i'm used to play i've forgotten totally about teleporting Huggy for weak damage and then healing from Lynch or Sun Quiang. Like Cursed25 said - Tanuki is also tempting for mass Condition removal, some healing and focus spam.

Two cents for Rig the deck for reminder - beware of Jabber... enemy discard - Youko especially, the fewer cards you have the less powerful it's became. Also thanks to the Rig the deck you may have opportunity to flip naturally Red Joker on demand so enemy will not be able to cheat!

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49 minutes ago, DerSkalde said:

Quick question:

what is considered a flip for Jacobs Trump cards ability?

if an enemy model flips three cards for the damage and there is an Ace but chooses another weak card to go in the conflict. Is the Ace counted as flipped or ignored?

yes! ;) the ace was flipped just not chosen

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51 minutes ago, DerSkalde said:

Quick question:

what is considered a flip for Jacobs Trump cards ability?

if an enemy model flips three cards for the damage and there is an Ace but chooses another weak card to go in the conflict. Is the Ace counted as flipped or ignored?

I would say it's still count as flipped and for each Ace flipped. Look at the page 8 & 9 at Rules Manual - ctrl+c then ctrl+v copies without any spaces for me.

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Rapid fire the next Quick question: I have a Beckoner with Silent protector next to an Illuminated. Mama Z with one Brilliance on her targets the Illuminated with Obey and the B discards for take the hit. Does the Obey suffers a minus because of „Don’t bite the Hand“?

The B is the new target but Zoraida was targeting the I!

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1 hour ago, DerSkalde said:

Rapid fire the next Quick question: I have a Beckoner with Silent protector next to an Illuminated. Mama Z with one Brilliance on her targets the Illuminated with Obey and the B discards for take the hit. Does the Obey suffers a minus because of „Don’t bite the Hand“?

The B is the new target but Zoraida was targeting the I!

yes she suffer the minus because the beckoner is the new target and targetting/take the hit happen before determining modifiers for the flip.


Go check the detailed timing page in the rulebook it will answer a lot of questions you might have! ;)

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On 8/13/2019 at 3:41 PM, FrostHunter said:

I would say it's still count as flipped and for each Ace flipped. Look at the page 8 & 9 at Rules Manual - ctrl+c then ctrl+v copies without any spaces for me.

Looking at the Fate mods section on pg 9, here's what the example says:

For example, a player with a ++ might reveal a 4,7, and 10. The player may choose any of these cards to use, and will probably choose the 10 for the flip.

To me, it sounds like a single card is chosen as the "flip" and the rest are revealed cards. 2 paragraphs above that example, "The card that may be used for the flip is determined by the type of Modifier." Meaning that + or - restricts what you can choose to be the flip.

From lynch's card:

After an enemy model flips an Ace, it gains a Brilliance Token.

To me, that means that it has to be an ace chosen as the "flip" and placed into the conflict before cheating; then the ability will trigger.


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when you look at the discard section, they say this:


Cards discarded after Flipping, Cheating Fate, or from
the Conflict are not considered discarded by the player
or any specific model for the purposes of game effects.


Since they separate flipping and cards in the conflict, I'm pretty sure the cards flipped because of modifiers count as flip for Lynch aura! ;)


Also in the fate modifier sections they say this: 


For each Fate Modifier on a flip, one additional card is revealed (so a :+flip flip would reveal two cards, as would a :-flip flip).


So the flip part is when you reveal the cards, not when you put one in the conflict!

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