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ShinChan and I tried GG1 yesterday. I played Mah and he went with Reva.

Corrupted Ley Lines - Standard

Schemes : Assassinate, Claim Jump, Leave Your Mark, Hidden Martyrs, Catch and Release

Mah and Little Lass

Lucky Emissary

Big Brain Brin

Soulstone Miner

Test Subject x 2

Rooster Rider x2



Reva and Candle x2


Restless Spirit


Lampad + Grave Spirit Touch


Grave Golem


I went with Assassinate and Hidden Martyr (Rider + Soulstone Miner)

He went with Claim Jump and Leave Your Mark

6-5 for Mah

I scored 3 points for the strat, 2 points for assassinate (thank for a timely BJ flig and a surprising damage output from the Miner) and 1 point for Martyr (The Rider died as he was supposed to, but I screwed myself with the new rules for miner by forgotting that I couldn't make him pop out on T5 to score the second part of the scheme anymore). 

He scored 2 points for the strat, 2 points for claim jump (that Golem just owned the centre for the whole game) and one point for LYM (my 3 models with forage + a timely kill on Gravdigger by the second Rider were key to deny the second par of the Scheme). 

Th 21 inches triple move from the rider are really good in this Strat. The Test Subject + BBB did a ton of job. I wanted to try the nerfed SS Miner... It was fine (mining SS is a great ability), but seem really hard to use for scheming now. 


That was a great game with a lot of up and down. 


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  • 10 months later...

Bayou Forums are kinda slow, trying to bring this back. 

Set up:

Corner deployment. I was attacker. (Neglected to take pictures)

Strat: Symbols of Authority

Scheme pool: Martyrs, Leave your Mark, Research Mission, Assassinate, Sabotage. 


My list:

Size: 50 - Pool: 10


  Som'er Teeth Jones



  Skeeter 2


  Captain Zipp

  Lenny Jones


  Georgy and Olaf


His List:

Size:50 - Pool: 5ss

  Misaki Katanaka
  Thunder Archer
  Thunder Archer 2



Game was called at the bottom of turn 3, since it looked unlikely that TT could get back in it with only two significant models left on the board. 


Game started with TT player in bad positioning. Zipp was able to walk and double shoot an Archer putting blasts on McCabe and Fuhatsu, and pushing them into Hazardous Terrain. Killing the Archer and putting wounds on stuff, even pulling SS on a McCabe damage prevention flip. We forgot about Fuhatsu having laugh off, but he ended up full healing off Juggernaut anyways.  

Mizaki Teleported up and put some hurt on Olaf. Somer managed to summon a Good ol Boy save a bayou gremlin but that was about it for exciting turn one stuff. 

Turn two McCabe hit both Somer and Lenny with his net gun. Slow AND Staggered is brutal. I focused on McCabe knocking him from his horse so I didn't have to deal with that damned gun. Somer black jokered his summoning for the turn.  

Mizaki scored Symbols and charged Lenny for a bit. O damage. The slow Lenny hit back for 3.  Zipp chased down the Torokage and killed it so it couldn't score next turn. Fuhatsu shot the Good Ol Boy, but it was mostly healed back with Trusty Flask.

Turn 3, McCabe was killed again. Archer finished Olaf. Mizaki scored Sabotage then charged Lenny. Lenny now had Grit, and beat Mizaki to death with a flipped red joker. I scored Research with Zipp next to a corpse, strat and piano marker Gluttony grabbed a point for Authority. I was guarented another from Assassinate.  Opponent scooped. 



I really like Gluttony with Somer. There are tons of corpses for his from feast. And, though I didn't get to use it this game, Maddening Drums looks brutal with all the dead bayou gremlin and Skeeter corpses around. Probably better with more cheap dying stuff, ie not bringing Zipp. Zipp was something of an all star, in a strange way working as a mobile beater more than annoyance/denial.  Was a lot of fun.




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I think it was actually turn one I had that nice netgun attack. Turn 2 McCabe unfortunately didn't do much because I black jokered on one of his attacks, another mass slow would have kept me in the game.

One of these days I'll figure out a way to deal with Zipp, but until then he's just everywhere stopping whatever I'm trying to do.

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38 minutes ago, touchdown said:

One of these days I'll figure out a way to deal with Zipp, but until then he's just everywhere stopping whatever I'm trying to do.

You know I've been focusing a lot on how to use Zipp "right" I haven't really thought about counter play. 

Big mobile melee beaters? He's got blasting off again so it's unlikely you can hit him more then one in an activation. So if you don't have focus and a 3+ damage spread it might night be worth the effort. But big mobile melee beaters seems sort of like a cop out since those will "fix" most issues.

Stuff like TT Archers might be a good pick, since they ignore friendly fire and concealment, so you can take useful pot shots. But your risk giving one of the most mobile models in the game even better positioning.

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51 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

Big mobile melee beaters? He's got blasting off again so it's unlikely you can hit him more then one in an activation. 

Be careful though if the said beater ignores your trigger you can be in trouble (I learned this the hard way facing fast Howard). Also any tech that reduce zipp mobility is good. Gravity well is annoying! 

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The 2 things that get Zipp are forcing him to activate early & ignoring the resistance trigger, either by Mining Tools type weapons or not going after his Df.

If he goes too early, you're a sitting duck, even in the Boring Conversation aura; later on you can literally walk out of Engagements by disengading, as the most they can reduce your move by is 6".  If you target Wp, Mv (not optimal at all), or Sz you can take him out easier.

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5 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

Storta tangental to the thread, but I've been meaning to ask: who do you think of as the best in both factions?

I think "best second master" is "best master to take OOK (as your second master in the crew).

Not "second best master", which would be "the second strongest master in the faction."

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Got another game in against @touchdown.

I got attacker in standard deployment. Strat: Public enemies

Schemes: Vendetta, Leave Your Mark, Runic Binding, Hidden Martyrs, Take Prisoner

I ran:

Pool: 7
  Som'er Teeth Jones
  Skeeter 2
  Lenny Jones
  Old Cranky
  Georgy and Olaf
  Good Ol' Boy
  Good Ol' Boy 2
  Good Ol' Boy 3


He ran:

Pool: 6
  Von Schill
  Steam Trunk
  Arik Schöttemer
  Hannah Lovelace
  Freikorps Engineer
    Servant of Dark Powers
  Freikorps Engineer 2
    Servant of Dark Powers
  Freikorps Scout
    Soldier for Hire


So, we made the game and I had just assembled more Big Hat stuff. I had been running Big Hat with OOK stuff for a while so I wanted to see how they played without anything outside of keyword. So I made my list, hit confirm and then realized I made a terrible mistake not looking at the Strategy and schemes first. Playing So'mer into Public Enemies was going to be an uphill slog and Touchdown had already taken a major lead with list building. All the Armor, shielded and Terrifying was er, Terrifying.


Rough Breakdown:

VonShill and crew had a great first turn, blowing up a Good Ol Boy and a Spit hog So'mer summoned to try and heal it up. I had yet to do anything back so it was a rough start, and he already had the bounty tokens to score next turn. I had Lenny throw one of the surviving Good Ol Boys up field to tie up Hannah, Arik and an engineer. 


Turn two things swung back. The chucked boy managed to glass the Engineer before it could turtle up with shielded. Arik tried to kill it but with the ++ twists to defense whiffed. I also managed to kill Hannah and summon another Good Ol Boy. We both scored our first Strat point.

Turn three and four it turned into a big ugly scrum in the middle. Luckily that's what So'mer and friends live for. I lost Lenny and Cranky and a bunch of summoned road blocks, but managed to score a Strat Point and Hidden Martyrs on Cranky. He lost Arik and then VonShill, but got a point from Vendetta, his scout on Lenny.

Turn five I tried real hard to kill the scout but couldn't manage it. With shielded 2 from assault shield and hard to kill he limped through with one hit point. He had bounty tokens in addition to Vendetta so him living was a 2 point swing. I finally scored my first Leave your Mark Point so it was a tie 4 to 4. 


Thoughts: I think made some big play errors, like thinking that the scoring the second Hidden Martyrs was the same as Vendetta. Or letting Lenny die with a bad Bayou Two Card flip when I could have saved him with a card in hand. But overall I feel like I did post well to pull a draw against the VonShill list. 

The more I play So'mer the more it seems like he's an amazing master with lots and lots of bad match ups. He wants to junk up the gears and tie things up in melee, but the VonShill's crew was unpleasantly mobile. VonShill and Arik have diving charge. VonShill's pushes. I've got your back on VonShill and Assault Shield. Leaps from rocket boots. The Scout especially was an MVP, idk how anyone doesn't love these guys. Ignoring Cover Concealment and Friendly Fire means he's always got a good target. His get out of engagement bonus and built in reposition make him really slippery. He scored all 4 points this game, lol. 







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Why take 3x good ol boys when you can get things like Brin who solves a lot of your problems or First Mate that opens up a lot of schemes?

The only good matchup vs a good So'mer I found is Jedza because she shuts down spit hogs. Somer is an S+ tier master and probably has the best keyword in the game (although not the most versatile)


He's the easiest master to solo in bayou. Gremlin General and B2C makes him immune to shockwaves and super resilent and Bayou Bash makes everything stat7. Lures, Obeys, Lenny, Georgy

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7 hours ago, trikk said:

Why take 3x good ol boys when you can get things like Brin who solves a lot of your problems or First Mate that opens up a lot of schemes?

I usually do. I bring Zipp or the Sow to have stuff that can operate outside the Big Hat bubble, or stuff like Gluttony to make use of all the corpses dropped. But I wanted to try a crew that was exclusively Big Hat. Explore how it works without OOK patches. 


I think there are a lot of good match ups vs Somer. He floods the field with corpses so anyone who can use that is tough. Stuff that really likes to kill cheap minions too, like Leveticus can turn 3 Bayou Gremlins into 3 Abominations a turn  Blasts are rough, because even with Gremlin General there's defense 5 stuff and Bayou Two Card can be a cruel mistress. In the game we played a Scout with a rocket launcher did 14 wounds worth of damage. The biggest problem is mobility though. Lenny and Somer are linchpins and their biggest defense is not being in melee. 

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Two things really surprised me (and hurt me plans). Arik not being able to take a lone Good Ol Boy down, and VS with 7 wounds and 2 shielded going down from a million attack that each did 1 damage.

I think in retrospect when your Good Ol Boy was in the middle of my crew I should have activated VS and used load up to push everyone out of engagement so I could just shoot him dead.

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20 minutes ago, touchdown said:

Two things really surprised me (and hurt me plans). Arik not being able to take a lone Good Ol Boy down, and VS with 7 wounds and 2 shielded going down from a million attack that each did 1 damage.

That Good ol Boy was a champ. Even with stat 5 defense +++ to flips is nuts. I got pretty lucky to, stuff like 2,3,6, 13 lol

And to be fair the dogpile on VS happened after you were out of cards. The little guys mostly guy eye if shielded and did a couple wounds to clear the way for Greorgy to finish him off.

In hindsight I think I need to stagger stuff more with G&O and then gave Lenny Yeet it 10 inches away. His toss is Stat 4, and goes up to 6 with Bayou Bash vs Sz that's a hell of a gap. I could have score Leave Your Mark earlier and done more to force you to stop me from scoring.




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