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Fuhatsu - Memory of Ho'dor


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Hey fellow Thunderists,

What are your thoughts about Fuhatsu after his 0ss upgrade was released? Have you started taking him more often and in which cases? What's more, do you prefer Fuhatsu or a Samurai (which is now somewhat delegated to be a 'budget Fuhatsu' imo)? Neither? Both? These two models can benefit from Shadow Emissary's push + Fast as well as Obsidian Oni's (0) heal and I thought this was an obvious attempt from Wyrd to bump the models' playability with Wave 3 after giving 0ss upgrades in Wave 2.

Before I took him when I wanted a tanky model to hold down a position and give ranged support. A nice bonus was that he could take the 0ss upgrade "Hidden Agenda" and support a pair of Oiran (so long as they can see him). Rather than a ranged piece he was like a solid roadblock, taking some attention and resources from my opponent. Now that he can strike back in melee and move with a normal speed (although still no friendly pushes :P) do you feel that he has been improved, or do you find this to be a cop-out of redesigning him like some people I have played with have said?

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I think a Memory of Honor put him more on par with an Earth Samurai in usefulness, but I'd still take the Samurai every time for one reason - Fuhatsu can't be moved out of activation. 

10T are a faction packed with great push effects, both to disrupt your opponent and move your own crew into position for maximum efficiency. For me it's been an invaluable tool to have on hand, so taking a model who can't take advantage of that is a deal breaker for me. 

Fuhatsu is the only model in the entire 10T faction (infiltration options included) that i don't have. Hell, i even had the box at one point, but traded it away because i didn't see myself ever using it. Sadly, it's likely to stay that way for the forseeable future.

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Fully agreed with @Rathnard. He needs to have a crew built around him, that also can't help him move, and similar models do the same job for cheaper/the same cost. Want a lot of shooting? Samurai, like you said. Want a real tarpit? Izamu, all day, who can be pushed, actually hurt things in combat and can't be killed in Ml. His errata upgrade seems like a bandaid for a broken leg - the thought is nice but it doesn't help.

Also being one of the ugliest models in the range, and arguably the most offensive, doesn't help either.

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He used to really just be a more expensive Samurai, and with this upgrade he got even more like one. There's so many ways in which he could've been altered which allowed him a more specialised style or been given an actual reason to take over the Samurai - who I'm honestly not that big a fan of in the first place - but instead he just got the blandest attack imaginable, which doesn't suit his playstyle one bit and goes counter to the Wp17 duel he can hand out to get out engagement in the first place. 

Bump his min damage to 3, raise his Sh, raise his Df, focus as a 0... There's a lot of things they could've done to just give him that little leg up but instead we got this. 

Also he ugly.

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I think a Memory of Honor was a good move, but it perhaps should have gone further. Before the upgrade Fuhatru was almost useless if engaged. Sure he could push them away with that TN17 Wp push, but if an enemy model passed that duel then they've just effectively tied up a 10SS henchman. With a Memory of Honor he's at least a threat in melee, which solves one half of why I never took him. 

Of course the Braced ability is still there - useful vs enemy Lures but severely limiting his own ability. And as far as I'm concerned, I'd much rather spend a 10 SS models AP on killing things and generally being awesome, rather than walking up 4" at a time  in the hope he'll be effective later.

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2 hours ago, Patzer said:

I think braced should be changed for laugh off. Seems more thematic too. If that is deemed too powerful, a 0 4" push namned something like "that way Boys!" would have been better than a ml attack.  

I was having that exact same thought! Hopefully that will come up in the next errata. 

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His better shooting stat and moderate damage are why he's better than a samurai. The problem I have is he directly competes with emissary, yu, ama in that 10ss range among many others and they are much more likely to help me actually win the game.

I do keep meaning to play him more, then I slot in something else that I feel will be more useful.

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On 9/04/2017 at 7:42 PM, Patzer said:

I think braced should be changed for laugh off. Seems more thematic too. If that is deemed too powerful, a 0 4" push namned something like "that way Boys!" would have been better than a ml attack.  

I was also sad when he got +1 Walk and a Ml attack rather than something more thematic.

My strongest memories of using him when he was first released were of Lilith tangling him and nuking him. Even the Wp push is useless when the enemy has a 3" range.

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2 hours ago, newsun said:

It could have been anyone failing the wp duel can be targeted with the shooting attack.

Was this referencing my post? If so not sure I follow, I probably should have been clearer in my own statement.

I was referencing Fuhatsu's Madman with a Gatling Gun Action. A model with a 3" in base contact with him that's pushed 3" is still engaged with him. The other issue with the ability is that the controller of the models being pushed chooses the order that they test for their models, so models and terrain are pretty effective in stopping the push from achieving much. The opponent can place their models so that when they test they just push into other models/terrain and then stop. Simpler to achieve than it sounds.

Either way I played Fuhatsu a bit when he first came out and really wanted to like him. I still do, I think the models ridiculous in a good way and wish I had a reason to field it.

Plus I've converted him to look like Bootsy Collins.

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I have him on the fun but not competitive list.

I have had him do nothing in a game, but occasionally that 2 ap action cleans house.

EG., I have a second turn where Huggy started deep post first turn alpha strike. Opponent spends a few cards defending against him then putting him down. Then Ryle takes a few shots at things, that spends a few more cards. Then it turns out I have misplaced Lynch turn one, and Sidir pings him (using more cards). The bottom of round two, and the opponent has buried Huggy, damaged Lynch and looks pretty solid. Last activation, Hodor steps up with fast from previous round, and sprays and prays. Opponent has a heavily depleted hand, so with recalled training, 4 flip verses 1 even in cover. Yes it cost three stones, but four successful attacks later I have cleaned up two models and put Ryle on a couple of hit points.

No other model except The Lone Swordsman has as much potential to break a game in one activation, imo. It just rarely happens.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Took Fuhtasu in a reckoning game last night with the Brewmaster, and won 6 - 3.

Fuhatsu was amazing, surviving 2 turns of Killjoy action before killing the KJ as well as being a thorn in my opponent's side all game. He survived the game with full wounds... thanks to Equality and SS preventing Onsluaght twice (HtW & Armour +2 was a god send) and a moderate of 5 means that 6 in your hand becomes as dangerous as having an 11 with Izamu. 

I appreciate that against the wrong crew he will fold like paper (Armour ignoring crews) and that his effectiveness was boosted by Brewmaster Swilling KJ, but I think he can be a pain to deal with (especially as the WP 17 :pulse will force cards out of their hand if they want to tie him up) 




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