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I've had mixed rulings from this and was wondering if I could get an official ruling.
For the Mysterious Emissary's Hungry Land Markers it states
"Hungry Land Markers are Ht 0, Severe, Hazardous Terrain which deal 1/4/5 damage. Any model which ends a move or push within 3" of a Hungry Land Marker must pass a TN 14 Wk duel or suffer damage as if entering it." 

From the Rulebook here is how hazardous is defined:
Hazardous - Terrain that is considered hazardous deals damage to models that
Activate while within it, or enter it (if they are pushed, moved, or placed within the
terrain). All hazardous terrain deals 1/2/4 damage by default, but some may cause
greater damage if both players wish. The opposing player flips for hazardous terrain
damage, which may not be cheated. A model may only suffer damage from each
piece of hazardous terrain once during each Turn; it is immune to further damage
from that piece of terrain during that Turn.

1. Does the dmg from failing the wk duel (I'll call it "bubble") count as hazardous terrain damage (which then would causing the model to become immune to the "bubble" dmg till the end of the turn) or just normal damage?
  1a. If you took the dmg from the "bubble", would you also be immune to the dmg from landing on the Hungry Land Marker?
2. If you're within 3 of two Hungry Land Marker's does it cause 2 checks if you end a walk inside both of them?

Thanks for the clarification!

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Each piece of Hazardous terrain is separate, you only get immunity for a turn to a hazardous terrain piece you have entered, not all hazardous terrain. Page 60.

Even if it gets that effect in practice, two Hungry Land close to each other are not overlapping terrain as it's not the terrain itself that extends 3", so if you end a move/push close to both you'll have to take two duels and take a hazardous flip for each failed duel.

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Hi! I'm not sure why you got mixed rulings - it seems pretty clear to me. If you move/push within 3 you test, and if you fail it counts effectively as if you entered the hazardous terrain, and take damage from it (so only once). If you are within 3 of both, since they are separate pieces, you test twice ;)

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On 9/6/2016 at 7:39 PM, Nemikan said:

1. Does the dmg from failing the wk duel (I'll call it "bubble") count as hazardous terrain damage (which then would causing the model to become immune to the "bubble" dmg till the end of the turn) or just normal damage?
  1a. If you took the dmg from the "bubble", would you also be immune to the dmg from landing on the Hungry Land Marker?
2. If you're within 3 of two Hungry Land Marker's does it cause 2 checks if you end a walk inside both of them?

Thanks for the clarification!

1.) Yes.  "As if entering it" is meant to refer to entering the Marker/Hazardous Terrain.  1a) Yes.

2.) Yes.  Each piece is a separate piece of Hazardous Terrain.  So taking damage from one and/or passing one does not affect the other. 

Sidenote: If you pass the Wk dual you're not immune to the damage. So if you are moved/pushed/placed again you'll have to do the Wk dual again, or just take the damage if you hit the Marker.

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2 hours ago, JarnabyBones said:

So if you flip and fail, take damage, and then get pushed .5" do you still take another test? And if so will you take damage again?

I would play it as you take a second test but nothing happens if you fail as "...suffer damage as if entering it." would result in no damage the second time for a specific terrain piece in the same turn. So basically you just burn a card. 

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There is no aura in this effect:

"Place a 50mm Hungry Land Marker within range and LoS, not touching a model or Marker. If there are more than two friendly Hungry Land Markers in play, remove one of them. Hungry Land Markers are Ht 0, Severe, Hazardous Terrain which deal 1/4/5 damage. Any model which ends a move or push within 3" of a Hungry Land Marker must pass a TN 14 Wk duel or suffer damage as if entering it. Remove the Hungry Land Marker if a Blast Marker is placed over it."

Two very important points:

1.  The damage specified in the red is not caused by an aura or a pulse.  'within 3" of ___' is not an aura.  The :aura is used to denote a specific game mechanic with specific interactions and requirements.

2.  The damage specified in the red is not damage caused by Hazardous Terrain.

Edit:  On second thought, I retract that second bit.

Edited by solkan
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There is no aura in this effect:

"Place a 50mm Hungry Land Marker within range and LoS, not touching a model or Marker. If there are more than two friendly Hungry Land Markers in play, remove one of them. Hungry Land Markers are Ht 0, Severe, Hazardous Terrain which deal 1/4/5 damage. Any model which ends a move or push within 3" of a Hungry Land Marker must pass a TN 14 Wk duel or suffer damage as if entering it. Remove the Hungry Land Marker if a Blast Marker is placed over it."

Two very important points:

1.  The damage specified in the red is not caused by an aura or a pulse.  'within 3" of ___' is not an aura. 

2.  The damage specified in the red is not damage caused by Hazardous Terrain.


I was trying not to copy word for word everything since I've gathered Wyrd doesn't appreciate it :) but you're correct it isn't technically an aura but an effect that occurs 3 inches out. Edited the original post to clean that up some.

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I was trying not to copy word for word everything since I've gathered Wyrd doesn't appreciate it :)

Generally the mods aren't bothered about people quoting specific rule text in their questions about those rules - it helps for others (who may not have the cards or books to hand) to answer the question with precise reference. :)

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Generally the mods aren't bothered about people quoting specific rule text in their questions about those rules - it helps for others (who may not have the cards or books to hand) to answer the question with precise reference. :)

In that case... updated the original post!  Thanks :) 

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Each piece of Hazardous terrain is separate, you only get immunity for a turn to a hazardous terrain piece you have entered, not all hazardous terrain. Page 60.

Even if it gets that effect in practice, two Hungry Land close to each other are not overlapping terrain as it's not the terrain itself that extends 3", so if you end a move/push close to both you'll have to take two duels and take a hazardous flip for each failed duel.

So if you flip and fail, take damage, and then get pushed .5" do you still take another test? And if so will you take damage again?

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On 9/6/2016 at 8:39 PM, Nemikan said:

1. Does the dmg from failing the wk duel (I'll call it "bubble") count as hazardous terrain damage (which then would causing the model to become immune to the "bubble" dmg till the end of the turn) or just normal damage?
  1a. If you took the dmg from the "bubble", would you also be immune to the dmg from landing on the Hungry Land Marker?
2. If you're within 3 of two Hungry Land Marker's does it cause 2 checks if you end a walk inside both of them?

Thanks for the clarification!

  1. Yes immune from that specific Hungry Land Marker for which the model failed the duel. Upon failing it counts as taking damage from the Hungry Land marker (i.e. 1/4/6) NOTE: You do not gain immunity from another Hungry Land marker's "bubble" (as you call it).
    1. Yes
  2. Yes (separate sources of Hazardous)
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