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Nelly Belly


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I can't wait to get Hans, Envy, and all the other Mercs on her. it'll be like a completely different crew/faction and you aren't taking hits for merc tax.


Nellie’s Upgrades add a plethora of great Abilities. Embedded allows Nellie to hire up to four Mercenaries without paying the Mercenary tax. Misleading Headlines allows Nellie’s Crew to “pass” an Activation by discarding a card or the Evidence Condition which prevents it from being out-activated, and gives her Incite to better control Activation order. Finally, Delegation allows her to heal her own models or give them Fast. When you put it all together you have a versatile Master with a fun bag of tricks who excels at disrupting the opponent’s plans.

Propaganda looks amazing as well. Especially with being able to trigger more than once. I imagine throwing guys into Executioners.

And I hope that her giving out fast is better than Lucius's command.

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Immediate tie with Pandora for the master I would least like to play with or against. I have discovered I do NOT like "if X happens then perform Y" auras of any size. I will put up with one for Sidir's By Your Side, and that is it. Thankfully that's only once per turn and then no longer a bother.

Using Scathing Review instead to fuel the evidence engine without relying on the luck of finding a cooperative non-killy opponent and then just flicking attacking models on the nose out of activation and telling them 'no, now back away 4" ' may be amusing, although it relies on that if-X-then-Y aura, ugh. But then there's the idea of turning evidence into phantom activations, which turns master AP into a sort of rattus praeconis mini activation engine, which sounds dreadfully wrong somehow. Or Propaganda unpowered by evidence as a pseudo-obey only with a light sauce of damage on top, longish range moderate TN, I can live with that. (The Guild in general has the problem of 'if all you have is a hammer [of murder], everything looks like a nail'. I have a screwdriver [of obey].)

Honestly, she's all yours. Have fun.

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3 hours ago, Myyrä said:

Oh, I will...

Wait in line.... buddy ;)

She seems to be all about controlling and positioning/dispositioning (is it even a proper word for that?) that I`m pretty hyped about. 

The merc upgrade will be costly... all those performers, killjoys, bishops will cost a bunch of $$$. Where can I get those 6SS Freikorps Trappers?

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25 minutes ago, trikk said:

Wait in line.... buddy ;)

This is starting to get weird.

25 minutes ago, trikk said:

She seems to be all about controlling and positioning/dispositioning (is it even a proper word for that?) that I`m pretty hyped about. 

If you position stuff to bad positions it's still just positioning.

25 minutes ago, trikk said:

The merc upgrade will be costly... all those performers, killjoys, bishops will cost a bunch of $$$. Where can I get those 6SS Freikorps Trappers?

Merc upgrade sounds like a trap TBH. It will probably cost 1-2 SS, which would mean that you need to hire several mercs to get any real mileage out of it. How often do you take Bishop with Guild normally? Trappers aren't exactly phenomenal either without I Pay Better. The most attractive options to hire using this upgrade might be the cheaper models, to whom the merc tax is relatively much higher. Johan is a pretty obvious choice, but he is good enough to hire even with the merc tax. Other interesting options might include Big Jake, Ronin, Torakage, Burt Jebsen, Convict Gunslinger, Sue, etc.

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Just now, Myyrä said:

This is starting to get weird.

If you position stuff to bad positions it's still just positioning.

Merc upgrade sounds like a trap TBH. It will probably cost 1-2 SS, which would mean that you need to hire several mercs to get any real mileage out of it. How often do you take Bishop with Guild normally? Trappers aren't exactly phenomenal either without I Pay Better. The most attractive options to hire using this upgrade might be the cheaper models, to whom the merc tax is relatively much higher. Johan is a pretty obvious choice, but he is good enough to hire even with the merc tax. Other interesting options might include Big Jake, Ronin, Torakage, Burt Jebsen, Convict Gunslinger, Sue, etc.

Yes it does. I think its the moment we should stop.

I think the Crossroads 7 might also be interesting, especially that there`s some mention about passing activations which means you can keep the manipulative up longer. 

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9 minutes ago, trikk said:

I think the Crossroads 7 might also be interesting, especially that there`s some mention about passing activations which means you can keep the manipulative up longer. 

Most of them don't have that great :melee attacks, so they don't really synergize with Propaganda. There could be room for one or two in her crew though.

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3 minutes ago, katadder said:

well people often pay for an upgrade for levi for buying other stuff, same thing here with mercs and it may do more than just allow you more mercs without the tax

True and true, but I still don't expect to see Nellie bringing Killjoys and Bishops to most games.

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6 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

True and true, but I still don't expect to see Nellie bringing Killjoys and Bishops to most games.

If she can give fast more or less reliably Bishop can Haymaker x2 in a turn. While I`m not saying he`s an obvious choice he might have a place.

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5 minutes ago, trikk said:

If she can give fast more or less reliably Bishop can Haymaker x2 in a turn. While I`m not saying he`s an obvious choice he might have a place.

Think you might be better off using charge and flurry to put things in the ground permanently. Not that haymaker isn't good, but I don't think you'll often see two things you need paralysed within 1" of bishop.

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2 minutes ago, lusciousmccabe said:

Think you might be better off using charge and flurry to put things in the ground permanently. Not that haymaker isn't good, but I don't think you'll often see two things you need paralysed within 1" of bishop.

Think about how nasty that would be if someone brought promises to the equation.

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Just now, lusciousmccabe said:

Imagine an upgrade that could give all those juicy Outcast models fast... 

There's no way they'd release that, right!? :D

I believe they already released a mercenary model that can do just that without spending ap from your Master.

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