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Through the Breach Vassal Module (Online Play Resources)


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Hey everyone!

If you head over to the Through the Breach Resources page, you can find a link to our new Through the Breach vassal module! This should provide an additional option for players that want to participate in online games of Through the Breach.

If you're not familiar with Vassal, it's a game engine that's used to play online versions of board and card games. You can find a link to the main engine here, and the instructions that are linked with the Through the Breach module should walk you through getting everything set up and installed.

If you have any questions or comments about the module, please post them here!

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  • Mason pinned this topic
  • 3 weeks later...

Any chance we can get a walk through of how a fatemaster would run a session on this?  I'm considering taking the plunge on being a fatemaster despite not yet playing through as a fated yet. ?  I need all the hand holding I can get. 

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14 hours ago, RMK said:

Any chance we can get a walk through of how a fatemaster would run a session on this?  I'm considering taking the plunge on being a fatemaster despite not yet playing through as a fated yet. ?  I need all the hand holding I can get. 

It has instructions!  Or are you looking for more general suggestions?

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Akodo Harid said:

Thanks Mason, that's still doable. The big question of course, would switching maps in and out reset the cards? If it can keep the decks arranged then this will be what I need.
 If not, is there an option to save decks and hands?

There is an option to save and load decks.

I don't think it saves player hands, however. Still, if you're not swapping maps too often, players could just fish their hands out of their decks.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
On ‎8‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 2:26 PM, Ismene said:

Hey guys,

my roleplaying group and I started playing Malifaux Through The Breach two weeks ago with the help of Vassal, but we almost spent two evenings now trying to fix the lack of synchronisation. We are based in Germany, Finland and Scotland, so my first question is could it be a server based problem, because we are too far away from each other or because the European servers aren't as good?

The main deck is never synchronised with all of us, just a few and it's kind of nervwrecking for our GM, who just hasn't the time to really look into it. Any ideas what we could do? 

I think here is a better place for this question.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

I am having the same question as Mr. Whisper. Will there be an upgrade to the TTB Module? Getting a bit jealous towards the TOS Players.

There is also a feature that I am missing specifically in the Module for TTB ( I know it is not necessary for M3E or TOS, but would be nice for M3E/TTB crossover play, which I like to include).

It would be great if the map (maybe together with encounter models) could be saved and loaded seperately from the game. Ideally even shareable between the 3 Malifaux-Modules.

In TTB, loading another map means loading all the current decks, which is obviously breaking the rules (reshuffling/redrawing between scenes, sometimes you may need more than one map in a scene).

I hope there are plans to tackle at least the upgrade issue.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I've begun dabbeling with the Mod somewhat, but I definitivly lack the know how. I'm currently updating some models and trying to add some more terrain. I'll check If I can look at some of the things mentioned here. But If anyone is interested in balling some ideas and helping out with the technical stuff Im all ears


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  • 2 years later...

So the new vassal updates broke the module partially, I don't know the full extent how much it broke, but I do know that its not letting individual card be added to decks, or at least any card that is not the one of rams.

Basically the biggest problem with this is that twist deck can't be made, but you can load an old one up with no problems.

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  • 8 months later...

By the looks of it, the original maintainer and contributor are no longer influencing the module. So the only way that module is gonna get updated now is if someone from the community does it.

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Well, I decided tontake upon myself to fix the module, or at least the twist deck part. So while I wait for the vassal website to approve the new verison, heres a link for anyone whos wanting to test it now.

Do be warned, you do need the latest verison of vassal, which currently is 3.7.12


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