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New Leader from Monday Preview


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3 hours ago, Nathan Caroland said:

The Guild one and that lady right there have an interesting story. :)

But no, she's not the master. 

This is very exciting - I'm very much looking forward to our big reveal on Monday. I think its fair to assume this will quite a different style of master for the Guild, and help diversify the play experience for our faction.

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8 minutes ago, fauxreigner said:

This is very exciting - I'm very much looking forward to our big reveal on Monday. I think its fair to assume this will quite a different style of master for the Guild, and help diversify the play experience for our faction.

It seems that way with all the others. Nothing like the queen in neverborn nor Sandeep in arcanists. 

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14 hours ago, Ryin said:

i don't recall him even being in that whatsoever and we recently just played through it.

The version that the Fatemasters got during the event included a table of rumors that the Fated would hear, tidbits supposed to be thrown in to reveal more about the four different candidates and what they were getting up to. Marlow is very aggressive and impatient, and feels the Witch Hunters are asleep at the wheel. He starts working with Sonnia and the Fated can hear about some of the results of their experiments as parts of the city burn (independent from Act I) and witnesses start asking "did that used to be a person?" before Guardsmen threaten them off. Aisha was pretty boring and it was mostly a mix of her trying to centralize the guild and cut out the reliance on mercenaries and outcasts, and bring in machinery/constructs to replace the reliance upon the M&SU miners. Rowan was aiming to increase weapons and ammunition being made in the city and sent in from Earth and militarize the city against the escalating threats, but she also got some rumors about her being pretty fair and defensive of her men and maybe a half-decent person. Andre just had lots of people talking about how wonderful he was, along with some rumors about how he was supposed to hold a party on an airship but its gone missing.

I don't know if it got taken out of the final version, or if the Fatemaster didn't work in all of the rumors/you didn't flip the corresponding suit when chances for rumors came up.

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For me the propagandist and control of the press narrative is so prototypically inline with Guild objectives and strategy that I can't believe it took this long for the Guild representative of the voice the masses and the crooning opiate of misinformation and distraction to spread its toxic sedative.

I love the idea of this master the control of media is one of the most powerful and recognised tool of the modern state and what is Guild if not the presumptive humanistic state power of Malifaux (at least so it thinks).  In fact this model and crew practically begs for an Arcanist counter-propagandist in the future, so a subversive graffiti artist and revolutionary pamphlet printer for example.

I further really like the model look and rules thus far revealed.  I come down on the side of :pulse:+fate:pulse

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The tabletop does not necessary represent a battlefield and a game is not necessarily a military or gang conflict.

It took me a long time to accept non combative characters because I spent too many years playing lesser systems.

However with the fluff and environment wyrd have provided and the schemes and strategies available it's become easier to appreciate these non combatives.

Especially in the story telling character driven environment which the game was initially sold as (or what I bought into at least).

Of course I'd still feel odd running non-combative characters for strategies like head hunter, collect the bounty and reckoning. 

Personally I'm enjoying seeing the influx of non combative personal in the guild: lawyers, doctors, orderlies, scribes, reporters etc

It might be nice to have a gaurdsman field surgeon though.

Hell that might even fix some of the Lucius guardsmen issues.

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I started this game with Colette and her troupe, Arcanist's are still my first love for this reason.

So given my favorite crew are a collection of dancers, showgirls, stage actors and performers with I believe a single sword between them alongside a walking stick and some particularly harsh derision, ridicule and disdain I am pretty much 100% OK with the power of the press.  Also when you consider the risks war reporters take on the front line and the impact they have had on the conduct of war, well I'm not going to ever argue the combat credentials and courage of a motivated person with a camera and pen.

But each to their own flavor, I've never really found the switch for several masters, notably I am yet to field Ramos in my Arcanists (own him though), I like him in general but he has never been the priority and while I love an occasional Molly frolic in Rezzers and an odd McMourning as well I really don't like Seamus.  This is one of the great things about Malifaux (thus far) solid balance and variety ranging from summoners, support, shenanigans, finesse combat all the way to the traditional blunt instrument to the face.  

But what I am really liking about this release set is some role/gender/ethnic inclusions, stereotype separation and diversity is increasingly apparent. :+fate:+fate:+fate Wyrd, you keep this up and I'll increase the pool I have of models which I plan to play with if only I could find innumerable opponents, infinite time and longevity bordering on immortality. 

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2 hours ago, Vorschlag said:

The tabletop does not necessary represent a battlefield and a game is not necessarily a military or gang conflict.

It took me a long time to accept non combative characters because I spent too many years playing lesser systems.

However with the fluff and environment wyrd have provided and the schemes and strategies available it's become easier to appreciate these non combatives.

Especially in the story telling character driven environment which the game was initially sold as (or what I bought into at least).

Of course I'd still feel odd running non-combative characters for strategies like head hunter, collect the bounty and reckoning. 

Personally I'm enjoying seeing the influx of non combative personal in the guild: lawyers, doctors, orderlies, scribes, reporters etc

It might be nice to have a gaurdsman field surgeon though.

Hell that might even fix some of the Lucius guardsmen issues.

Combat is pretty prominent in virtually every match though; not one didn't feel like a tactical skirmish, so I've never really been comfortable with the idea of non-combatatives thematically, and honestly, even outside of that, a propagandist feels hella lame vis a vis pretty much all of the Guild masters.

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58 minutes ago, Surrealistik said:

Combat is pretty prominent in virtually every match though; not one didn't feel like a tactical skirmish, so I've never really been comfortable with the idea of non-combatatives thematically, and honestly, even outside of that, a propagandist feels hella lame vis a vis pretty much all of the Guild masters.

Lucius is a lawyer. Colette runs a burlesque theatre. Lynch runs a casino. The Brewmaster is, well, a master brewer.

There's no reason a journalist can't fit right alongside masters such as these. This is something I love about Malifaux. Not every master is your typical 'combatant'. Alongside masters like Perdita, a kickass cowboy, Von Schill, badass leader of a mercenary company, Sonia Criid, badass witch hunter, you've got things like Jack Daws thematic 'crew' is a bunch of Ghosts that have died horribly and are taking it out on the living. Pandora, who goes around with her creepy Woe and Mimic children making people kill themselves. Zoraida, the 'fortune teller' in the woods. Masters in this game are so varied and interesting, most falling outside of 'face puncher #8'.

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35 minutes ago, Vorschlag said:

Someone slyly suggested on the wyrd place "there was help coming" regarding Lucius.
Mayhaps something is coming in the next wave that may correct the Lucius problem.
We can only hope.

Oh? Well, unless it's an errata I'm not holding my breath.

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3 hours ago, Vorschlag said:

I spent too many years playing lesser systems.

This guy :P

On 6/17/2016 at 10:52 AM, D_acolyte said:

I saw a picture of it on the Wyrd Place Facebook page from Origin.

That's funny, because I was at Origins, and I totally didn't catch that art at all :P

I totally saw the one with the new Arcanist dude on it, I think it probably had the Arcane Emissary behind him, but yeah, anything Guild totally flew over my head.  But I saw the banner for The Other Side, because the grudge-looking-girl is too cool, and I super wish they'd just tell us more about it :angry:


Also, @Fetid Strumpet, way a bit earlier in this thread, about the whole "You can't stat it or it'll lose it's mystique", I think there is a funny take on this issue from the C'Mon people with their game Wrath of Kings.  They have a mystical character that is basically a god in their game, and, since they did the game as a Kickstarter, it was one of the bonus things, a model of the king.  But the funny part is, they gave him rules // stats to go with the game, except it's the same as making a Malifaux character with 15s in every stat and a new Ability called "No really, Impossible to Wound:  You just can't.  It's that simple.".

So they don't haaaveeee to make him "on par" with masters to be represented in game.  But somethings like that would be just as bad, because it's comparatively saying "He's a literal god compared to these mere mortals", so I agree with you about the mystique being lost to in game translation.  Despite any sort of narrative stories that may exist with him toe-to-toe with any other masters or sort of force that could be "fielded" in a game of Malifaux.  Because really, the rules are great (Thank you @Justin) for balance, but narratively, I would expect deviation between even given minions, or a master from day to day (Maybe they had a really bad day, or were on a series of crippling bouts that made them unable to combat someone they normally would defeat handily).  But ya know, that's the power of narrative and doing what is needed for the story, not just playing out things by numbers, which are just as made up anyways.

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41 minutes ago, -Loki- said:

Lucius is a lawyer. Colette runs a burlesque theatre. Lynch runs a casino. The Brewmaster is, well, a master brewer.

There's no reason a journalist can't fit right alongside masters such as these. This is something I love about Malifaux. Not every master is your typical 'combatant'. Alongside masters like Perdita, a kickass cowboy, Von Schill, badass leader of a mercenary company, Sonia Criid, badass witch hunter, you've got things like Jack Daws thematic 'crew' is a bunch of Ghosts that have died horribly and are taking it out on the living. Pandora, who goes around with her creepy Woe and Mimic children making people kill themselves. Zoraida, the 'fortune teller' in the woods. Masters in this game are so varied and interesting, most falling outside of 'face puncher #8'.

Sure, and I've actually said as much earlier (though to be fair the Lucius sort of 'lawyer' is really more of a mage that exploits metaphysical laws to reshape reality to his advantage).

Thematically though, not my bag at all and I don't run these sorts of masters in part for that reason.

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