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How many masters in your tournament arsenal?


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I've stopped taking Sonnia against arcanists. I'd probably be hesitant to go Lucius vs arcanists too but he doesn't exactly scream single master tournament to begin with.

That being said I'm probably going single master Lucius in a tournament a couple of weeks from now. Just need to get those double Freikorps Trappers painted before then. :D

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1 hour ago, Ludvig said:

I've stopped taking Sonnia against arcanists. I'd probably be hesitant to go Lucius vs arcanists too but he doesn't exactly scream single master tournament to begin with.

That being said I'm probably going single master Lucius in a tournament a couple of weeks from now. Just need to get those double Freikorps Trappers painted before then. :D

Take Lucius, Queeg, Paralyse your whole crew, go get a beer :D

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5 hours ago, Ludvig said:

I've stopped taking Sonnia against arcanists. I'd probably be hesitant to go Lucius vs arcanists too but he doesn't exactly scream single master tournament to begin with.

That being said I'm probably going single master Lucius in a tournament a couple of weeks from now. Just need to get those double Freikorps Trappers painted before then. :D

And 3 changeling and a doppel right? 

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3 hours ago, 4thstringer said:

And 3 changeling and a doppel right? 

I don't own any changelings and I don't have anything to proxy for them. I might be allowed to proxy Footy McCabe as Queeg since people feel sorry for me but I don't think I can get changelings. 

The doppleganger fits in some pools but copying attacks is decidedly less powerful in guild since an awful lot of effects are built in triggers in guild but included in the attacks in neverborn. It needs to be a quite interacty pool where I think I will also use "don't mind me" and the other (0) to lock down enemy beaters for me to take it. Most of the time I would probably rather have Crutchcisco to bail my minions out of trouble.

both the above models have a (0) to give negatives to enemy attacks which is very nice against high damage flurry models (at least if they don't have positives on the attack).

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I played tournaments in the UK using Guild for pretty much the whole of 2015.  I used Perdita and Sonnia almost exclusively (one game with Lady Justice near the end) and had a pretty good record.  Having 7 masters in your case is only useful if you can make them do what you need; in general you're better off knowing a small number of masters really well.  If you want the long version, search for threads started by me in the battle reports sub-forum and you can read all about it in tedious glorious detail.

I don't really find that Francisco is that much of a crutch for me.  Papa Loco plus Death Marshall plus Sonnia though... now that is a crutch (it does feel so good).

Fixed master formats inevitably lead to a certain amount of counter-picking.  They're a fine way to play the game, but I prefer fixed faction.

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Haha, thanks Trikk!  I'm still doing the reports, it is just that I'm enjoying a run with Outcasts at the moment instead.  I seem to end up playing one faction for about a year before my attention wanders to another one - Ten Thunders in 2013 and 2014, Guild in 2015 and Outcasts in 2016.  Variety is the spice of life after all.

Did I see that you're considering coming to the Scottish GT?  If so, it would be great to meet you in person.  Plus you have 5 chances to appear in one of my game write-ups (if you want to, of course).

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On 8 juni 2016 at 0:18 PM, Myyrä said:

I have actually played single master tournaments with both Perdita and Sonnia. I'm also fairly sure I have never lost a game with either of them.

It sounds like you need a challenge. Like playing Lucius until you don't loose any games with him either! :D

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7 hours ago, Ludvig said:

It sounds like you need a challenge. Like playing Lucius until you don't loose any games with him either! :D

Been there, done that, sent a post card. All my opponents have learned to play against him since then. I'm not sure this is a challenge that can be overcome with just practise.

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