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vs Resurrectionists


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What I think when against Ressers: HAHAHA! Easy target!
But seriously, I feel like we are well equipped against Resser models. We have a lot of focus to get around Hard to Wound, and Burning and Poison don't care about that either. We have condition removal to make their day miserable. We have durable models with Armor, which they can't ignore (except if they bring mercenaries). Most of all, we have excellent speed and are able to run and score schemes quickly, often before they have a chance to spread out and summon enough models to outactivate us hard. Oh, and the models with Ruthless/Relentless/Laugh Off really mess up their Horror check/Lure shenanigans.

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What I think when against Ressers: HAHAHA! Easy target!
But seriously, I feel like we are well equipped against Resser models. We have a lot of focus to get around Hard to Wound, and Burning and Poison don't care about that either. We have condition removal to make their day miserable. We have durable models with Armor, which they can't ignore (except if they bring mercenaries). Most of all, we have excellent speed and are able to run and score schemes quickly, often before they have a chance to spread out and summon enough models to outactivate us hard. Oh, and the models with Ruthless/Relentless/Laugh Off really mess up their Horror check/Lure shenanigans.

Man oh man have you got that wrong...

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We have durable models with Armor, which they can't ignore (except if they bring mercenaries).

Man oh man have you got that wrong...

Hmm, so I did not mention Expunge, the Hanged and their nasty attack, Black Blood from Molly's crew, etc. Or is there more that I am missing? If so, please enlighten me as I honestly haven't had much trouble with Ressers :P

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The basics of fighting ressers are dealing with their multiple hard to wound, high wound models (something that the Foundry crew do extremely well), dealing with Terrifying (something a lot of Thunders models do well, with high average Wp and several Ruthless or Relentless models, and Kang... oh Kang). Expect summoning, because while not all Resser crews *do* do it, nearly every Resser crew *can* do it.

Advanced stuff includes learning that playing against Molly, Kirai or Tara mean that you'll likely have to change your style of play to accommodate their own unique playstyles; Molly likes to achieve 90% of her schemes in turn one, Kirai likes to shut down ranged crews and mess with others with Ikiryo, and Tara is Tara.

Ressers have some of the best scheme runner models in the game (Crooligans and Necropunks, for example, can be a nightmare to deal with, and are cheap as chips), and some of the biggest melee beatsticks in the game (an Izamu that you can't spend stones to prevent damage from, or heal while near, is pretty scary). They also play the attrition game better than any other faction, have the best Lure going on one of the most solid minions going, and have more tricks than even Seamus can shake his hat at. You're best to bring Kang to help deal with them.

The one thing I find common in any Resser crew, though, is that they rely heavily on their master (which I presume is why none of them have a SS pool lower than 3, and why nearly all of them are hard or impossible to wound, or have other defence tricks to prolong their unlife). Many crews will struggle to kill a Resser master without devoting more resources to it than it can be worth. Ten Thunders have Misaki, who, with the right planning and a decent control hand, can kill anything.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking that Ressers are slow, either. A Molly crew built around Belles is one of the most mobile crews in the game, while Tara's bury tricks can move models from one side of the table to the other (not to mention make a bunch of them fast), so don't presume that you will control more of the board than them (even the slower crews generally tend to spew out so many models that they cover that ground anyway).

I like to bring hard-hitting, fast-moving crews to games against Ressers. Condition removal is almost mandatory (Chiaki usually fills this role, as well as being great at shutting down a Crooligan by making it insignificant), ranged damage (Katanaka Snipers, for example), make the inevitable melee easier, and Kang just makes everything easier.

Seriously, bring Kang.

As for schemes, I don't really change my plans in particular for Ressers in that regard. If I know I'm going to be facing a summoner and Make Them Suffer is in the pool, it's usually a good choice thanks to our hard-hitting Henchpersons and Masters. Assassinate is often a poor choice, as is Deliver A Message, because it's easy for a lot of Resser masters to hang back, or for there to be a permanently Chatty model nearby (they have several of those!). If they have a Hanged, Vendetta is a great choice - you really want to be killing that thing anyway, and a Lone Swordsman can do it relatively easily (compared to a lot of other models, and especially with a couple of high tomes in hand),

That about covers it. Except, and I nearly forgot, bring Kang. Really.

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We have durable models with Armor, which they can't ignore (except if they bring mercenaries).

Man oh man have you got that wrong...

Hmm, so I did not mention Expunge, the Hanged and their nasty attack, Black Blood from Molly's crew, etc. Or is there more that I am missing? If so, please enlighten me as I honestly haven't had much trouble with Ressers :P

The student of Steel , Dr McMorning , Ikiryu, Datsuba and Shikome and onryo  on a trigger,  The hanged attack doesn't ignore armour, that daamge is still reduced by armor, likewise I think for expunge. Black blood aslo doesn't ignore armour, but its effort get get it to produce more than 1 damage at a time (you need to use cruligans I think). Poison as a whole will ignore armour, so you might want to include sebastian in anti armor models (6 damage a turn from poison is pretty nasty)

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Can I ask the reverse question?

As a Ten Thunders player, when you hear 'Ressers' declared, what models/abilities make you think 'I hope they don't take that/I must look out for that/I'd better take x in case they have y ability'?

I ask purely in the spirit of scientific enquiry of course, not to get the inside track on an opponent's thinking! ;)



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Can I ask the reverse question?

As a Ten Thunders player, when you hear 'Ressers' declared, what models/abilities make you think 'I hope they don't take that/I must look out for that/I'd better take x in case they have y ability'?

I ask purely in the spirit of scientific enquiry of course, not to get the inside track on an opponent's thinking! ;)


Of course this is all for science, suuuureee... Never before did a Resser do anything for a reason other than love for... necro.. science... and vivid... dissection ;) 
Seriously though? I strongly dislike being against Yin the Penangalan, she is quite often annoying. The Valedictorian and the various Students hit quite well, and the former is very mobile as well, often being troublesome. Philip and the Nanny is an awesome model, both for it's aesthetics/fluff and scheme interaction - a rather mobile static Chatty aura with Soulstone prevention (Mr. Tannen cries just thinking about this :D ). Canine Remains are very, very ugly with their mobility and the -1 Df aura that -stacks-. Overall I find my 10T quite balanced, if not always excelling in anything - thus the enemy make-up is not of that much concern. And if I -really- wanted to win, I could always bring Kang to feel more reassured (though I personally disfavor faction counter-picking like this).

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I ran Kang at an event this weekend and it went really well in the game against a Moly crew. So many + to flips with him and snipers/samurai. I had make them suffer which ended up being really easy as he kept summoning punk zombies right in front of me to do the aoe thing.

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Can I ask the reverse question?

As a Ten Thunders player, when you hear 'Ressers' declared, what models/abilities make you think 'I hope they don't take that/I must look out for that/I'd better take x in case they have y ability'?

I ask purely in the spirit of scientific enquiry of course, not to get the inside track on an opponent's thinking! ;)


Of course this is all for science, suuuureee... Never before did a Resser do anything for a reason other than love for... necro.. science... and vivid... dissection ;) 
Seriously though? I strongly dislike being against Yin the Penangalan, she is quite often annoying. The Valedictorian and the various Students hit quite well, and the former is very mobile as well, often being troublesome. Philip and the Nanny is an awesome model, both for it's aesthetics/fluff and scheme interaction - a rather mobile static Chatty aura with Soulstone prevention (Mr. Tannen cries just thinking about this :D ). Canine Remains are very, very ugly with their mobility and the -1 Df aura that -stacks-. Overall I find my 10T quite balanced, if not always excelling in anything - thus the enemy make-up is not of that much concern. And if I -really- wanted to win, I could always bring Kang to feel more reassured (though I personally disfavor faction counter-picking like this).

That's really interesting, thanks for that response.

I haven't got hold on Yin yet, but I think she will be top of my list for next month's purchases - You are right, she seems like a disruption piece; not a huge amount of scheme and strategy to be done with her, just something to make my opponent have to think a bit.  It will be a welcome change to be on that side of the headache for once! :)

I'll also look into getting the Molly box for Phillip - I need the crooligans anyway.


Thanks again for the insights! :)


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Thanks again for the insights! :)

You are welcome :D My own Yin should have arrived in our LGS today, can't wait (to barf as she is so ugly... :P ). She is the first step to my Malifaux Bar, Pub & Hub Domination plan, with kind regards from Mr. Brew Master. I have even worked out how to explain her presence in the alcoholics anonymous crew: She is either a vestige of your Drinking Problem, or the horrifying sight that pushed you to start drinking in the first place. Also, my suggestion for a Ten Thunders/Gremlin model for Wave 4: Booze Hound.

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Huh. Can't believe no one has mentioned Toshiro.

I've had this conversation with Dan34J a lot- how do you stop a ressur. Especially a summoning ressur. The easy answers are to pressure the masters with bodily harm, and destroy the hand/deny resources. 

We have some great models for that- If you play Lynch, you can bring Stitched that make people drop cards which can be good. Kang has been mentioned. Same thing with Sidir, if you're going for a reckoning type crew, as anything with an upgrade gets plusflips to ML (for killin') and WP (For terrifying checks).

But the number one thing I like to do is take something that can eat corpses. Specifically, Toshiro. He can discard a corpse to give out focus (which is great, as mentioned earlier, for dealing with hard to wound), or if you take his command the graves upgrade, you can turn their resources against them. I mean, you're not going to out attrition the real summoning masters, but being able to bring in a model that's pretty close to enemies that can discard a card for a 1ap charge? Nothing' to sneeze at. 

Same goes for arcanists. No scrap, no spiders. 

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