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Unboxing Malifaux - Jack Daw's 'Guilty as Charged' Starter Set


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I actually don't mind the Guilty - but have a better use for the bed and electric chair ones in a diorama I'm planning as patients of Dr Grimmel.

They do make amazing diorama models. I saw one on the Wyrd Place with the "hushing" Orderly next to the Bed struck Guilty. It was amazing. 

This implies you have got yourself a FB-account. I am quite amazed. 

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Oh I don't mind your opinion in the least. Welcome to it and I often ask for it. 

Every once in a while is up for debate though as I see the same folks having the same opinion in every thread that mentions said models just about every given time. 

Everyone who has criticized the Guilty here has had a change of heart regarding some other model in the set so that's a bit uncharitable, don't you think?

Also, I think that since this is the first time that we see proper, good photographs of the built models (as well as the sprues), it's entirely normal to voice opinions anew.

As for them selling well - well, I hear Justin Bieber also sells well ;):P

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Oh I don't mind in the least, I don't think I'm being uncharitable either, but just as you yourself point out that voicing your opinion on the matter anew, I also am just making a statement as it just sometimes gets a touch old like when it's stated over and over in such colorful manners by the same few individuals in each and every thread where the models come up in discussion. I'm rarely quietly opinionated myself in person, sometimes I allow that to be expressed on the forums as well. I believe Aaron coined the phrase 'never quote Nathan'. That might give you an idea.

And yeah, have to give you a touche on the Justin Bieber comment. 

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thank you for the assembly guide, mate. It may look like we are all ungrateful little runts, but i read your blog for every Malifaux (and steampunk ladies photos) update you make. So keep it up.

For my view on Jack Daw, the miniature itself doesnt appeal to me, I cannot say the sculpt is bad or poorly done, not at all. in my case, Jack Daw's story don't tug at my wallet and that seals it. A vengenful spirit that plans to take revenge against everyone because of erm... reasons..., just doesnt bring me in.

From the Outcasts, I already have Leveticus and his crew, plus Johan and Hans; may still get Von Schill and the Victorias, but Hamelin, Jack Daw and the rest of them dont have anything going on for me!

I fell in love with Malifaux over the Gremlins and their simplistic world view - food, booze, bacon and ooh, a Girl!

My dablings with the Outcasts began by reading a bit too much of tactica on the Pullmyfinger, when i started realizing how amazeballs Leveticus is and what a challenge it can be to use him right.

But characters that are just plain "eeeevil buahahaha!" or that are too goody good dont have any appeal to me. Too black or white!

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I had a similar experience over whether to pick Lady J or Kirai as a first master: Guild wasn't pulling me in, but I admire the death marshalls' work (and how capable executioners are of putting even a Teddy down like an overstuffed, rabid rat). I like Kirai's spirit theme (that ikryo model re-sculpt is pretty boss!) and board shenanigans, but don't like the overarching Resser agenda to break the Guild (and by that extension, break the pillar holding humanities' claim to Malifaux up).

Jack is a spiritual guy, but politically he's very much a free agent, so he's kind of a 'best of both worlds' for me. He can scratch that ghostly itch, but isn't beholden to destroying any particular faction. A real force of (un)nature.

Edited by sath
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Thanks for the unboxing.

I rather like the set - the "cross" Guilty still confuses me as to how he's supposed to work, but the other two are fun (and I doubt I'd actually use 3 in-game, so no big deal). Ligeia is appropriate and Montressor is just creepy.  I actually rather like the plastic Jack - he's got a twisty-turny "Now I'm free" look to him while still obviously being a very troubled soul.

I'm excited to get my set - I threw it in with a few preorders though, so I'll be waiting a bit longer :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I now have a box of Jack Daw. (Thanks to the trapper gift xP ) But now I got three Guilty that I don't even like a bit. I mean - how can they move? They are no ghosts?! And if they are why do they bring half the furnishing with them?! I can't get it. A Wk and Cg of 0 would make sense...

Has someone a good idea for some alternatives? I checked a bunch of online shops the last two hours and nothing. Only this are good, but I have no name: http://www.coolminiornot.com/285983?browseid=13000364


Edit: I don't like the here posted ones so much and I prefer no naked women ^.^

Edited by TheNewGuy2015
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I finished putting mine together a few days ago. I like them! They are different from anything else in the range, and obviously quite identifiable. I didn't even have to curse a single time when I assembled anything in Jack Daws Box, which I will say is a pleasant change of events from my construction efforts in Malifaux. Granted, I did Misaki directly beforehand, and there was indeed some cursing for that crew. 

Back on topic, though! Does anyone care to enlighten me as to what the movie references Nathan mentioned are? I am of a mind to just paint them all as ghosts, but if they have inspiriation rooted elsewhere I'd love to see it before brush meets plastic! :D


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I love Jack Daw, Montessor and the lady. I'm just having trouble picturing the guilty moving. Do they float? Do they trundle about clacking?

however I will say that I absolutely love them after a couple games. I initially didn't like them but their game mechanics endeared me to them. Also... The new jack is just so much better than the original one. He actually looks like something to be scared of.

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I actually quite enjoy the Guilty models purely for their references to movies. Even if that wasn't the case they models themselves are something unique and different you don't see in miniatures too often. When I do get around to painting mine, I am considering painting them more like ghosts (even though they're not incorporeal). This is one of the boxes I'd been waiting on for a long time, this weekend I finally got it all assembled. Very nice set of models.

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