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Is Juju worth buying the Zoraida box over?


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Hey folks,

I currently own the alternate Zoraida model and the voodoo doll and I am debating whether to invest in her plastic box to get Juju and the Silurids OR just get the Silurids box. Having zero experience with Juju, I would appreciate some input from all of you.

What do you think?

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I was in a similar situation (original metal zoraida+doll without crew box) and opted to just get the Silurids. Of course later on I decided I did want Juju and decided to see about getting one. Thankfully while plastic Juju is hard to find being sold alone metal Juju seems to be relatively easy to find 2nd hand/ on ebay for a reasonable enough price.

In my experience the Silurids are amazing but Juju is less so. If plastic Zoraida and doll don't thrill you pick up the Silurid box, if you really want Juju later on you can probably find the metal somewhere (and in fairness though he is smaller metal Juju isn't actually a bad sculpt).

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The plastic Juju is superior in my mind, though I have both the metal and plastic. Regardless, Juju can be really fun on the table if you're planning on running several swampfiends. He can be surprisingly squishy, but being Eternal he shows up when another swampfiend dies, so you can keep dishing out the hurt with him. I'd definitely get the Zoraida box rather than just Silurids.

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From personal experience you are usually at some point going to want to try more or less every model. If you buy the silurids now and realize you want to try Juju out a year from now he might not be readily available and then you need to buy the box while having even more of the models and wasting even more money. It doesn't look like any henchmen from the boxes are getting their own release so consider that carefully. Worst case you can probably proxy him as the emissary or something.

If we are talking rules Juju can be nice but is not in any way needed or an auto-include. Low speed and lackluster weak damage are his two unfortunate spots. To help his speed Zoraida can obey him to walk which also pairs really well with the Mimic's blessing upgrade for a somewhat tanky Juju. Graves can also push him or you can have him emerge from a killed swampfiend that deployed from the shadows. He has some nice aura damage and the flurry although his weak damage isn't fantastic. You can use him with Papa Loco's damage buff which is risky (or fun?!) which will make him hit really hard. The short story is that you still might be just better off with an Illuminated or Graves for similar points cost.

Hope any of that helped you decide! ;)

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I had this exact same crisis during last year's Gencon. I wasn't particularly interested in Zoraida and could've borrowed my friend's metal Juju. I was constantly back and forth between the crew box or just the Silurid box. I finally decided to buy the crew box, Juju's model is awesome, so is Zoraida's. I've used Juju in a Pandora crew and he was being a boss. I'm also a collector and like having all my tools available. I would suggest you buy the crew box, you could probably sell the Zoraida/Voodoo Doll to recoup some of your money, just leave them on sprue. You can do the same for Juju, but I enjoy the model and what he brings to the table.

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Funny thing is I faced a Juju like...three times I think and was quite painful (killed Lady J - ok, that was the first time I played her and really overestimated her power - , 2nd game he killed Sonnia and the third one just passed the entire game buried as I rejected to kill swampfiends:P ). His Eternal Fiend is scary, sometimes it´s more psychological ("do I really want to kill that Silurid to pop out that nasty big thing next to me?") but it works. Probably because I´m a newbie and not that good player but I really feel uncomfortable facing him. And his model is really, really nice looking :)

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My problem with him, and my issue with Eternal Fiend, is that there aren't many Swampfiends that let him unbury easily. I have waldegeists and silurids, and silurids are non-threatening scheme runners that I want to stay alive until the mid- to late-game, and waldegeists are just naturally very resilient. Maybe if I had gupps (if they existed in plastic, I should say) it would be easier, but I'm not interested in having my 10ss model spend half or more of the game underground and with my opponent having most of the power to choose when and if he ever comes back up.

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My problem with him, and my issue with Eternal Fiend, is that there aren't many Swampfiends that let him unbury easily. I have waldegeists and silurids, and silurids are non-threatening scheme runners that I want to stay alive until the mid- to late-game, and waldegeists are just naturally very resilient. Maybe if I had gupps (if they existed in plastic, I should say) it would be easier, but I'm not interested in having my 10ss model spend half or more of the game underground and with my opponent having most of the power to choose when and if he ever comes back up.

Wild Boars with Zoraida?

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My problem with him, and my issue with Eternal Fiend, is that there aren't many Swampfiends that let him unbury easily. I have waldegeists and silurids, and silurids are non-threatening scheme runners that I want to stay alive until the mid- to late-game, and waldegeists are just naturally very resilient. Maybe if I had gupps (if they existed in plastic, I should say) it would be easier, but I'm not interested in having my 10ss model spend half or more of the game underground and with my opponent having most of the power to choose when and if he ever comes back up.

Start with him on the board, then run him straight down the opponent's throat.  They use attacks to get rid of him, thus soaking AP that would have otherwise been used on the rest of your crew.  Then when he dies he buries and if they kill something else he is back to full life.  If they do not kill him, then he can deal damage himself.  Either way you win. 

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With Juju, you don't need anything but waldgeists or silurids, you just approach the issue differently. In a waldgeists game, you deploy them over the objective you are using them to defend and send Juju to tie up enemies. Juju will die, but with Eternal field he will return the next time a waldgeist dies: which means, that with good placement you can resummon him right over the objective you are protecting.


With Silurids, it is a different matter: you don't want SIlurids dying until late game, so you get Juju killed early by tossing him into a group of enemies. Then, each silurid is not just some squishy, easy to kill minion, but the container for Juju, just waiting to spill out. Enemies become suddenly disinclined to chase silurids at the moment they should: and say they do kill your silurid: well Juju doesn't have to attack with anything other than his 0 and can use his other AP to distract or deliver a message, making the silurid complete its purpose in death. 


Juju is pretty damn good for both Zoriada and Lilith. McTavish has a nice synergy shooting into Juju's inevitable melee. 

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