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lore-wise, why is Zoraida a Gremlin master?


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I hadn't read her fluff in the book until this morning when I was curious (to be fair I've only read the gremlin stuff and also Von Schill because he's great) and I was surprised to see no real justification of how come she gets to lead gremlins. She lives in the bayou, sure, but she doesn't have a hat at all, let alone a big one? Does she just use her mind control on them, or is it more of a McTavish "she stinks and the gremlins don't mind" dealie?


EDIT: mind control potion that she tells them is a new type of booze???

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M2E big book Gremlin 4 page story.


She convinces them a war is coming and that they need to work together if they want to win it. She then scares the complete crap out of the other gremlin leaders (sans mah and Ulix since they did not yet exist), and gets them to make a pact with her.

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The only assumption I can draw comes from 1.5 where she it seemed indicated that she considered the bayou region her protectorate.
The fact that she has been living there since the time of the first breach seems to have something to do with it.

If indeed Gremlins are somehow a de-evolution of the surviving humans from the first invasion it may explain her importance in their society as a venerable elder of the community etc.

As far as I'm aware that's all we have to go by.

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AverageBoss has the answer. Read her Gremlin story in the rulebook and it makes sense.


Given the general lack of Gremlin willpower, her ability to enthrall and their shared home, it doesn't feel like much of a stretch that they'd team up to kick invader butt anyway.

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The only assumption I can draw comes from 1.5 where she it seemed indicated that she considered the bayou region her protectorate.

The fact that she has been living there since the time of the first breach seems to have something to do with it.

If indeed Gremlins are somehow a de-evolution of the surviving humans from the first invasion it may explain her importance in their society as a venerable elder of the community etc.

As far as I'm aware that's all we have to go by.

Zoraida has actually been in Malifaux for a lot longer than that. 

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Which book states that?

Zoraida's profile entry (Malifaux 2E and Wyrd website):

Centuries old, Zoraida is not truly a Neverborn, but is instead a human who traversed the in-between and reached Malifaux long before the first opening of the Great Breach.

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Zoraida's profile entry Malifaux 2E


Okay re-read it, somehow hadn't retained that, always assumed from the story in book three (conversation with Lilith) she had come with the first settlers/invaders.

- Book three during her discussions with Lilith she seems to show consideration for the well being of the gremlins as much as the swamp fiends, so I think the relationship goes a lot further than the story from the new book where she calls a meeting to unite the faction.

The fact that she had the power/authority to call said meeting in the first place would indicate she was already held in some esteem by them. 

Hopefully we get more back story on how/why she is part of the faction in later releases though.

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...always assumed from the story in book three (conversation with Lilith) she had come with the first settlers/invaders.


She is actually the one who opened the Breach.


The Coming Storm (Malifaux - Twisting Fates):

Lilith: "Did you make a mistake in opening the Breach again?”

“Hard to say,” Zoraida said, thinking on it.


EDIT: Well... this doesn't necessarily mean that she opened the first one. I just assume it.

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yes I only assumed that referred to the second time it was opened as it seemed to be the topic at hand.

I.E they reopened it as they needed a way to deal with the tyrants that were already starting to stir and it has backfired on them as now more of them are waking and things are coming to a head a lot faster than either Zoraida or Lilith had expected.

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I don't know, I think after the events in Shifting Loyalties the question of "When" gets really complicated to answer.


'sides, the point is that Zoraida's been out in the swamp longer than anyone else can remember, and she's done enough good for the folks living out there (and put up with them long enough) that the gremlin's will listen to her.  There isn't really an explanation for how it happened because of how long ago it happened.


But if you look at the story about the gold pig, or the brewmaster story, there's a lot of subtext there.  Gremlins and humans deal with each other routinely enough to pass rumors, to do business with each other, and where a gremlin showing up with some money to play a game of cards is somehow reasonable.  :D


So it's not really so much that Zoraida leads any gremlins, since that's probably a bit like telling a catlady that she "leads" cats.  It's more that Zoraida has a big enough broom and can yell loud enough to get their attention, and doesn't mind them too much.  ;)

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I am currently in the middle of Storm of Shadows but decided to peek ahead a little.


It is nicely described right in the beginning of the story Swamp Thang:

They knew her as Zoraida, or the Swamp Witch. She traveled through their land regularly, and they had long since realized that she was not to be trifled with, but she had never taken more interest in their affairs than a shark would a school of minnows.
Until the day before last, when she marched into their camp with a huge cauldron and clunked it down in the middle of their village.

(As AverageBoss said, there is a war coming and they all need to work together.)


One of the Gremlins tryes to see her of with his boomstick and gets cooked.


This part illustrates it nicely as well:

Some of the little ‘uns had started bringing her twigs and bits of brush to keep her fire going and they giggled with delight when she beckoned them to throw the kindling under the cauldron – they never burned the same color twice.


Som'er Jones summarized it that "locals view her as some sort of celebrity".

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Rereading a lot of the fluff now as this thread pointed out I haven't retained as much as I'd like.

It would appear gremlins have also existed in malifaux for centuries so sadly the de evolution theory needs to be abandoned.

I'm slightly disappointed the connection between gremlins and Zoraida seems to be little more than a alliance of convenience.

I really was hoping/assuming there was something a lot more signicant to flesh out.

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