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Wild Boars


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I would agree that the Wild Boars are difficult to make function well in most lists. Part of it is where you are encouraged to place them (way upfield harrassasing your opponent turn 1) versus where the support for them typically is (way back on your side of the board at least a turn away). As Hateful Darkblack points out in his post, a less aggresive midfield placement where Ulix can get to them easier may be best. Zoraida would also be in a similar circumstance. With a summon factory type list, I think of them more as a fire and forget staller, that allows the main list to position and/ or churn out more models with out a huge risk of reprisal in the early game.

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I might agree with that ZFiend however their cards have been out in the arsenal decks for awhile and there are many great proxies currently available in the market place. Other than From the Shadows deployment for early harrassment, I really dont see them offering much that a cheaper piglet doesn't already. Even in a Ulix list they are likely going to strugle to find a home against all the other options.

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Yeah could be. It's true that the card has been out but many times the opinion changes from reading the card to actual playtime. For example I spoke ill of the Scales of Justice until I actually tried it a few times and my opinion of it changed completely.

Of course it might not be the case here. But I believe that once the models hit they will start seeing more tabletops and then there will be more ideas flying around and all that. Not all people spend money on proxies be suitable or not if they're going to have to buy the model anyway for tournament use etc.

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I think the availibility of Ulix will have more to do with that then the actual Wild Boar models. He seems to be the only Gremlin Master that is really encouraged to hire them, since he possesses the combination of abilities, actions, and mobility that make them worth it. Even in this case though I think they are going to be best utilized as a mid field deployement instead of the upfield harrasser role they seem to really encourage.
Outside of him, Zoraida, Som'er, and perhaps Marcus might see some use for them. Zoraida with a Voodoo Doll can guide it from afar via Sewn Fate and Dance Puppet, manuevering it into better charge positions. If she can maintain LOS and Range for Obey, she can trigger their out of activation boost, once at least. Her Animal Shape upgrade can help with this, though it will shut off Dance Puppet for the turn. As I mentioned earlier, Som'er could see some use for them as disposible first turn harrassers, allowing the summon factory to start churning without a huge fear of reprisal for a turn or two. This summoning potential could offset their cost. They could also be used to counter an opponents From the Shadows models that can cause some issues for the summon factory (by killing the Slop Hauler's or the weakened bayou Gremlins). I could see Marcus getting some use out of them similar to Ulix, though again this would likely favor a mid field deployment instead of way upfield. From what I recall his mobility isn't as great as the Gremlin's.

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I don't know if first turn harasser is something you even care about in a lot of lists. If your opponent knows you have from the shadows models you won't get a charge off on something that matters and a lot of teams would actually enjoy having something to go after first turn.

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I don't know if first turn harasser is something you even care about in a lot of lists. If your opponent knows you have from the shadows models you won't get a charge off on something that matters and a lot of teams would actually enjoy having something to go after first turn.

Dont entirely agree with this. Negating the efficacy of From the Shadows deployment is predicated upon your opponent purposely setting up to protect models (more than 3" from the deployment zone edge in the case of Wild Boars) and likely deploying second (so you know where they are setting up). Shrinking the Deployment zone can significantly hamper a lot of crews that dont have access to mobility enhancing abilities and/or actions. Additionally, giving your opponent something to deal with on turn 1 is entirely the point of using the Wild Boars as harrassers. Each action (or 2 in the cases of Charges) spent upfield dealing with them is one less spent moving down field to achieve objectives.


Now I do agree with you that there are a lot of lists where From the Shadows deployment isn't really that big of a deal. That is actually why some of this discussion is even taking place. There are very few Gremlin lists that would really benefit from it at all, and those that would likely prefer a more mid-field deployment (where they can be supported) than way up field.

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There's nothing really wrong with mid-field placement.  Depending on terrain the boar could be slapped down to scheme the following round.


Also, "Hitch a Ride" is a thing, it's not crazy to think that Ulix can get across the field alarmingly quickly to go support his wayward boars.

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The Boars make for some amusing anti-sniper tech, too.


"My Freikorps Trapper is going to deploy on top of this building."

"Cool. I'm going to put my Wild Boar right next to him."



Hahaha. That is so much fun thematically. :D 

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The Boars make for some amusing anti-sniper tech, too.


"My Freikorps Trapper is going to deploy on top of this building."

"Cool. I'm going to put my Wild Boar right next to him."


One of the best way to protect those lynch pin support models, that your opponent really wants gone but you really want around. Slop Haulers scoring high on both those lists in most cases and with most crews.

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I faced wild boars this pass week, my enemy stuck one right outside my deployment zone when he had to deploy first. This limited my zone a bid if I did not want to be charged by him, not a bad plan but have two placed a bit apart limiting it more and it also means that at least 1 of them should be able to go before I kill them.


I think they are better as a mid field threat vs non shooters. Are you sure you want to come that far forward, fine do it but..... WILD BOAR CHARGE!!!!

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