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Lady Sybelle for the less filthy

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So, for totally legitimate and above board reasons, I have Doctor McMourning for my Guild forces and, soon enough, I'll have Tara, as well. Considering that I have Jack Daw and Leveticus coming eventually, I think it is finally time to admit that I have fallen to the sick, sick temptation of the green faction.


Of course, one of the main temptations of the faction is everyone's favorite minion: the Rotten Belle. I don't particularly think I'll ever be putting Seamus on the table, but I find myself with a theoretical fondness for Madame Sybelle. Tara's Wp debuffs make her Terrifying and Attend to Personally much more scary, even if she is a marked downgrade in hitting power from Tara's usual heavy hitter selection. I was lukewarm on the idea of running her with McMourning due to her lack of Poison, but I realized that With A Flourish is a lot more scary when you have 3-4 models in your crew with Ceaseless Advance. 


The question, then, is this: will Sybelle give me $20.00 worth of fun out of the Redchapel Gang, or should I skip the crew box and go straight to the individual belle box?

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Well if you are bringing at least 2 rotten belles her and Seamus' upgrade Not too banged up works wonders for pulling things to you. Additionally if you are ever planning on branching out to Molly you'll want sybelle, she's synergistically a better henchman for Molly than for Seamus.

If you are planning on going belle heavy Sybelle is always a good option.

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Sybelle is absolutely amazing. There are a few lists I wouldn't play her myself, such as a Nicodem list. But one of our players has started doing that and I have to say I hate to face a fast Sybelle. She can lay down the hurt with that whip of hers (mmm yeah).

But yeah right, all in all, Sybelle is absolutely amazing for her cost. Plus the prettiest gal in Malifaux.

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I don't have interest in Seamus, but i don't know if i have interest in Sybelle or not. If i can live without her (playing kirai and molly) then i would not buy the red chappel box.


My doubt is if she's "necessary"


Sybelle has been called the best Henchman for Molly, and with good cause. She doesn't offer Kirai any more than she offers every Resser: 2 good attacks, a good denial option, some survivability, and great synergy with Belles.

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I hadn't take Sybelle for a while and started taking her again recently for 35SS Henchmen led games and she is awesome.  If you can combine it with something that gives negatives (either flips or negative modifiers) then her Shriek becomes a potent ranged weapon.  Putting Gnawing Fears on something with Yin then blasting them with Sybelle (literally) is horrible!  Plus she makes Belle's better.  They become decent scheme runners (Wk6 if they activate within her aura, HtW and 8 Wounds makes them pretty nippy and durable, not to mention Sybelle's Call Belle) and their Lure is sick if you take Not Too Banged Up (and why wouldn't you).


And she's a Zombie Hooker Mistress, what's not to like?!

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If you're ever going to pick up Molly you'll want Sybelle. Molly is a belle.

Sybelle, due to cathouse madam, gives belles that activate within the aura +1 walk. That takes all belles, including Molly up to walk 6. That is scheme runner fast.

Sybelle gives Molly massive mobility because Sybelle's Call Belle ability isn't limited to minions, so Sybelle for the cost of a highish card and a 0 action can give Molly 12" of movement each turn without spending Molly's ap.

Really the only thing Sybelle doesn't have is a belle, spirit, or horror trait. So Molly can't use her reactivate ability on her because she isn't a minion, and she can't use her 0 action to make Sybelle use an ap, and Sybelle has to watch her positioning a little to not be destroyed by Molly black blood bombs. And even that can be mitigated by having Molly's Totem jab Sybelle and give her black blood permanentaly.

In my opinion, if you are going to pick up Molly, ever, you want to have access to Sybelle. Now if you don't mind the old metal, you might be able to pick a Sybelle up without having to deal with buying the Seamus box, but really you might as well. you'll get Sybelle and three belles and you'll get Seamus, who you might not have any interest in playing, but you can always use him for an opponent to play learning games with.

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Noone has mentioned the fact, that she's one of the most effective master killers in the game. When I meet her, I cannot go below 2 (in some cases 4) cards in my hand, or my master or some other high cost minion will 100% drop due to the insanity that is her trigger based upgrade card.



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Noone has mentioned the fact, that she's one of the most effective master killers in the game. When I meet her, I cannot go below 2 (in some cases 4) cards in my hand, or my master or some other high cost minion will 100% drop due to the insanity that is her trigger based upgrade card.



Yeah, only needing a single :crow rather than two that most models with Assassinate type Triggers need is brutal, especially on a Ml6 SS-user.


Although the OP has stated they're not interested in Seamus I quite like hitting him with Sybelle to Trigger Comply then making him teleport.  That way he has 3AP wherever he ends up and can take Interact actions as he didn't Teleport during his activation.

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Meh, I don't find her death strike to be massively practical. It's good, don't get me wrong, and it would potentially be totally busted in any faction that didn't chew through stones as much as most ressers do. But the limitations on it tend to make it less useful as more of a threat than something that will actually kill anything.

Only 2 ap on her limit it's power, as does her ml of 6. Certainly respectable, but I find if you are spending a stone or high suited card you need to hit, and a 6 doesn't allow you to often guarentee your hit. Additionally her weak of 2 further mitigates it as the enemy still has to take dmg for it to trigger, so SS users with cards still in hand can role the dice and prevent, and if they prevent it all they don't suffer the kill effect, and if they don't they drop 2 cards.

So that's why I don't mention her as an assassin type model. I've only 2 times actually killed anything with the death strike since m2e came out. I think the strength of the ability is as said, in making the enemy respect its presence on the table, rather than in the carnage it inflicts.

It tends to be the first upgrade I drop off her, depending on crew load out. But it's still a decent investment if you can swing it.

In a belle heavy crew though I think you get better mileage out of not too banged up, if you aren't taking both.

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Meh, I don't find her death strike to be massively practical. It's good, don't get me wrong, and it would potentially be totally busted in any faction that didn't chew through stones as much as most ressers do. But the limitations on it tend to make it less useful as more of a threat than something that will actually kill anything.

Only 2 ap on her limit it's power, as does her ml of 6. Certainly respectable, but I find if you are spending a stone or high suited card you need to hit, and a 6 doesn't allow you to often guarentee your hit. Additionally her weak of 2 further mitigates it as the enemy still has to take dmg for it to trigger, so SS users with cards still in hand can role the dice and prevent, and if they prevent it all they don't suffer the kill effect, and if they don't they drop 2 cards.

If you're taking somebody like Nico or Molly that needs the SS for summoning then it's probably not as effective but I love her in a Seamus crew as the evil guy doesn

't tend to use too many stones.


As to the second point I agree that she's often not a great match-up for other Hench and Masters but she is very good at taking out Minions and Enforcers and if they are priority models for your opponent it can force them to burn their hand.


I agree that I'd definitely drop it before Not Too Banged Up though.

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Ml 6 and a high card pretty much guarantees a hit on 9/10 models. It's really easy to get through.


The prevention only works on a master/henchman model, not your high value enforcers. And sure, it can potentially be costly for the Sybelle player to get it through on your opponents master, but it's almost always more costly for the defending player.


The Seamus player I usually play against use 3 Belles, Seamus and her to devastating effect. Add in a couple of Hanged and your will to live is almost non-existant :D


Edit: And to echo Jonahmauls sentiment, in a Seamus crew, the soulstones arent really that needed anyway.

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Although the OP has stated they're not interested in Seamus I quite like hitting him with Sybelle to Trigger Comply then making him teleport. That way he has 3AP wherever he ends up and can take Interact actions as he didn't Teleport during his activation.

You say that, but just last night she clocked Seamus, he relented, and She black jokered the attack flip. Ended up doing medium damage and nothing to show for it. Love hurts man :(

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Comply I find is actually the better trigger that gets more concrete use from Sybelle. A nasty trick with Spirit or Horror Molly is to have Sybelle Comply Izamu. He has armor so that reduces the dmg down to 1, assuming you get weak dmg, or use it on Killjoy, so that Killjoy will heal the dmg back up if he kills something.

Evil level +1

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  • 5 months later...

So I'm going to use this thread for a quick question about Sybelles Comply Trigger, as its the only one I found on the topic:

Can I force the controlled model to take and fail a horror duel, and will it be paralyzed for its next activation?

Kind regards


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