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Plastic guild guards


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Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this. And I can't believe I'm the first person to mention it, but...


I'm really disappointed with the plastic Guild Guards supplied with the Lucius boxed set. They are beautiful, as are all the sculpts, but they look too different to the original metal guards for my taste. The original guards looked like they might have been the bad guys in a Zorro film; however, the new guards look like gunslingers who wandered into the box by mistake.


The male guard resembles a slimmer version of Jeff Bridges in RIPD, while the female guard looks like a reject Perdita sculpt. Why couldn't their outfits have borne at least some resemblance to the old guard uniforms? I'm particularly unhappy that the female guard is wearing a low-cut top instead of a full blouse with chest trim.

Maybe I'm the only one on the planet who cares, but these look generic...even - dare I say it - lazy.


Or am I alone in this?

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I agree. I would have liked them to have a more distinct uniform. I know Malifaux goes for cheesecake a lot and it can be fun sometimes, but it gets a little too gratuitous for me when you have both a man and a woman and the woman get a different set of clothes that objectifies her.

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But the Guild are meant to be more wild west lawmen, not victorian london bobbies. Apart from the female being twisted around like a pretzel I think the guard look fine.


I'm not too fazed either. They aren't the same scale, though...

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Actually, when I was building the box, I thought the male guild guard was one of the better pieces in the set. :3


I will agree that I wish the female model was wearing the same "uniform" that way it would actually be a uniform since multiple models wore it... ;)


on top of that, her being twisted looks cool and action-y, but I can't help but think of the "Hawkeye Initiative" when seeing them together.

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Actually, when I was building the box, I thought the male guild guard was one of the better pieces in the set. :3


The models are lovely, I agree. Just not "guild guard" models.


And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the female guard crossed the line from "cheesecake" to "objectified".

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's unfortunate, because the female sculpt has some really nice touches - she's in the process of drawing her second gun, the hat flying back. If they'd given her reasonable boots instead of heels, the same shirt as the male guard, and changed the posing on the legs so that it looked more controlled it would have been awesome. I would have preferred an updated cast of the old design though. Ah well.

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