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What's your favourite Strategy?

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I like Turf War, Headhunter and Guard the Stash the most.

Turf War is very relaxed in that almost all Masters can do well there (though some are obviously better suited for it) and you can tailor your list to perform the Schemes.

Headhunter is a brilliant variant on Reckoning and makes Scheme runners balance between liability and an asset, which is a lot of fun.

Gaurd the Stash is a lot like Turf War but on two fronts and, depending on the terrain a bit, can result in really interesting dilemmas.

My least favourite is Reckoning as it's sorta unimaginative and restricts the lists in a way that I find annoying. I'm not saying that it should be abandoned or anything but I enjoy it the least.

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Hmmm, this is a really good question!  I have to say that I don't dislike any of the strategies as I feel one of the strengths of Malifaux is how much variation there is in each game.  Having said though although I haven't played it too much I enjoy Stake a Claim quite a lot.  In principle I don't like a strat where both players cannot score but I think it is very tactical and have enjoyed it when I do play.  I agree on Reckoning being a bit basic (and I've not played Bounty Hunter or whatever it's called yet) and the more I've played it the more I tend to ignore it and just play my schemes and if I pick anything up from Reckoning them it's a bonus.


I also think that which strats I enjoy/like the most can be dependent on the scheme pool.

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I've never used any of the gaining grounds strategies so going of just the original 5 I like Turf War the most, it requires model placement and doesn't discriminate against wanting to murder your opponent a little either. It tends to favor a lot of my favorite Masters play styles really well and so I can really go to town with Masters like Von Schill, Viks, Tara, Hoffman, Nico etc. I also like Reckoning as it gives me an excuse to bust out some dirty Vik's lists although the downside is many of my friends know I love my Viks a little too much and so when reckoning comes up they take a Master, Totem and 4 10ss models so I can't score maximum points (Not that I care! I've never scored 4 VP for Reckoning anyway :D)


My least favorite is probably Squatter's Rights. Not because of the strategy itself but because of the obnoxious frequency that my fate decks give it to me, I'm just bored of it. These days I often reflip Squatter's Rights just to have a chance at Reconnoiter or Stake a Claim instead! 

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Personally, I think the tournament strats are kind of boring and repetitive - not so much at the tournaments themselves, because in the actual tourney setting they are exciting, but outside of it when you play casually they get dry . As far as actually liking the strats particularly - turf war and recon are good because king of the hill and zones are always solid. I particularly dislike headhunter - i don't know why people like it so much - it boils down to a bunch of lure effects or janky list building - headhunter games feel like a drag to me but everyone else seems to like them, so I dunno. The rest of the strats are decent with a few that pretty much just fire its predecessor.

*** I'd very much like to see a protect the flag scenario brought into Malifaux and i'd be happy just playing those three (turf war, zones, protect flag - i blame multiplayer conditioning in vanilla WoW for this - I would love to bring the warsong gulch to maifaux B) ). It wouldn't be hard either, I don't think - two 30mm "flag" bases in center of standard deployment line - grab and bring back past your deployment line for 4VP - 2 VP if you cross the middle line and 1VP for just having posession at game's end. I could see this format being competitive too, i dunno, what do you think?***

I would really like to play more alternative formats like HH and Brawl plus story scenarios like Carver but its hard enough getting regular games in for me and that happens quite rarely. I find myself more intrigued with story encounters simply because they are new and different.

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Spectre that sounds fun. You should make a fan made scenario of that with some added rules. As it can easily breakdown to run a model to get the flag, Lure the model back. :D

Maybe the model with the flag gains Braced condition that cant be removed. That would be thematic. :D

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I'd love to play such a scenario, but it wouldn't be balanced for tourney play and I'd argue against its inclusion as such.

End of the game all or nothing vp accrual was, in my opinion, a major flaw and problem in fist edition MALIFAUX. Additionally such a scenario just wouldn't work well competitively because the factions aren't set up to be balanced in achieving it. Factions with access to lure effects would dominate because of the ease any faction has of getting one model to a point then luring them back.

if you made a lured model drop it you then shift the ability to dominate it to models with free pushes and so on, which not every faction has.

Don't get me wrong, it would be alot of fun, but not a good set up for competitive play. Which doesn't make it bad.

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My favourites are Guard the Stash, Stake a Claim, and Head Hunter. They provide with though choices and players won't earn VPs by simply standing around in a massive part of the board.


I don't like Reckoning. Peons counting and getting tabled will grant opponent VPs makes it such an boring strategy.

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