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Kaeris in the Wild (though not for sale)


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Wow, they look really stunning tbh. Right now I'm not sure it was the right decision sticking to the metal range :D


However has Wyrd changed its manufacturer or 3D sculpter? I'm not much a fan of the older plastic kits because they're too flat and the details a bit blurry for my taste. They are very dynamic posed but I simply haven't been able to paint them properly (especially the faces of my plastik Vik crew ... curse those babyfaces! :D)

Therefore I sold most of my plastic stuff and went back to the metals.

The limited BFS Performer and Katanaka Sniper though were detailed much sharper imo and not flat at all. So I'd be curious if there has been a change or if I'm just making this up :)

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Since I'm finiky and love Kaeris (You Don't Say?):
maybe it's the weird angle of the pic*, but I can't say if it's Kaeris Schwarzenegger tall, or Firestarter Danny DeVito short. Or both. (shinbone length and base filling are the only measure of comparison)
Alt Kaeris on the left doesn't help as she looks clearly oversized, but that doesn't bother me at all since she's a Limited Ed.
I wonder if she's 4+ months from now to fine tune some sizes...?

The Eternal Flame is just on the wrong base (should be on 40mm). And it is very cool.
The box without Gunsmiths is ok.
I'd give an arm to get those models right now! T.T

Ironsides box is damn cool too!

*(and it is very weird indeed, those in the first row are all supposed to be 30mm bases, but they get bigger and bigger towards left o.O and why is there a white and gold dress?)

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The Eternal Flame is just on the wrong base (should be on 40mm). And it is very cool.


The person building it obviously got freaked out by the though of a totem fitting on the base and used a 30 mm.


And have they put the Oxfordians on 50 mm bases instead of 40 mm? They look so much larger than bases of The Captain and Kaeris.

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