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If you had to build the crew with the most killing power...


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Lets say you could ignore the strategy and schemes and just build a crew that has the most killing power possible...what would your crew be?

(It would be great if you built them with the crew creator tool and then pasted them here)  Keep in mind, you still don't know what you're opponent will bring, or even what faction he/she will declare.  So the list has to be adaptable enough to kill anything that comes your way.


I'm anxious to see what you guys think!

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I guess Leveticus or Viktoria is a good bet. Although from an arcanist standpoint I might go Colette. I find her prompts add a ton of killyness to a crew.


This is quite incredibly killy I think


Arcanists Crew - 50 - Scrap

Colette Du Bois -- 4 Pool
+Arcane Reservoir [2]
+Shell Game [1]

Coryphee [7]
Coryphee [7]
December Acolyte [7]
Howard Langston [12]
+Imbued Energies [1]
Joss [10]
+Imbued Energies [1]

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  • 2 months later...

Believe it or not, I'd do a Zoraida gremlin crew!  



Lenny + "I'll Love it and Pet it" - 10    

Pigapult - 8

Merris Lacroix - 7

Bayou Gremlin - 3

Killjoy - 13

War Pig - 9


The idea here is to come at the opponent from multiple sources that can all straight up murder his dudes.  An obeyed War Pig can charge (Pig Charge), then stampede into (possibly) multiple other targets.  Lenny summons piglets for the pigapult, and guards Big Z.  The Pigapult launches the Bayou Gremlin (which is damaged heavily because you just whacked a few piglets at it with Lenny) into the middle of their crew and then shoots it in the back to summon KillJoy right into their lines on the first turn.  Big Z summons a Voodoo doll, which then hems something big and scary (obey it to try again if you miss the first free hem), then merris nails it with two flaming bottles to give it Burning +6!

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+ Bag of Props 

+ Strum Threads 


Arcane and Lucky effigy or Brutal and Hodgepodge Effigy 

Coppellius  and as many alps as I can fit. 

Possibly Vasilisa, Widow Weaver or Hannah.


Slow from the alps keeps the opponent from being able to do their killy stuff and some damage. Lazurus blasts things and Collodi takes what my opponent brought and uses it against them while preventing them from doing their own thing.  Coppelius is there as a horror target, some healing and more alps


Vasilisa if I want more obey, Widow Weaver, if I go with marrionettes instead of alps, to summon teddies from all the corpse and scrap, or hannah as a decent beatstick and second assimilate user. 


Much more of a let me pick you off one or two at a time while you can't do anything list. 

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As a Neverborn player, I'd bring out:

Lilith (3ss cache)

+ Beckon Malifaux (1ss)

+ Fears given form (1ss)

+Living blade (2ss)

Primordial Magic (2ss)

Mature Nephilim (11ss)

Nekima (13ss)

+ Fears Given Form

Teddy (11ss)

Baby Kade (7ss)

+ Depression (1ss)

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I'm surprised that we've gone this far without mentioning any Guild models. On a killyness-for-cost basis, it is hard to beat a Guild Rifleman, and if Sonnia can hit several models with blasts, the damage-per-AP is really quite rediculous. I'd do something like:


-Sonnia Criid

-Captain Dashel

-Papa Loco

--Hermanos de Armas

-2x Witchling Handlers

-3x Guild Riflemen

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