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Using Upgrades


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  In an average game how many upgrades do you find yourself taking? Do you take them for everyone who can take one?


  I find that if I have more than about three upgrades I find myself forgetting to use them (Decaying Aura and other passive effects are the worst for this) and so I will usually only put two maximum on my master and maybe another one on one of my Henchmen or Enforcers.


  Does anybody who uses lots of upgrades use anything or a system to help them remember to use them? I have the upgrade cards right next to my Master and Henchman's stat cards but at the end of a game I will always find myself noticing an action or ability that I had forgotten about and wasted a Soulstone on.


  Does anyone run their master with no upgrades at all? Is the extra Soulstones more useful over the game?


  Lots of questions, any answers? (I know that was another question!)

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Depends on the Master/model. Some upgrades are nearly mandatory (Who plays Dita without Trick Shooting? Seriously!), others are not. I usually integrate at least a few upgrades.


I seldom forget about abilities. It's not a thing that happens to me, for some reason. I don't count Kirai. I seem to know nothing about her...

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I usually run my master upgrade heavy, and I calculate 4-5ss worth of upgrades on my master, but I don't give my henchmen or enforcers upgrades that often.


When I have upgrades, I usually put them on my master's stat card. Then, if I find myself looking for the card, I see the upgrade.


Passives I forget sometimes, but after forgetting them a few times they are burned in my brain for some reason.


For extra soulstones, I usually aim for 4-5 stones, as I seldom need more. 

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I only play McMourning, and I'll always take him with Moonlighting because who wouldn't? I will usually stick Transfusion on either Seb or Valedictorian, and maybe a Decaying Aura upgrade as well. But like I said, I'm terrible at remembering to tell my opponent about the Aura damage ticking, so probably 1/3 of all matches I play it's a wasted Soulstone.

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Most of the time I end up taking 2-3 on my master and then a couple on henchmen and enforcers. As primarily and arcanist player, I end up using imbued energies a lot--it's great to have that discard to make a model fast or to get a fist full of cards when Myranda sacs herself to turn into the doomkitty.

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I think it's fairly commonplace to have at least 2 upgrades on a Master. Depending on said Master and of course faction really determines if you take that man on Henchmen and Enforcers. My Viks for example often have 4-5 upgrades between them leaving nothing for anybody else. My Hoffman crew will usually see 2 upgrades on Hoffman and that's all. Lilith I've been loading out with 3 upgrades recently and that's it. It's so dependent on schemes and strategy though it's hard to say for certain. 

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Depends I used to run kaeris with 2 then seize the day became available so I'll often load her up with 3 raspy I always take 3 on, lilith either 2or3 depending on if I feel living blade is needed, I've only been taking one at a time with lucius but I'm just getting started with him.

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Almost always at least 2 upgrades on a master, and probably one or two more on other guys in my crews.


I found I'd forget about them when starting a new master, and then after the game was over I'd smack myself in the head and say "Wow, that would have changed everything". Then play the master again and be sure to focus on getting that upgrade ingrained into my standard play. I've kind of gotten in the habit of looking over all my cards for the crew after a game, like when I get home that night or something. Then think about 'could I have used this part of the card instead'. That really helps me cement the idea of 'here is where you use this upgrade' in my head.


I started doing all this after a couple games of putting a McMourning poison crew together and not taking Transfusion on anyone. I'd get to turn 2, look around helplessly for a second and then say 'well why am I even here?'.

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Also with arcanists any spare ss got spent on imbued energies generally.


Can't understand why...


I started doing all this after a couple games of putting a McMourning poison crew together and not taking Transfusion on anyone. I'd get to turn 2, look around helplessly for a second and then say 'well why am I even here?'.



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Depends on the crew. Master is normally fully loaded with three. Depends on crew and how many I bring but henchmen usually get 1 to 2. Enforcers it varies. Some are all fully loaded some get nothing.

Seamus and Molly always get the full 3. Sybelle usually gets full load as well, but what she takes depends on list. Belle heavy means not too banged up is a certainty the rest vary.

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Master: 10ss *This is for upgrades and totems. Totems are kinda like an extra master upgrade*

Hench/Support: 15ss *This is for your henchman and their upgrades or some other form of support or synergy for your crew*

Combat: 15ss *These are all the models that will spend most of their AP on Dealing Damage or gaining Map Control*

Obj Runners: 10ss *These are all the models that will spend most of their AP on scoring VP or laying Scheme Markers*


As far as how many upgrades goes it's the same as trying to figure out which crew works better against other crews. It comes down to:

-Factions Declared


-Strategy and Schemes


Example McMourning: If you find your crew lacking Objective Runners, Plastic Surgery is a great choice to give you that extra mobility. If you are lacking in the Combat area you may want to take Unknowable Pain. Also you should know i consider Canine Remains as Objective Runners and Flesh Constructs as Combat. Nurses and Sebastian fall under Hench/Support. 


It's less about how many upgrades you SHOULD take and more about using upgrades to improve a part of you crew that may be lacking. I find my best games are ones where my Master doesn't have a set job to do and can help where ever they are needed. 


If you are having trouble remembering Upgrades i suggest writing them down. Some times writing something can help you put it in your memory since you have to physically copy the text instead of just skimming over it.

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In the games I have played I've been very comfortable with taking less than the maximum allowance in upgrades and I've even felt like dropping certain upgrades that I seem to forget to use.
My last list, for instance had:
Molly with Forgotten Path and nothing else.
Rogue Necromancy with Pack, and Philip & the Nanny with Take Back the Night.
In previous versions of the list I had also taken the Spare Parts upgrade as Molly drops piles of corpses, but I found that I never had the AP to use it (preferring her own summon or magic attack) and that I also felt short on soulstones, so I dropped it for 2 more soulstones.
I would often forget to use Take Back the Night so I'm tempted to drop it if I play the list again, but it seems useful enough to keep.
I did also play a game during the Beta where I took no upgrades in a Molly crew.  Only being able to summon Rotten Belles and Dead Doxies made it a very difficult game, but I still managed a draw against a decent local player.
I'm firmly in the "you don't always need upgrades (but you should consider them and have a reason why you're not taking them)" camp.
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Depends on the Master/model. Some upgrades are nearly mandatory (Who plays Dita without Trick Shooting? Seriously!), others are not. I usually integrate at least a few upgrades.



Starting to feel this way about Dirty Cheater on gremlin models that can take it. Also taking Pandora without Fugue State seems kinda wrong to me.

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Interesting, I only take Fugue State in special circumstances, however I almost always take Fears Given Form on her.

But yeah, it really depends. Both in the models in question and the stray and schemes. Colette for instance is rarely upgrade heavy. Most times I send 2ss on her and maybe 2-3 on the crew. A master like Raspoutina or Ramos is much more upgrade heavy. But it really depends on what you need to do in the game. But forgetting them usually isn't a problem.

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I think it really depends - sometimes I want to spend more on models for more activations.


I think it depends a bit on your playstyle if you would benefit from upgrades as well I guess.  Also on the schemes/strats, even your opponents


As for remembering them - I think it's the same as remembering all your abilities/actions.  Just familiarise yourself, reread over the ones you take when you're not playing.  You'll probably find there's a small number of upgrades you generally gravitate to.

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Then again with masters they really need some of their upgrades to function properly. Without them they feel like so much less.


Yeah. There are two Masters that I play really light on upgrades, and still I include at least one.


Lady Justice doesn't have the best of upgrades, but I never leave house without Last Stand.


Lucius' best abilities are on his card, but without the Hidden Sniper, he doesn't even have a (0).

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Then again with masters they really need some of their upgrades to function properly. Without them they feel like so much less.


True, upgrades always offer something that feels lacking on the base card. 


As said, I don't play low on upgrades, and usually go for 2-3 upgrades. 


Also, for Ressers, I consider Manical Laugh a must.

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