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Levi scheme runners


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Personally, I love Ashes & Dust as a Scheme Runner for Leveticus. It's crazy fast (more so with Scramble) and also a durable beatstick and summoner.


However, it's only available in the old metal. And it's the most costly model in the game.


Necropunks and Crooligans are also great, but also only in metal.


I also love Soulstone Miners. Also in metal.



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For games where mobility is really important (Stake a Claim, Deliver the Message, etc) I like to invest in Sybelle and a Rotten Belle, with Scramble on Sybelle if the terrain is heavy on Severe. It's basically a cost-equivalent alternative to the Ashes & Dust, but trading out some killing power for extra utility and the ability to move up to 12" and still make a (2) Interact.

For most other situations, I agree with Ted - the Ashes & Dust is probably the best scheme runner in the game (especially with Scramble). It will trivially cut through any other scheme runner it encounters (and most of the game's major beatsticks, for that matter) while requiring a concerted effort to put down, granting extra activations every time it dies, and providing either a jumping-off point or an additional card draw engine for Levi. It's the complete package.

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A&D all the way - eats other scheme runners too and you have extra activations to burn plus card advantage like crazy - if you need more schemey stuff I'd take miners and thats about it otherwise you're better off selecting a scheme oriented master, honestly.

Kadeton/Hateful Darkblack - Have you guys found scramble to really be that good or is that just more of a suggestion? I've never been in a position to need extra movement with something like Ashes and even then burning a scrap on the board is better than two stones - seems like a waste - let me know what you think. That's damn expensive too.

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I have found Scramble to use super useful for A+D. Well worth the 2 extra Soulstones. With Swift, the effects are exaggerated, and it's great to breeze through Severe terrain.


It's especially good for Stake a Claim, of course, since it means A+D can drop a Marker a Turn.

He will get Wk 6 with scramble wont he? And if you are in base contact with your last marker and move 6" you will still be within 6" of it so it gets removed if you do the claim Interact.

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He will get Wk 6 with scramble wont he? And if you are in base contact with your last marker and move 6" you will still be within 6" of it so it gets removed if you do the claim Interact.



Yes, you're correct, and yet.


It can get extra movement from destroying and reforming (which happens at end of turn, so it can Interact the next turn still.).


It can also get extra movement from pushing to a Scrap Marker with a (0) action.

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Yes, you're correct, and yet.


It can get extra movement from destroying and reforming (which happens at end of turn, so it can Interact the next turn still.).


It can also get extra movement from pushing to a Scrap Marker with a (0) action.

I see. I thought you were arguing in the previous post that Scramble made him good at Stake a Claim. Having scrap in the right place or your opponent spending AP on him without plans to finish the parts (does that happen a lot?) seems less reliable.

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I see. I thought you were arguing in the previous post that Scramble made him good at Stake a Claim. Having scrap in the right place or your opponent spending AP on him without plans to finish the parts (does that happen a lot?) seems less reliable.


Leveticus & Co. are pretty great at putting a scrap marker where they want it.  Leveticus can (0) action sacrifice an Abomination for two cards and a scrap marker [Edit: Sacrificed means no scrap marker], Rusty Alyce can (0) action place a scrap marker, or an Abomination/Lazarus can kill an Abomination via the two-damage-for-card ability.


As far as opponents spending too many activations killing A&D and not having enough left to prevent the reformation, this can be mitigated with your own models too.  Most opponents will whittle A&D down so they can pop him early next turn and then deal with the core.  You can prevent that by killing him off on your own if he's too low for comfort toward the end of the turn.

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I see. I thought you were arguing in the previous post that Scramble made him good at Stake a Claim. Having scrap in the right place or your opponent spending AP on him without plans to finish the parts (does that happen a lot?) seems less reliable.


Yeah, you're right, I totally was implying that the 6" Wk would be enough on its own, and it isn't. You need another trick to budge further to get a Stake a Claim a turn.


My bad. Good catch.

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