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Any news on Spirit releases?


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With there only being 24ss worth of models in the Vengeful Spirits box, no henchman, and only 2 of 5 possible Seishin it seems like a really undesirable box to get. Am I being crazy or does it seem like a bit of a jip? OK, I know I am being a bit harsh because you do get Ikiryo who is a big impressive model but no Henchman or enough Seishin to play properly it does kind of suck. I am definitely complaining but it won't be too bad if the next releases for Kirai mitigate this. Has there been any word releasing models like Datsue Ba and Jaakuna Ubme? If yes then great, if not then please, oh Wyrd ones, will you package Datsue Ba with more Seishin?

The only reason I saw this as post-worthy is because shipping costs to South Africa and availability of the old metals makes it really difficult to expand the crew in a meaningful way for anyone interested in starting her up.

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Datsu-Ba with more Seishen, Gaki and the Molly box would suit me just lovely please Wyrd!


It does suck on the one hand that Kirai doesn't have as much in her boxset as other boxes but not as much as it would suck if she didn't have everything needed to make her work.  Having said that if you want to bulk buy because of postage issues I think waiting is the name of the game unfortunately.

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Metal Datsue-Ba is a really nice sculpt. But I get it you might not wanna buy it. As you will need to buy the plastic one most likely for the seishins.

Has there been any official word either way as to whether Datsue-ba is coming packaged with seishin or not?

Edit: and then he sees Aaron's post just after replying... Oh well

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Has there been any official word either way as to whether Datsue-ba is coming packaged with seishin or not?


No. It's just a common assumption (aside from Aaron's 'No promises' comment). But I assumed the Desolation Engine would come with two Abominations, too.

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I heard somewhere that there'd be some Seishin in Datsue Ba...


  You see, this is why I love this company so much. It's an issue that people have raised that it's difficult to get hold of seishin in plastic, and this is not only a sensible and logical solution, they've also allayed fears directly instead of leaving concerns to ferment. Good job Wyrd!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Really looking forward to Datsue Ba...Have a translucent Kirai crew here, just waiting for more spirits to play with (and I'd prefer the plastics, myself).

Unfortunately it looks like it's going to be a long wait.

I don't understand why they released Kirai's box on its lonesome without the extremely vital other pieces. Wasn't it originally released at Gencon? So a year of it being out in an essentially unplayable form.

I'm guessing some sort of a mishap or something as otherwise it's just utterly baffling.

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I agree with Math. Kirai needs Datsue-Ba, Gakis and onryos to work properly as a core. Then she needs a whole lot more to work well enough. Like more Seishin.

It's a horrible box to buy by itself and seems like a long wait for people who do so to play that crew.

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Unfortunately it looks like it's going to be a long wait.

I don't understand why they released Kirai's box on its lonesome without the extremely vital other pieces. Wasn't it originally released at Gencon? So a year of it being out in an essentially unplayable form.

I'm guessing some sort of a mishap or something as otherwise it's just utterly baffling.

You're saying that like the Hanged don't exist. :) Shikome are a problem, but there are reasonable proxies, and Izamu exists, Drowned can be proxied from Mindless Zombies.... Not all is lost.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So are we who have some of the metals but not enough to make her fieldable because of loss of Gakis for example. Or night terrors. Or like a friend of mine is in a grinding halt because of the seishin.

Kirai is a tough one for sure. Her crew box gives so little to actually make her function.

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