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How Many Death Mashals?


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I don't even use them with Lady J. But I also don't play Lady J at all maybe like 2 matches out of 30. But I also just don't like death marshals as side from the box they don't do anything else some other model does better. Also i think the box is pretty meh. But all this being said I think McCabe would be the best fit do to his love of Minions and him not having synergy with stuff with other tags. Like Lucius with guardsman and Hoffman with constructs. But this is all my train of thought so it might not fit your play style. best of luck :D 

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I could not disagree any stronger with Rb_Man. Marshals are amazing, the Box is amazing, and I include one in most of my Guild crews.


They are best with McCabe, not even Lady J. Perdita and Sonnia make good use of them, Lucius likes them because they are Minions.


I kind of agree with Rb_Man though, in that I never include 3. They are versatile models, but somewhere during list building you need some specialists.

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I could not disagree any stronger with Rb_Man. Marshals are amazing, the Box is amazing, and I include one in most of my Guild crews.


They are best with McCabe, not even Lady J. Perdita and Sonnia make good use of them, Lucius likes them because they are Minions.


I kind of agree with Rb_Man though, in that I never include 3. They are versatile models, but somewhere during list building you need some specialists.



I think it is just my taste. Never had good luck with them. Most of what happens is I will box something then he dies fast. In truth I have issues even getting things in the box and most of the stuff I want to box it is better off to just kill it. My main issued with them are just low wound count with no damage mitigation, anything you box is easy to unbox buy just killing him, and the biggest one for me range 10 pistols. I mean range 10 is pretty bad most of the time if you are with in range to shoot you are with in range to get charged. But this is just my string of bad luck with them and how they really don't go with how I like to play.

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I take them in pretty much all my lists, but not in great numbers. One or max two is usually enough.

Lucius really likes them, because box is quite strong an ability. He also has the ability to easily transport Death Marshals to places where they get to use the box and away to safety after they have done that and have something valuable inside.

McCabe also likes them for pretty much same reasons as Lucius.

Sonnia likes them because they can carry Papa Loco around.

Perdita likes them for the same reason as Sonnia.

Hoffman will like them soon, if Brutal Emissary isn't changed very much.

The ones that benefit from them least are McMourning and Lady Justice, but playing them isn't shooting yourself in the foot even with them. You could still bring Papa Loco if you wanted.

Death Marshals aren't great scheme runners or damage dealers, but they aren't terrible either and the box makes them very dangerous for their 6ss cost.

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I had similar issues with their durability, especially against any min damage 3 models. I soon realized that I was using them too much like guardsmen and wardens, whose armor gives them a bit more staying power.

I still haven't been getting full value from them but I am starting to see how their flexibility and utility can pay off.

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I take your 6 Marshall's and raise you 5 Guild Guards! I used to run all the guardsmen so while waiting for wave 2 I played a couple of games with Justice, the Governor's Proxy and all my other guadsmen counting as Guild Guards. I think there were like 11 of them in total, it was hilarious  :)  


On topic, I'd agree with the general consensus on 1-2 Marshall's being good in most lists. They're kind of specialised and you generally want to use their abilities strategically, rather than spamming them everywhere.

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Just for the record, the primary reasons for getting them are 1) the models look awesome and 2) Tara will be in my life one day. That said, I thought having one along couldn't hurt, especially for removing some of the harder to wound models but it seems like some of the troublemakers have higher WP than expected.


Sounds like maybe 1 for most guild activities for me, then I just need to figure out how many Tara will need.


I wan't to love the guild gaurd. At what, 4 stones? guard spam could be fun, but the pose on the Gal Guild Guard model is just... yeah.

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5 Guild guards? You are a mad man! Mad man I say! How did it work for you? :D


I had a little look back and it was actually more like 8 Guild Guards and 2 Austringers. :D 


It went better than you'd think, they tended to complete schemes like distract and deliver a message just by sheer mass of bodies with only LJ and the Austringers for damage killing wasn't a great option. Depending on the pool it could be very easy to score 6-7 points but stopping your opponent scoring was harder.


I'd actually run it again just because it worked exactly like the 'orchestrated chaos' from their fluff with guardmen popping up all over the place and then standing around being ineffectual and distracting people.

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Having played against them weak 3 damage dealers kill them quite easily but if you keep the away from the middle they can box something important and stay away from the more dangerous enemies. Having said that i one shotted one today with captain dashel flipping the red joker due to the extra - from htw.

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Death Marshals come into there own for me at 2. 3 you should have Flames of the Pit out and know your opponent is bringing illuminated or other horror duel esque models.

So if the schemes and Strat are in favor of Lady J I will take 3.

Other than that two are powerful enough to damage an opponent's AP output and if you can get them out of Attack range of someone gunning for them even better.

I can't tell you how many times I've pineboxed a teddy and thrown the Marshal into the middle of no where.

Even better if you keep a high card to cheat in late activations so he stays in. Wp 6 means thay box not opening.

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Yesterday I played a Lady J game where the 2 DM I brought were my MVP.  One kept Bishop boxed the whole game, the other delivered Papa Loco to an extraction marker for lots of explosions before boxing a Torokage for an extraction point.  It was the first time where the box as an offensive weapon had worked out for me, but I held 13s in my hand specifically to keep him locked up.   They also dropped one of the Plant explosives markers. 


I'm starting to be a little more positive on them.

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