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If you could be anybody....

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So just a little random topic for some fun.


If you could be ANY model from the Malifaux game, who would you be and why?


Now as much as I dislike Seamus' style of play I think as a character he is a pretty cool character so I'd probably go for Seamus. 


Why you ask? This is why.... :D




Oh and because he has an awesome hat! So... let's have it, who and why?

So you want to be an abusive, extremely sexist serial killer, who specializes in killing female prostitutes? That makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.

I know this thread about fictional characters is for fun but I am somewhat disgusted by this. Partly because people think the abusive murderer of female sex workers is funny somehow, and someone they'd want to be. Just makes me feel uneasy :(

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So you want to be an abusive, extremely sexist serial killer, who specializes in killing female prostitutes? That makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.

I know this thread about fictional characters is for fun but I am somewhat disgusted by this. Partly because people think the abusive murderer of female sex workers is funny somehow, and someone they'd want to be. Just makes me feel uneasy :(


You don't find Seamus funny but offensive? I... kind of get it... but if you don't like the dark humor of this game, I'm somewhat puzzled why you play it. Could you elaborate? I'm really interested.

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There's so much more to this game than the humour of an abusive, sexist serial killer that people somehow think is rather charming. It's not like you have to like all of the characters of a game to enjoy the game. No i don't like Seamus, I don't find him funny, and I don't get why he's cool (other than he's got a fancy hat) but I love a lot about this game. It's awesome on the whole. I'm just a bit uncomfortable when sexual abuse and humour partner up like that.

Looking back on my post I feel like I may have been unnessecarily incriminating and aggressive in my tone though. Sorry about that. I had a shit day but I shouldn't let that go out on others!

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You don't find Seamus funny but offensive? I... kind of get it... but if you don't like the dark humor of this game, I'm somewhat puzzled why you play it. Could you elaborate? I'm really interested.

I don't like Seamus either, for pretty much the same reasons as Sybarite. And this game has many different tones, some things are played for humour, others more as horror, e.g. Jack Daw. So in that context I don't really get why they decided to cast the made-of-misogyny serial killer as one of the funny ones. And it's not like he is satirical or a deconstruction, he is just an outright monster portrayed as a "hilarious" scamp.


As for why I would still play the game, I compartmentalize and ignore the iffy bits.

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I have to say I highly doubt that MD wants to be a sexist, abusive, female prostitute serial killer to a point people should get uneasy..

I guess I kinda get the point if I really really try.. But it still it kinda eludes me. It's a character from a game, with a darker theme sure.

But I suppose the same could be said about Kaeris. She goes around flying and burning people alive? :P

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I get why he is played for humour. He is a mesh of Jack the Ripper and the Mad Hatter. The former was probably a horrible person, the latter is hilarious. My personal humour is dark enough to like such a mesh, as it's ridiculous. Also, almost all persons in Malifaux are pretty horrible people, even the heroic ones. Leveticus is played for laughs often enough, and may be the most disgusting of them all.


It's a taste thing, but I'm generally not easily offended by literary figures. I like Seamus. He is interesting. He's also disgusting and horrible, but I presume that MD identifies with the funny and interesting part.

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Wow this thread has taken on a very serious tone! 



So you want to be an abusive, extremely sexist serial killer, who specializes in killing female prostitutes? That makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.

I know this thread about fictional characters is for fun but I am somewhat disgusted by this. Partly because people think the abusive murderer of female sex workers is funny somehow, and someone they'd want to be. Just makes me feel uneasy :(


Sorry you feel that way Sybarite however I think you misunderstand my reasons for picking Seamus. I chose Seamus as my pick so I could walk around with a big ass hat and a bigger assed gun cackling to myself maniacally, yes I could have picked Som'er for that however Gremlins aren't my bag! It's not so much the murdering and the resurrection of women to add to my Undead Cat House that appeals to me but the Hat and Gun. I by no means condone murdering prostitutes at all (unless I'm playing Malifaux in which case killing Rotten Belles is highly encouraged!) I can't imagine anybody who would! I've always had a fascination with Jack the Ripper and the history / stories around him and so naturally I'm drawn to Seamus' fluff and character. I also happen to love the Mad Hatter and it's that aspect of the character that amuses me not the dark serial killing nut case who tears open women just to revive them. 

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Zfiend: No I don't expect that of MD either. I just have a problem with an abusive sexist monster being portrayed as one of the funny ones, like Bengt sais. And I think matters like misogynistic murder and abuse are a bit more sensitive than just plain old killing. There's just an entire load of baggage when it comes to such villainy and misogyny. And a lot of people living this earth have had experiences of abuse. Yeah it's not a huge deal that the characer exists. I just have a problem with him being portrayed as a funny, oddly charming(?) guy who you'd wanna be. The whole pimp humour thing is kind of gross too imo. I dunno. 

MasterDisaster: Yeah I didn't really expect you to truly want to be someone like Seamus or approve of his actions. But like I said abusive, sexist murderers portrayed as super funny and kind of charming makes me feel uneasy, and some of the humour people have about him can make me a little uneasy too. But yeah thanks for the explanation.

I dunno. I guess the shitty day, with the very pushy, flirty guy on the tram who kept touching me and wouldn't leave me alone didn't help. Might've effected my tone. like I said earlier, I'm sorry I came off as a bit incriminating and angry before.

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MasterDisaster: Yeah I didn't really expect you to truly want to be someone like Seamus or approve of his actions. But like I said abusive, sexist murderers portrayed as super funny and kind of charming makes me feel uneasy, and some of the humour people have about him can make me a little uneasy too. But yeah thanks for the explanation.

I dunno. I guess the shitty day, with the very pushy, flirty guy on the tram who kept touching me and wouldn't leave me alone didn't help. Might've effected my tone. like I said earlier, I'm sorry I came off as a bit incriminating and angry before.


That's fair enough. We all react to different things in different ways. I can certainly understand where you are coming from but I thought it best I explain my original decision rather than come off as some twisted psychopath. Don't worry about the tone of your previous comments, it takes more than a few lines on a forum to get under my skin. We all have crappy days, no offense taken :)

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I found this exchange to be really interesting. Thanks for sharing your views, all.

I second this. Sometimes I forget how lucky we are that the Malifaux community typically doesn't fall apart at the seams the second there is a disagreement or an offense. This is one of many times I have seen discourse like this on the forums over the years and I am always happy to run across it.

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I second this. Sometimes I forget how lucky we are that the Malifaux community typically doesn't fall apart at the seams the second there is a disagreement or an offense. This is one of many times I have seen discourse like this on the forums over the years and I am always happy to run across it.


Yeah, we really are lucky in this regard. I've been on a few forums where threads get mod hammered to hell and back because the argument rages out of control. Luckily the Malifaux community is very friendly and for the most part we keep our discussions civilized. 

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And I think matters like misogynistic murder and abuse are a bit more sensitive than just plain old killing.

As much as I don't like to touch a volatile topic like that, I have to point out that killing and abusing women is in no way worse or more villainous that killing and abusing men. Killing or abusing ANYONE is one of the worst things you can do, and Seamus is in no way worse than say, Pandora, which torments minds of everyone around her, or Lilith, who just wants to commit a wholesale genocide out of  racism (specieism?). There are damn few remotely positive characters among the Malifaux Masters in general.


That being said, I'd have to pick Lilith. Stylish skull-stomping boots, an army of your own spawn at your disposal, and simple, relaxing task of wiping out the stain of humanity from your world, in a totally fair, non-judgemental way.

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